Assignment of funds, 185.41 (4)
  Damages for breach or interference, 185.43
  Filing, fees, effect, 185.42
  Liquidated damages, 185.41 (3)
  Statement of termination, 185.42 (5)
  Term, validity, 185.41 (1), (2)
  Venue of actions, 185.44
  Corporation to cooperative, 185.64
  To nonstock corporation, 181.485
Corporation, conversion to cooperative, 185.64
Credit unions, Ch. 186
Creditors, actions to liquidate, claims, 185.73
Definitions, 185.01, 185.034
Dental care, 185.981 to 185.985
Derivative actions, 185.93
  Apportionment and distribution of proceeds, 185.45
  Best interests of the cooperative, 185.365
  Compensation and benefits, 185.36
  Election, number, removals, vacancies, 185.31
  Executive committee, 185.33
  Indemnification, 185.035 to 185.042
  Informal action, 185.34
  Liability, 185.367, 185.37
  Meetings, quorum, notice, waiver, 185.32
  Reliance on information, 185.363
Discrimination against by corporations, 185.95
Dissolution and liquidation, 185.71 to 185.76
Division of cooperative, 185.63
Earnings, apportionment and distribution, 185.45
  Duplication of facilities, regulated, 196.495
  License fees, taxation, 76.48
  Waste disposal facilities, financial responsibility requirements, 144.443
  Compensation and benefits, 185.36 (2)
  Indemnification and allowance of expenses, 185.04
  Wages, stockholder liability, 185.37
Executive committee, 185.33
False documents, filing, penalty, 185.825
Fees or penalty due state, action for, 185.84
Filing and recording:
  Amendment to articles, 185.53 (2)
  Annual reports, 185.48
  Articles of dissolution, 185.71 (5)
  Articles of division, 185.63 (3)
  Articles of merger or consolidation, 185.62 (1)
  Change of officers filed with secretary of state, 185.35 (1)
  Change of principal office or registered agent, 185.815
  Contracts, 185.42
  Decree of dissolution, 185.73 (4)
  Fees, 185.83 (1)
  Procedure, 185.82
  Secretary of state, drafter's name to appear on documents, 14.38 (14)
Foreign cooperatives, admission, qualifications, 185.81
Hospital care, 185.981 to 185.985
Income or franchise tax returns, 185.50
Incorporators, 185.043
  Additional rights, 185.038
  Agents and employes, 185.04
  Allowance of expenses, 185.037
  Court-ordered, 185.039
  Determination of right to, 185.036
  Insurance, 185.041
  Mandatory, 185.035
  Securities claims, 185.042
Involuntary dissolution, 185.72
  Directors, members, stockholders, 185.37
  Directors and officers, 185.367
  For wrongful transfers of securities, 185.24
  Insurance, 185.041
Liquidation, 185.73 to 185.75
Membership, 185.11
  Derivative actions, 185.93
  Disposal of fixed assets, 185.38
  Informal action, 185.34
  Meetings, 185.13
  Voting, generally, 185.12
Membership stock, issuance and transference, 185.21 (3)
Merger, 185.61, 185.62
Minutes of meetings, 185.47
Mortgaging property, 182.025, 185.38 (2)
Name cooperative, use, 185.94
Name reserved, 185.045
Net proceeds, distribution, 185.45