Request substitution of judge, 48.29
  Service on, 48.297 (6)
  Waiver hearing, right to, 48.18 (3)
  Waive testimony right, 48.31
County child welfare services, 48.56 to 48.59
County children's home, Milwaukee, 48.58
County departments, powers and duties, 48.57
County to provide services, 48.06
  Reimbursement to counties under 500,000, 48.06 (4)
  Defined, 48.02 (2m)
  Extended jurisdiction, 48.366
  Municipal, 48.344
  Concurrent jurisdiction, 48.17
  Reimbursement orders, 48.275 (2)
  Reports, 48.33, 48.331
Crime victims, informational report to court, 48.331
Criminal proceedings:
  Bar to prosecution, 48.39
  Barred by disposition, 48.35
  Waiver of civil jurisdiction, 48.18
Custodian, reports to court, permanency plan review, 48.43 (5)
  Change in placement, 48.065 (3) (e), 48.357
  Change in placement, evidentiary rules at hearing, 48.299
  Child needing protection or services, transfer, 48.345
  Consent decree, 48.32
  Criteria for holding in, 48.205
  Hearing, 48.21
  Jurisdiction, 48.027
  Jurisdiction of other courts, 48.15
  Mentally ill, taking into, 51.15
  Notice, 48.20
  Of delinquent child transferred, 48.34
  Places of nonsecure, 48.207
  Releasing child from, 48.20
  Taking child into, 48.19
  Capias issued, 48.28
  Challenge lawfulness of, 48.297
  Exception, mother-young child program participant, 48.215
  As delinquency disposition, 48.34
  Child needing protection or services, 48.345
  Support duty of parent continues, 48.36
  To county dept., 48.43 (7), 48.57
Day care providers:
  Certification of, 48.651
  Information to, 48.653
Defenses, when raised, 48.297 (2)
Definitions, 48.02
Delays, 48.315
Delinquency adjudications, school district notification, 48.396 (7)
Delinquency due to killing admissible, 48.35 (1) (b) 4
Delinquent child:
  Aftercare pilot program, 48.535
  Amendment of petition, 48.263
  Computer crimes, 48.34 (4p)
  Contributing to condition as, 48.44, 48.45
  Custody hearing, 48.21
  Dispositional hearing, 48.335
  Dispositional orders, 48.355
  Disposition of case, 48.34
  Duration of control, 48.53
  Evidentiary rules at hearing, 48.299, 48.31 (1)
  Foreign, transfer to foreign countries under treaty, 48.34 (11)
  Home placement, 48.34 (2m)
  Jurisdiction, 48.12
  Milwaukee county children's home, 48.58
  Petition, 48.25
  Standard of evidence, 48.243
  Statements without counsel inadmissible, 48.297
Dependent child,
see Child needing protection or services, under this head
Deposit, failure to submit, 48.237
Detention, hearing, 48.21
  Hearing, notice of, 48.20
Detention facilities:
  County, 48.22
  Secure, 48.02 (16), 48.208
  Statewide plan, 48.225
Developmentally disabled, 48.135
  Examination ordered, 48.295
  Taking into custody, 48.19, 48.20 (5)
Discovery, 48.293
Dismissal of petition, 48.21, 48.31 (2)
  Bars criminal proceedings, 48.35
  Child needing protection or services, 48.345
  Child violating civil law or ordinance, 48.237, 48.343
  Delinquent child, 48.34