Gambling, devices, prohibition, 66.051
Harbor improvements, 30.30 to 30.38
Harbor projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
  Joint municipal services, 141.04
  Public, expense of carrying out laws, 146.16
Health and educational facilities authority projects, waiver of construction and bidding requirements, 231.20
Housing, antidiscrimination ordinance, 66.432
Housing authority, loans or donations to, 66.404 (2)
Icebound inland waters, regulations, 30.81
Incorporation as city, 66.012
Industrial development, 66.52
  Revenue bonding, job impact estimates, 66.521, 560.034
Industrial development agency, 60.23 (4)
Insurance, local government property fund, Ch. 605
Insurance companies,
Investments, 66.04 (2)
  Delegation of investment authority, 66.04 (2m)
Joint civic buildings, authorized, financing, 66.504
Land gifts, relief from conditions, 66.27
Legal status, 60.01
Libraries, 43.52
License, issuance by clerk, 60.33 (8)
Liquor license law, Ch. 125
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Managed forest land, 77.80 to 77.91
Metropolitan sewerage districts, creation and operation, 66.20 to 66.26
Mining operation, local agreements, 144.839
Monuments and memorials, 45.05, 45.055, 60.84
Motor bicycles, registration, 349.18 (2)
Mutual insurance companies,
Name changed, county clerk to advise secretary of state, 59.17 (12)
Names, county board to give, 59.07 (22)
Navigable waters, navigation, Ch. 30
Navigation aids, limited jurisdiction for administration and enforcement, 30.745
  Delivery of papers to clerk, 60.07
  First meeting, 60.16
  Organization, 60.05
  Plat and record of kept by county clerk, 59.07 (22)
Nonmetallic mining reclamation, 66.038
Oak Creek law, 66.012
  Cancellation book and record, 66.081
  Judgment on, 67.26
  Adoption, publication, 66.035
  As evidence, 889.04
  Citations for violations, 66.119
  Publication or posting, 60.80
Organization by county board, 59.07 (22)
Organization in special cases, 60.05
  City law applicable, 27.13
  County exercise of municipal park powers, 27.075
  Land may be leased to subdivision association, 236.29 (3)
Pierhead lines, establishment, 30.13
Plats of land in, approval, 236.10
Platting lands for assessment, 70.27
Population, use of federal census, 60.81
Powers, general, 60.01
Private sewage system ordinance, 59.065
Public records,
Public utility and water supply,
Rabies control, local programs, 95.21 (9)
Generally 19.21 to 19.39

  Personal information protection, 19.62 to 19.80
Recreation department, 66.527
Reinvestment neighborhoods, 66.465
Resolutions, publication or posting, 60.80
River projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Room tax on hotelkeepers, motel operators, forfeiture, 66.75
School zones, traffic signs, 118.08
Service of summons on, 801.11 (4)
Shared revenue account, state, Ch. 79
Sidewalks, 66.615 (10)
Solar access permits, 66.032
Solar energy systems:
  Control of vegetation blocking, 66.033
  Regulation, 66.031
Solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 159.13
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Special laws, IV, 31
State aid, where state forest lands, state parks, hunting and fishing grounds located, 70.113
State main street program, 560.081
Surveys, monuments, 60.84
Town drains, procedure to form drainage district, 88.15 (2) to (7)
Uniform government, IV, 23
Urban rail line relocations, may apply for study, 85.065