Gifts to state, separate accounts, 20.907 (2)
Hearings and appeals division:
  Administrator's duties, 301.035
  Parole and probation revocation hearings, 302.335
  Parolees, 302.11 (7), 304.06 (3)
  Probation revocation, 973.10 (4)
Highway contracts, transportation dept. to report on awarding to minority businesses, 84.075
Highway map, distribution and sale, 84.02 (5)
Housing, state-owned, secretary to maintain rental policies, 16.004 (8)
Housing advisory council, duties, 16.31, 16.38
Housing trust fund advisory council, creation, members, terms, 15.107 (4)
Insurance commissioner, provide offices, supplies, 601.14
Investigative and adjustment services, authority to contract for, 16.865 (7)
Judgment against state, audit, 775.04
Justice assistance office,
  Appropriation, 20.505 (6)
Land information board, 16.967
  Creation, members, terms, 15.105 (16)
Local government pooled-investment fund, duties, 25.50
Local government property insurance fund, inadequacy of fund, 605.30
Low-level radioactive waste council, duties, 16.135
Management audits, 16.004 (6)
Maps of congressional and legislative district boundaries, 16.96
Medium security prison, validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Mobile homes:
  Dealers regulated, 218.10 to 218.17
  Parks regulated, 16.366
Motor carrier tax wrongfully collected, 194.51
Natural resources hearings and appeals, 227.43
Nursing home hearings and appeals division, creation, administrator, 15.103
Organization of department, 16.001
Pamphlet laws, cost, 35.19
Parole commission,
Payments to local governments for public services, negotiate, 70.119
Population estimates, duties of department, 16.96
  Accounts, paper, costs, 35.62
  Base prices, 35.56
  Bids, advertising for, 35.57
  Bills, itemized, filing, 35.61 (2)
  Books, 35.44
  Classification, paper, 35.03 (8), (9)
  Cost calculation, 35.80
  Costs and charges, 35.035
  County distributees lists, 35.89
  Delivery, 35.61 (1)
  Distribution, to whom, 35.84, 35.85
  Editing of copy, 35.55
  Employes, 35.04
  Expense, how charged, 35.63
  Increase or diminution of editions, 35.52
  Pamphlets and magazines, 35.29
  Accountability, 35.65
  Purchase, 35.65
  Quality of, to determine, 35.50
  Parts of reports or decisions, 35.28
  Powers of department, 35.03
  Printer's copy with requisition, 35.55
  Proofs, 35.51
  Report to joint committee on finance, 35.03 (6)
  Sales, price list, 35.91
  Second editions, may order, 35.03 (7)
  Special purchases, 35.64
  Specialty, 35.44
  Specifications, 35.56
  Unused by state, return ordered, 35.90
Privacy council:
  Creation, membership, terms, 15.107 (13)
  Duties and powers, 19.625
Property, surplus, dept. may obtain and transfer, 16.375
Property taxation, deferral for the elderly, 16.993 to 16.997
Public documents:
  Copies to historical society, 44.06
  Distribution and sale costs and charges, 35.78
Public printing,
see Printing, under this subhead
Public records and forms board:
  Creation, 15.105 (4)
  Membership, 15.105 (4)
  Powers and duties, 16.61
Public welfare institutions, preaudit supervision, 46.09 (3)
  Cost calculation, 35.80
  Distribution, sale, 35.91
Purpose, 16.003 (1)
Radioactive waste, midwest low-level interstate compact, 16.10 to 16.13
Radioactive waste council, creation, membership, 15.107 (9)
Radioactive waste review board,