Railroad tracks, 182.018
  Warning signs, electrical supply lines, 196.67
  Safety regulations:
  Electric lines, 196.67, 196.74
  Gas lines, 196.745
Turnpike corporation, contracts, damages, 182.36
Turnpike project, easements, damages, 182.37
Unbilled utility service, customer liability, 196.635
Units of product or service, standard, 196.15
Utility districts, 66.072

  Power districts, generally, Ch. 198
  Water districts, 198.22
Valuation and revaluation of utility property by commission, 196.05
Vehicles, exception to stopping and parking restrictions, 346.50 (1) (c)
Waste management facilities, financial responsibility requirements, 144.443
Water withdrawal, reporting required, 196.98
Wharf privileges, lease of, 30.30 (8)
see Transmission lines and facilities, under this subhead

Cooperatives, license, fees, 76.48
Delivery, failure, liability, 182.019
Energy conservation programs, 196.374
Flowage lands, acquiring, 182.016
Fraudulent tapping of meters, pipes, 941.36
Generating facilities and high-voltage lines, construction:
  Costs of proceedings, collection from utilities, 196.85 (1m)
  Easements, high-voltage lines, conditions, 182.017 (7)
  Near waterways, optional permit procedure, 30.025
  Planning and authorization requirement, 196.491
License, fee, 76.28
Municipalities may create, 66.073
Nuclear power plants, construction limited, 196.493
Safety regulation, 196.74
  Warning signs, 196.67
Wires and transmission lines,
see Generating facilities and high-voltage lines, under this subhead; and see Transmission lines and facilities, under subhead 1. General Provisions

public utilities - 3. municipal3. Municipal Utilities
  Assessments for commission expenses, 196.855
  Authorized, 66.065
  Necessity of taking, jury, when waived, 196.54 (4)
  Procedure, Ch. 197
Agreements for mutual aid, 66.069 (2) (e)
Appraisal by commission, expenses, 196.855
Charges, 66.069
  First class cities, 66.071
  Fuel depots, ice plant, landing fields, 66.074
Contracts by, for services, 196.71
Definitions, 66.06 (1)
Excess income, how invested, 66.069
Electric, 66.073
First class cities, 66.071
Intergovernmental cooperation, 66.30
Management, 66.068
Method of payment, 66.066
Officers, malfeasance, 196.68
Power districts, Ch. 198
Public works projects, 66.067
Sale or lease of plant, 66.07
Service outside of limits, 66.069 (2)
Slaughterhouses, 66.075
Special assessments, 66.08
Stock, borrowing against by municipality, 66.066 (4)
Utility districts, 66.072, Ch. 198
  Dwellings compelled to connect, 144.06
  Health regulations, DNR authority, 144.02
  Milwaukee, 66.071
  Municipal water districts, 198.22
  Tax exemption, 76.02 (13)
  Pipes in highways, 86.16
  Service outside corporate limits, 66.069 (2)
  Sewer and water, combining utilities, 66.077
  Town, sanitary districts to supply, 60.77

  Water mains:
  Extensions, in cities, expense, 62.19
  Reimbursement of assessments to owners, 66.068 (4)
  Special assessments, 66.60, 66.62
public utilities - 4. telecommunications4. Telecommunications Utilities
Alternative utilities, determination, exemption, 196.203
Cable telecommunications service provider, filing information with commission, 196.203 (1m)
Caller identification services, 196.207
Cellular mobile radio telecommunications utility, regulation exemption, 196.202
Charges and service, reasonable and adequate, 196.03
Cooperatives, federal loans, conditions, 196.605