  Claim or defense by purchaser, 403.304
  To third party, 403.803
Notice of dishonor, 403.501, 403.508
  Excused, when, 403.511
  Guaranty as affecting necessity, 403.416 (5)
Obligation for which given, effect of instrument on, 403.802
  Description of payee as officer, 403.117
  Signatures, 403.403 (3)
Omissions not affecting negotiability, 403.112
  Paper not payable to, 403.805
  Unconditional, what is, 403.105
Order of liability of indorsers, 403.414
Parol evidence of accommodation, 403.415 (3)
Partial assignment, indorsement as, 403.202
Partial payment, right to require receipt, 403.505 (1) (d)
Partnership, unconditional promise or order in paper of, what is, 403.105 (1) (h)
Payable through bank, 403.120
Payable to bearer, 403.111
Payable to order, 403.110
  Signature in name of, 403.405
  Two or more persons, 403.116
  Definite time, 403.109
  Discharge by, 403.603
  Finality of, 403.418
  Guaranteed, 403.416 (1)
  Payable on demand, 403.108
  Sum certain, 403.106
  Time allowed, 403.506
Postdating, 403.114
  Notice of claim or defense, 403.304
Presentment, 403.501 to 403.511
  Acceptance, time allowed for, 403.506
  Excused, when, 403.511
  How made, 403.504
  Rights of parties, 403.505
  Time for, 403.503
  Unexcused delay, discharge, 403.502
  Warranties, 403.417
Presumptions, signatures, genuineness, 403.307
Printed terms, 403.118 (2)
Promises, unconditional, what are, 403.105
Protest, 403.501, 403.509
Ratification, unauthorized signatures, 403.404
Reacquisition of instrument, cancellation of indorsement, 403.208
Receipt, rights of party on presentment, 403.505 (1) (d)
Recording, notice of claim to purchaser, 403.304 (5)
Recourse, right of upon dishonor, 403.507 (2)
Renunciation, discharge by, 403.605
Requirement for negotiability, 403.104
Representment, after dishonor, 403.507 (4)
Reservation of rights, discharge as affected by, 403.606 (2)
Restrictive indorsements, 403.205
  Discharge by payment or satisfaction as affected by, 403.603 (1) (b)
  Effect, 403.206
  Holder in due course, 403.305
  Holder not in due course, 403.306
Rules of construction, 403.118
Satisfaction, discharge by, 403.603
Scope of chapter, 403.103
Seal, negotiability as affected by, 403.113
Secondary parties:
  Discharge, unexcused delay, 403.502
  Presentment necessary to charge, 403.501
Security interest, transfer, 403.201 (2)
Self-authentication, 909.02 (9)
Separate written agreement, 403.119
Set of parts, drafts in, 403.801
Short title, 403.101
  Acceptance as affected by, 403.410 (1)
  Agent, 403.403
  Ambiguous, 403.402
  Assumed name, 403.401
  Burden of establishing, defenses, 403.307
  Discharge by cancellation of, 403.605 (1)
  Indorsement, 403.402
  Liability, 403.401
  Unauthorized, 403.404
  Negligence contributing to, 403.406
Special indorsement, 403.204
Statute of frauds as affecting guaranty written on instrument, 403.416 (6)
Stolen paper:
  Action on, 403.804