Forest croplands, 77.04
Forest products as personalty, to whom assessed, 70.18
Forms and blanks, 70.09 (3)
Full value assessment, 70.05 (5)
General provisions, 70.05
Hazardous waste treatment facility, 70.995 (2) (z)
  On leased lands, 70.17
  On U.S. lands, how assessed, 70.174
Interest disallowed on overassessments for taxpayers' delays, 70.511 (2) (b)
Irregularities not to invalidate, 70.555, 76.17
Lands mortgaged to state, assessment, 70.24
Managed forest land, 77.84 (1)
Manufacturing property, 70.05 (3), 70.06 (1), 70.10, 70.32 (3), 70.995
  Redetermination, state aid adjustment, 70.57 (2), 121.09
Mobile homes, parking fees by municipalities, 66.0585
Nonresidents, bank deposits by, not held doing business in state, 226.05
Notice of higher assessment, 70.365
Notice of property omitted from assessment, 70.44 (3)
Objections to:
  First class cities, 70.47 (16)
  How made, 70.47 (7)
Omitted property, 70.44
  Subsequently assessed, 76.09
One parcel assessment, when permitted, 70.28
Overassessments, procedure, 70.85
Partnership personalty, each partner liable, 70.21
Personal property:
  Defined, 70.04
  Examination of owner, tax returns, 70.35
  Held by agent, to whom assessed, 70.19
  Liability of owner where assessed to another, action to collect, 70.20
  Listing on tax roll, 70.30
  Lottery tax relief, 25.75
  Mobile home monthly parking permit, exception, 66.058 (3)
  Parking fees by municipalities, 66.0585
  Tax evasion, action, 70.36
  To whom assessed, 70.18
  Valuation, how made, 70.34, 70.345
  Where assessed, 70.13
Personnel, certification by department of revenue, 70.05 (4)
Plats, assessor's, 70.27
Property defined, 70.03
Public lands, assessment, 70.24
Real property:
  Assessment freeze under condemnation conditions, 70.105
  Defined, 70.03
  Lister, duties, 70.09
  Lottery tax relief, IV, 24; 25.75
  To whom assessed, 70.17
  Valuation by assessor, 70.32
  Where assessed, 70.12
Revaluation, 70.85
Revenue department valuation of counties and taxation districts, 70.57
Review of revenue dept. valuation by tax appeals commission, 70.64
Reviewing authority, delayed action, 70.511
Saw logs or timber removed from public lands, 70.13 (7)
Special assessments,
State assessment, when made, recorded, 70.575
Storage goods, to whom assessed, 70.18
Taxation district:
  Assessments, 70.57
  Tax roll, contents, procedures, 70.65
Time for assessing, 70.10
U.S. land improvements, 70.174
Vacation time-sharing property, 70.095
Valuation, 70.05
  Of personalty, how made, 70.34, 70.345
Warehouse goods, to whom assessed, 70.18
Wells, contaminated on property, valuation by assessor, 70.327
When made, 70.10
taxation - 3. aviation fuel tax3. Aviation Fuel Tax
Action to collect tax and penalties, 78.70
Acts forbidden, 78.73
Appeals, 78.69
Application for license, form, 78.57 (1)
Attachment to enforce tax, 78.70 (2)
Bond required of licensee, 78.57 (9)
Collection, 78.555
  Information, 78.80 (4)
Computation of tax, 78.58
Definitions, 78.55
Delinquent taxes, interest, 78.68 (4)
Discontinuance of business licensed, 78.57 (8)
Display of license, 78.57 (7)
Evidence in actions, 78.70 (4)
Exemptions, 78.62