  Not to buy at, 815.37
  Prompt return, 815.38
  Fees and expenses, assistants, 59.29
  Proceedings, requisition application, 976.03 (23)
Family pension, 59.07 (15)
  Collection, method, 59.30
  Excessive, 59.32
  For court attendance, how paid, 59.31
  Milwaukee county, 59.28, 814.70
  State when to pay, 59.31
  Tax suits, 76.26
Forest products unlawfully cut, seizure, 26.06
Garnishee, not liable as, 812.19
Huber law, duties under, 303.08
Impersonating, 946.70
Income and franchise tax, warrant to levy, 71.91 (5)
Indemnity, for enforcing execution, 815.24
Inmate of institution, release to as witness, 782.45 (2)
Jail, maintenance, food, sanitation, 302.37
Jail limits, mark at county expense, 898.15
Judgment against:
  As evidence in action on bail bond, 898.26
  County to pay, 895.46
  Execution to whom, 815.13
  Prison escape, 898.23
Jury, solicitation, appointment, 756.031
Legal papers, not to draw, 59.26
  For neglect of duty, 59.23 (9)
  For rescue in civil arrest, 818.25, 818.26
Liquor to prisoners, 302.375
Litigation, not to incite, 59.26
Mentally ill persons:
  Emergency detention, 51.15
  Unauthorized absence of, duties, 51.39
Milwaukee county, act as constable, 62.09 (1) (e)
Mortgage foreclosure sale:
  Duties, 846.16
  Part payment, 846.16
  Receipt in lieu of cash, 846.16
Mutual assistance in law enforcement, 66.305
Office, where kept, when open, 59.14
Parolees' release, notification, 302.11 (5)
Partition sale:
  Lands, duties on, 842.18
  Personal property, 820.02
  Proceeds brought into court, 842.22
  Report, deeds on confirmation, 842.19
Passing through counties with prisoner, 59.25
Peace, duty to keep, may call aid, 59.24
Powers after expiration of term, 59.33
Prisoner not to have liquor or beer, 302.37
Prisoners, medical or hospital care, refusal, 302.38, 302.384
Protective services placement, notify person of hearing for, 55.06 (11) (b)
Public insurrection, death and disability benefits, 101.47
Real property sale, not to bid, 840.16 (2)
Records, destruction of, 59.23 (8)
Refusing to aid, 946.40
Register of prisoners, 59.23 (2)
Rehabilitation facilities, 302.44, 59.07 (76)
Removal from office, 17.09
Removal of prisoners, fire or danger, 302.35
  Claims of third parties, indemnity, 810.11
  Return, filing papers, 810.12
  Right of entry, 810.09
  Service, 810.03
Resisting, 946.41
Returns to writs as evidence, 891.37
Reward for escaped criminal, 59.25
Segregation of prisoners, 302.36, 302.375 (3)
Seized property, custody, 968.19
Service of process:
  Duty, liability, 59.23 (9)
  How made, 59.27
Service of writs and orders, 59.23 (4)
Snowmobile law, enforcement, 350.17
Stay of action against for escape of prisoner, 898.31
Strays, sale, fees, 170.05
Suit by on bail bond, judgment, 898.24
Summons, indorsement of receipt as evidence, 891.38
Suspension from office, 17.11
Telecommunication service, interruption authorized in crisis, 196.63
Transportation of pupils in hazardous areas, review plan, 121.54 (9)
Unclaimed property: