Offices for, county board to provide, 27.03
Organization, power, 27.03
Park fund, moneys, paid into, 27.05
Powers, 27.05
Preliminary survey, 27.04
Records, open to inspection, 27.03
Reports to county board, 27.04
Special improvement bonds, 27.065
Stream pollution control, 27.05 (7)
Study, map and plan county parks, 27.04
Term, 27.02
Trees and shrubs, to care for, 27.05 (5)
Weed control in waters, 27.05 (7)
Acquisition and financing, 27.065
Apportionment of special assessment, 27.065 (13)
Appropriation, 27.06
Change in restricted use of land, 27.065 (15)
Dams erected in, 59.07 (1)
Division of tract, assessment apportioned, 27.065 (13)
Highway committee to reapportion special assessments, 27.065 (13)
Municipal park powers, county board may exercise, 27.075
Notice to lay, extend or vacate, 840.11
Operation, 27.015
Property, tax exemption, exception, 70.11 (2)
Sewage disposal, 27.05 (1)
Sidewalks, repair, 27.065 (4)
Special assessments, 27.065
county - 15. records15. Records
Generally 19.21 to 19.39

Brown county, as evidence, 2.05
County clerks, keep, 59.71
Custodians (legal), 59.07 (6)
Destruction, 19.21 (5), 59.715 to 59.717
Evidence, receivable as, 891.11 (1)
Examination by public, forfeiture, 59.14
Forest county, evidence, 2.06
Form, county board to prescribe, 59.07 (6)
Iron county, evidence, 2.06
Legal custodians, 59.07 (6)
Menominee county, transfer to, 2.08
  Affiliated historical society, custody, 44.03 (6)
  Historical society to preserve, 44.09
  Destruction, 59.715 to 59.717
  Transfer to historical society, 59.716
Optical disk:
  Standards, administration dept. to develop, 16.612
  Transfer to, 59.145
Personal information protection, 19.62 to 19.80

Rebinding, transcribing, certificate, fee, 59.71
Recording and copying, 228.07
Register of deeds, access to, 59.14 (3), (4)
Retention time, 16.61 (3) (e)
Rusk county, evidence, 2.07
Tract indexes, county board may adopt, 59.55
Abatement of private nuisance, expenses, 844.21
Abused or neglected children, reported to, 48.981
Acting outside the county or municipality, pay, 66.315
Action against, limitation, 893.70
Aid, may call, 59.24
  Distrained, sale, 172.06
  Doing damage, sale, 173.05, 173.06
Appointment of deputies, 59.21 (8)
Arming by county, 59.225
Arrest in civil action, duties, 818.07
Arrested for failure to make return to writ, 782.17
Assign bail bond to creditor of prisoner, 898.27
  For witnesses, 885.12
  Procedure, Ch. 811
Attend upon circuit court and court of appeals, 59.23 (3)
Attorney, not to act as, 59.26
Bail, when liable to, 818.27
Bond and oath, 59.13
Care of property, replevin, 810.10
Certificate of land sale, contents, filing, 815.38
Child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, 813.122 (9)
Civil arrest, deliver copy of bail bond, 818.15
Civil service for deputies and traffic division, 59.21
Coroner, when to act as, 59.34
Costs taxed after settlement, 814.46
Damages for illegal sale, 815.34
  Incapacitated, who makes report, deed, 840.17
  Removal, effect on execution, 815.17
Deeds by successors in office, 840.18