  Compensation, 230.12 (6)
  For work on holidays, 230.35 (4)
Part-time employment, 230.215
Pay adjustment filing requirements, 230.12 (7m)
Payrolls certified, mandamus, 16.415
Penalty for violations, 230.43
Performance evaluation program, 230.37
Personnel commission, powers and duties, 230.45
Political activities restricted, 230.40
Political, religious discriminations, 230.18
Positions, creation or abolishment, 16.505
Prison industries classifications, 230.21 (3)
Probationary period, 230.28
Project positions and appointments, 230.27
Promotions, 230.15, 230.19
Public buildings, use by examiners, 230.16 (9)
Reclassification, 230.09 (2)
Reclassified, rights of employe, 230.43 (4)
Recommendations for employment, 230.20
Records, closed, exception, 230.13
Recruitment, 230.14
Reduction in base pay, 230.34
Reinstatement, 230.31
  Right for three years when filling elective position, 230.40 (3)
  Political activity cause for, 230.40
  Rights of employe, 230.43 (4)
Restoration of employment, 230.31
Revisor of statutes staff, 13.93 (2) (a)
Roster of classified service, 230.04 (12)
Rules, 230.05 (5)
Salary, 230.12
  Ranges, for state department heads, 20.923 (4)
  Taxpayer's suit to restrain, 16.415 (3), 230.43 (5)
  While in unclassified position, 230.33
  Compensation plan revision, duties, 230.12 (3)
  Establishing and abolishing positions, 230.09 (2)
  Filling new or vacant position, notify secretary of administration, when, 230.09 (2) (g)
  Records and reports, 230.06
Secretary and administrator, closed records, exception, 230.13
Seniority credit for federal employment during emergency, 230.32 (6)
Service classes, separate examinations and certification procedures, 230.21
Sexual orientation, discrimination, 230.18
Sheriff's deputies and traffic division, 59.21 (8)
Sick leave, vacations, 230.35
Soldiers' leave, reinstatement, 63.06, 230.32
Standards of performance and ratings, 230.37
Suggestion board:
  Creation, membership, terms, 15.175 (1)
  Duties and functions, 230.48
Supplementary compensation, 230.12 (1) (c)
Suspension, 230.34
Taxpayers' actions, 16.415 (3), 230.43 (5)
Termination, of limited term employe, 230.26 (5)
Town assessors, 60.307
Training programs, 230.046
  Waive supervisor's probationary period, 230.28 (1)
Transfers, 230.29
Tuition refund program, 230.046 (9)
Unclassified division administrators, rights of, 230.335
Unclassified service, 230.08 (2)
  Boys and girls in youth conservation camps, 23.09 (23)
  Division administrators, 230.08 (2) (e)
  Salaries, 20.923 (4)
  Employe trust fund department, deputy, 230.08 (2) (L)
  Health care information director, 230.08 (2) (ym)
  Investment board employes, 230.08 (2) (p)
  Leave from classified, salary, reinstatement, restoration rights, 230.33
  Legislative audit bureau personnel, 230.08 (2) (fe)
  Legislative council director and personnel, 230.08 (2) (fo)
  Legislative employes, 13.20 (1), 230.08 (2)
  Parole commission chairperson, 230.08 (2) (pd)
  Psychiatric residents, 230.08 (2) (u)
  Reappointments, 230.148
  State auditor, 230.08 (2) (fe)
  Supreme court justices and employes, 230.08 (2)
Understudy selection, 230.04 (11)
Unfit employes, part-time service, retirement, 230.37 (2)
Uniforms and safety equipment, 230.12 (1) (d)
Unskilled labor, separate examinations and certification procedures, 230.21
  Authorities to notify director, 230.25
  Filled by competition in classified service, 230.19 (2)
Vacations, 230.35
Veterans and spouses, preference, 230.16 (7)
Village may establish, veterans' preference, 66.19
Whistleblower, 230.80 to 230.89, 895.65