Nonmetallic mining reclamation, ordinances, 66.038
Nuisance, action to abate, 823.01, 823.02
Offices, where kept, when open, 59.14
Orders, interest on, when permitted, 59.81
  Adoption, form, 59.02
  As evidence, 889.04
  Citations for violations, 66.119
  Judicial notice, 902.03
  Penalties, 66.115
  Publication, 66.035
Parking meters, 349.14
Phones, emergency, funding for countywide system, 146.70 (3)
Pierhead lines, establishment, 30.13
Planning, 59.97
Platting lands for assessment, 70.27
Platting lands in, approval, 236.10
Political signs, regulation, 12.04 (4)
Population of less than 15,000:
  Razing buildings, 66.05 (7)
Population of less than 25,000:
  County board committeemen, compensation and mileage, 59.06
  Supervisors, 59.03
Population of 25,000 to 50,000:
  Supervisors, 59.03
Population of 30,000 or more:
  Isolation hospitals, 59.70
Population of less than 40,000:
  Lot width and area, 236.16 (1)
Population of 40,000 or more:
  Lot width and area, 236.16 (1)
Population of 50,000 to 100,000:
  Supervisors, 59.03
Population of less than 100,000:
  Deferred prosecution program, agreement with dept., 971.39
Population of 100,000 or more:
  Nuisances, property violating building codes or health orders, 823.22
  Supervisors, 59.03
Population of 125,000 or more:
  Metropolitan transit authorities, 66.94
Population of less than 150,000:
  Register of deeds, bond, 59.13
Population of 150,000 or more:
  Board, special power as to highways, 80.39 (1) (b)
  Bonds, maturity and place of payment, 67.07
  County clerk, assistants, 59.16
  Duties, 59.17 (18), (19)
  County park commission, appointment, 27.02 (1)
  Register of deeds, bond, 59.13 (1)
  Sewage collection and treatment, debt limit and retirement period for, XI, 3
  Trunk highways, power over, 86.185
Population of 200,000 or more:
  Depositories, 59.74, 59.75
  Publication of election notices, 10.04 (3) (b)
Population of 240,000 or more:
  Pollution of certain lakes, 144.05 (1)
Population of less than 250,000:
  County home, establishment, government, 49.14 (2)
Population of 250,000 or more:
  Highways, add to state or county system, 86.18
  Register of deeds' records on eminent domain, 59.56
Population of less than 300,000:
  Disbursement from county treasury, 59.81
  Sheriff, compensation for apprehensions in other states, 59.29 (2)
Population of 300,000 or more:
  Claims against county, classification, 59.78
  Highway damages, 80.30 (5)
  Sheriff, deputy assigned to district attorney, 59.23 (6)
  Warrants against county funds, countersignature, 59.81
Population of less than 500,000:
  Adjustment board on zoning, membership, 59.99 (2)
  Administration dept., create, 59.035 (2)
  Clerk of court, deputies, 59.38 (1)
  County administrator, 59.033
  County plans, 236.46 (1) (b)
  Deputy sheriffs, appointment, 59.21 (8)
  Fairgrounds, tax levy, 59.69 (1)
  Family court commissioner, salary, 767.17
  Records obsolete, transfer to historical society, 59.716, 59.717
Population of 500,000 or more:

  County hospital, how governed, 49.16 (2)
  Investigators, police powers, 978.047
  Signs on highways re specific information, limitation, 86.195 (2)
  Social services dept., audit by legislative audit bureau, 13.94
  As corporation, 59.01
  Construction of, 59.026
  Exercised by county board, 59.02