Satisfaction, discharge by, 403.603
Scope of chapter, 403.103
Seal, negotiability as affected by, 403.113
Secondary parties:
  Discharge, unexcused delay, 403.502
  Presentment necessary to charge, 403.501
Security interest, transfer, 403.201 (2)
Self-authentication, 909.02 (9)
Separate written agreement, 403.119
Set of parts, drafts in, 403.801
Short title, 403.101
  Acceptance as affected by, 403.410 (1)
  Agent, 403.403
  Ambiguous, 403.402
  Assumed name, 403.401
  Burden of establishing, defenses, 403.307
  Discharge by cancellation of, 403.605 (1)
  Indorsement, 403.402
  Liability, 403.401
  Unauthorized, 403.404
  Negligence contributing to, 403.406
Special indorsement, 403.204
Statute of frauds as affecting guaranty written on instrument, 403.416 (6)
Stolen paper:
  Action on, 403.804
  Payment or satisfaction, discharge by, 403.603 (1) (a)
Sum certain, 403.106
  Foreign currency, 403.107
Tender of payment, discharge by, 403.604
Terms not affecting negotiability, 403.112
Terms that are ambiguous, 403.118
Third persons, notice of litigation to, 403.803
  Notice of dishonor, 403.508 (2)
  Payable at definite time, 403.109
  Payment, time allowed for, 403.506
  Presentment, 403.503
Title of chapter, 403.101
Trade name, signature by, 403.401 (2)
  Application of chapter, 403.805
  Right to indorsement, 403.201
  Warranties, 403.417
Trust or estate, unconditional promise or order in paper of, what is, 403.105 (1) (h)
Typewritten terms, 403.118 (2)
Unconditional promise or order, 403.105
Undated paper, negotiability of, 403.114 (1)
United States consul, protest by, 403.509
Value, taking for, 403.303
Variance of draft by acceptance, 403.412
Vice consul, protest by, 403.509
Waiver of presentment, 403.511
Warranties on presentment and transfer, 403.417
Without recourse, 403.414
  Warranty on transfer, 403.417 (3)
Words as controlling figures, 403.118 (3)
commercial code - 5. documents of title5. Documents of Title
Generally Ch. 407

Attachment of goods covered by, 407.602
Bailees, applicability of other laws, 407.103 (2)
Bills of lading:
  Alteration of, 407.306
  Carrier liens, 407.307, 407.308
  Destination bills, 407.305
  Fraudulent issuance, 134.20
  In a set, 407.304
  Issuer, liability, 407.301
  Railroads, common carriers, 192.42
  Reconsignment of goods, 407.303
  Reservation of security interest, 402.401 (2), 402.505
  Through bills, 407.302
Bona fide purchaser, 407.501 (4)
  Sale to enforce carrier's lien, 407.308 (4)
  Sale to enforce warehouse keeper's lien, 407.210 (5)
Claims, conflicting, 407.603
Commercial contract, compliance with, 407.509
Construction against negative implication, 407.105
Definitions, 407.102
Delivery of goods, 402.308
  Diversion, change of shipping instructions, 407.303, 407.504 (3)
  Negotiation by, 407.501 (1) to (3)
  No liability for good faith delivery, 407.404
  Obligation of carrier or warehouse keeper, 407.403
  Stopped by sellers, 407.504 (4)
Duplicate receipts, 407.402
Good faith delivery of goods, 407.404
Indorsement, 407.501
  Right to compel, 407.506