Intoxicating liquor, beer and drug violations, 48.344, 48.355 (3m)
  Recommended in court reports, 48.33
  Restrictions on custodial adults, 48.21 (4)
Disposition staff, powers and duties, 48.069, 48.08 (2)
Dispositional hearings:
  Rules of evidence, 48.299
  Telephone or live television, 48.335
Dispositional orders, 48.17, 48.355
  Applicability to parents, guardians, custodians, 48.355 (7), 48.45
  Change in placement, objections, 48.357 (1)
  Continuation of, 48.362
  Extension of, 48.065 (3) (e), 48.365
  Reasonable efforts standards, 48.355 (2c)
  Revision of, 48.065 (3) (e), 48.363
District attorney's duties, 48.245 (7), 48.25
Driver's license:
  Information not disclosed, 48.396 (4), 343.30 (5)
  Suspended, 48.17, 48.34, 48.343, 48.344
Drugs and alcohol,
see Alcohol and drug abuse, under this head
Earnings of self-supporting minor, 48.987
Emergency, change in placement, 48.357
Emotional damage, basis for finding, 48.31
Employes, 48.04
Error in petition not grounds for dismissal, 48.263
  Dispositional order based on, 48.355 (3m)
  Hearings, 48.299
  Inadmissible in other cases or proceedings, exceptions, 48.35 (1)
  Motion to suppress, 48.297
  Mental, ordered by court, 48.30 (5)
  Motions or objections, heard by telephone, 48.295 (4)
  Physical and mental, 48.295
Exclusion of child from hearing, 48.299
  Court-ordered examination, 48.295
  Of persons summoned, 48.273
Extension of dispositional orders, 48.365
Extensions, 48.25 (2), 48.315
Firearms, unsafe use, order to attend safety course, 48.343
Fish and game licenses, suspended, 48.17, 48.34, 48.343
  Alcohol and drug violations, 48.344
  Child violating civil law or ordinance, 48.343
  Not to exceed $50, exception, 48.34 (8)
Formal complaints, child care agencies, 48.745
Foster homes,
Group homes,
  Appointment and removal, 48.14
  Capias issued for, 48.28
  Consent required for informal disposition, 48.245 (1)
  Department, 48.43 (7)
  Examination of, 48.295
  Notice to, 48.27
  Request extension of disposition, 48.365 (1)
  Request revision of disposition, 48.363
  Request substitution of judge, 48.29
Guardian ad litem, waive testimony right, 48.31
Guardianship, 48.023
Health and social services department:
  Authority, 48.48
  Data on child, given to, 48.49
  Examination of children in custody of, 48.50
  Powers and duties, 48.48 to 48.54
  Records, children in custody, 48.54
  Services, 48.08
  Transportation, provided when custody transferred, 48.49
  Aftercare revocation, 48.357 (5)
  Change in placement, 48.357
  Closed, exception, 48.299
  Dispositional, 48.335
  Extension of dispositional orders, 48.365
  Fact-finding, 48.31 (2)
  Mental disease or defect, 48.30 (5)
  Plea, 48.30
  Involuntary removal, 48.305
  Removal of child without consent, 48.305
  Removal from runaway home, 48.227
  Revision of dispositional order, 48.363
  Rules of evidence, 48.299
  Use of telephone, 48.299 (5)
Holding child in custody, 48.19 to 48.235
  Exception, mother-young child program participant, 48.215
Home placement, 48.33 (2), 48.34 (2m)
Identifying birth parental information, access to, fee, 48.433
Incestuous parenthood, 48.415 (7)
Indian children: