Application for, notice, 75.12
  Defer taking dwelling, 75.143
  Tax roll delivered, 74.03
  Unlawful tax, claim filed or action commenced, 74.35
Town or village,
see Taxation district and Taxing jurisdiction, under this subhead
Unlawful taxes:
  Claim or action to recover, 74.35
  Reassessment ordered by court, 74.39
  Penalty, 75.375
  Warrant to sheriff, 75.37
taxation - 17. property tax deferral17. Property Tax Deferral
Appropriation, 20.566 (8)
Definitions, 16.994
Eligibility, 16.995
  Funding, 16.997
  Maximum, interest, 16.996 (1)
Program operation, 16.996
Purpose of law, 16.993
Revenue obligations, property tax deferral program, 16.997 (5)
Transfer of interest, 16.9955
taxation - 18. public utilities and18. Public Utilities and Insurers
Generally Ch. 76

Action, to collect tax, 76.22
Air carriers, 76.01, 76.02
  Adjustment of, 76.075
  By revenue department, 76.01, 76.07 (1)
  In name of operating company, 76.03 (4)
  Review, utility may request, 76.08
  Roll, 76.07 (2)
Car line companies, 76.39
  Earnings withheld, 76.39 (2)
  Interest for delinquency, 76.39 (4) (c)
  Review of assessment, 76.39 (4) (c)
  When taxes due, 76.39 (3), (3a)
Commercial property, net tax rate for, 76.125
Confidentiality of information, 76.30
Definitions of terms used, 76.02
Electric cooperatives, 76.48
Exempt from other taxes, 76.23
  To make reports, effect, 76.05
  To pay taxes, franchise forfeited, 76.14
Full market value of property, determination, 76.07 (5)
General structure:
  Assessment, exemption, 70.112 (4), 76.23
  Electric cooperative associations, license fees, 76.48 (1r)
  Telephone companies, license fees, 76.38 (8)
Hearing on state assessment, 76.10
Insurers, license fees and premium taxes, 76.60 to 76.69
Investigation by department, 76.46
Lien of taxes, 76.13 (2), 76.22
Light, heat and power companies:
  License fee in lieu of tax, 76.28
  Property subject to local tax, 76.28 (9)
Manufacturing property, net tax rate for, 76.125
Metropolitan transit authority, tax equivalent, 66.94 (5)
Notice of amount of assessment, 76.07 (3)
Omitted property, assessment, 76.09
Pipeline companies, 76.01
Powers of revenue department, 76.06
Premium taxes, 76.60 to 76.68
Presumption of regularity of revenue department proceedings, 76.18
Property, full market value determination, 76.07 (5)
Property in this state, determining, 76.07 (4g), (4r)
Property taxable, 76.03 (1)
Railroad companies, reports, form, 76.39 (3)
Railroads, taxes, deposited in transportation fund, 76.24
Rate, net for commercial and manufacturing property, 76.125
Reassessment, notice to companies, 76.15 (1)
Redetermination of assessment by Dane county circuit court, 76.08
  Effect of failure, 76.05
  Form, penalty for late filing, 76.04
Semiannual payments, 76.13 (2a)
Situs of taxable property in state capitol, 76.03 (3)
State rate, adjustment, hearing, 76.10
Stock exempt, 76.23
Tax roll, when completed, certificate, delivery, 76.13
Taxes payable into state fund, exceptions, 76.24
Telephone companies, 76.38
  Applicability of ch. 76, 76.001
Telephone exchange defined, 76.38
Unit assessment, 76.03 (2)
Visitorial powers of department, 76.06
taxation - 19. real estate transfer fee19. Real Estate Transfer Fee
Agricultural land, 77.22 (1)
Confidentiality of returns, 77.23