Increase of membership, 64.39, 64.40
  Powers and duties, president, 64.29
Election of officers, terms, eligibility, 64.28
Elections, 8.13
Existing laws in force, not affected by change, 64.27 (1)
How adopted, 64.25
Mayor, not to have veto power, 64.29
Meetings of council, 64.33
Offices, council may create or abolish, 64.32
Ordinances not affected by change to, 64.27
Removal of officers, 17.12 (2)
Reorganization after abandonment of commission form, 64.37
Salaries for mayor and council members, 64.31
Second class, appointment of officers, salary, terms, 64.39
Superintendent of streets, term, salary, 64.30
Terms of officers in city adopting commission form, when to terminate, 64.26
Treasurer, salary, term, 64.30
Vacancies, filling, 17.23 (2)
Vested rights not affected by change to, 64.27
city - 6. common council6. Common Council
Accounts of officers, to examine, 62.12 (3)
Aldermen, 62.09 (1)
  And county supervisor compatible, 59.03 (4)
  Election, 62.09 (3)
  Fence viewers, 90.01
Armory, erect or purchase, use of, 21.61
Assessment, invalid, 66.635
Audits and reports, requiring, 66.041
Budget system:
  Adoption, 65.01
  Compulsory, 65.90
Building inspector, appointment, 62.23 (9)
Business improvement districts, 66.608
Claims, procedure on, 66.044
Community action agencies:
  Appropriate funds for promoting, 66.434
  Approve, 46.30 (2)
Compensation, 62.09 (6)
Constable, establish higher fees, 814.705
Dumping areas, regulations, 66.052
Easements, acquisition, 62.22 (1m)
Eligibility for other offices, 66.11
Emergency government program, 166.03 (4)
Emergency powers, 66.325
Expert appraisers, employ, 70.055
Fire and safety ordinances, 62.23 (9)
Gambling, devices, prohibition, 66.051
Hazardous waste management:
  Disposal facilities, local approval, 144.44 (1m), 144.445
  Negotiation and arbitration, 144.445
Health department, city-county, 140.09
  City-county, evidentiary rules, 140.10
Health rules, authority not limited by statewide provisions, 146.17
Highway lands, acquisition, counsel, 84.09 (3m)
Hospitals, lease agreements with nonprofit corporations to finance facilities, 66.501
Housing authority:
  Dissolution, 66.40 (26)
  For elderly, resolution creating, 66.395 (4)
  Resolution creating, 66.40 (4)
Housing corporation, preferred stock, subscription, 182.004 (8)
How constituted, 62.11 (1)
Humane officers, appoint, 58.07
Loans to school districts, 62.12 (9)
Mayor, vote, 62.11 (1), (3)
Meetings, open to public, 19.81 to 19.98
  Time, 62.11 (2)
Mortgage housing assistance, authorize, 66.38
Motor vehicle registration fee, may impose, 341.35
Municipal court, ordinance creating, 755.01
Offensive industries, may regulate location, 66.052
Ordinances, style, 62.11 (3)
Override of mayor's veto, 62.09 (8) (c)
Parks, unused, vacation, 236.43 (3)
Playground, unused, vacation, 236.43 (3)
Police, establish higher fees, 814.705
Powers, 62.11 (5)
President, 62.09 (8) (e)
Proceedings, publication, 62.11 (4)
Property rights, acquisition, 62.22 (1m)
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, establishment, 33.23
Public utilities, regulation, 196.58
Quorum, two-thirds to constitute, 62.11 (3)
Railroads, crossing each other, 195.30
Redistricting, 62.08
Reorganized commission city, 64.37
Room tax on hotelkeepers, motel operators, enact ordinance, forfeiture to enforce, 66.75
Rules for board of public works, 62.14 (4)
School bus warning lights, regulate use, 349.21
School crossing guards, appointment, 349.215