Powers, 50.57
  Suspension or revocation of permit, 50.70
Veterans' housing, 66.92
Veterans' housing authority, 66.39
Veterans' service commission, 45.11 to 45.15
Veterans' service officer, 45.13, 45.43
  Duties as to veterans' burial, 45.16
  Grants to counties for office of, 45.43 (7)
  Powers and duties, 45.11 (2). 45.14 (3)
Victims of crime, services for, 950.05
Water resource projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Water safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Weed commissioner, 66.99
Welfare officials, action by to require support for spouse or children receiving public aid, 767.08
Welfare services, 46.22
  Purchase of, standards, 46.036
  Uniform fee schedule, 46.03 (18)
Wells, code ordinances, optional, 59.067, 162.07
Wharves and piers, removal extending beyond pierhead line, 30.13 (5), 66.0495, 893.765
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.598
Wisconsin development fund, 560.60 to 560.685
Withdrawal from local treasury, 66.042
Witness monuments, 59.635 (1)
Witnesses and victims, services, 20.455 (5)
Witnesses of crime, services for, 950.05
Work experience and job training program, for aid recipients, 49.50 (7j)
Work relief programs, enhanced, 49.057
Worker's compensation, assumption of liability, 83.17
Youth aids from state, 46.26
Zoning, 59.97
  Agricultural ordinances, 91.71 to 91.78
  Airport areas, 59.97 (4g)
  Appeals, fees, 59.07 (68)
  Around airports, 114.136
  Building inspector to enforce, 59.07 (16)
  Hearings, filing fees, 59.07 (16m)
  Optional procedure, 59.97 (6)
  Planning and zoning committee or commission, 59.97 (2)
  Shorelands on navigable waters, 59.971
  Trenton island in Pierce county, 59.972
county - 1a. actions by and against1a. Actions By and Against
Costs, 814.23
Damage by dog, recover claims paid, 174.12
Defective highways, 81.15
Fire negligently or maliciously set, 26.21
Motor vehicle accidents, negligence, 345.05
On claims against counties, 59.76
Power to commence and maintain, 59.07 (1)
Tort actions, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
county - 2. appropriations2. Appropriations
Advertising resources and attractions, 59.07 (30)
Aid to town for roadway over dam, 81.42
Association, 59.07 (27)
Broadcast of meetings, 59.07 (151)
Civil air patrol, 59.07 (87)
Commission on aging, 59.07 (93)
Conservation, soil and water, 59.879
Conservation congress, 59.07 (19m)
Corporation counsel, 59.07 (44)
Cultural and educational programs, 59.07 (95)
Dependent children, aid, 49.19 (7)
Fairgrounds and fairs, 27.05, 59.69
Fish hatcheries and game birds, 59.07 (24)
Fraternal conventions, 59.07 (19)
General authority of board, 59.07 (5)
Health department, 140.09 (12)
Health planning, 59.07 (96)
Highway committee expenses at schools or meetings, 59.06 (2)
Highway safety and patrol, 59.07 (34)
Historical societies, 59.07 (31)
Holiday celebrations, 66.04 (3)
Homemaking services to elderly and handicapped, funding private organizations, 59.07 (93)
Housing for veterans and military personnel, 66.92
Immigration, 59.85
In lieu of taxes on institutions or airports, 59.07 (13)
Insects, worms, weeds, plant, animal diseases, 59.871
Museums, 59.07 (33)
National air shows, 59.07 (19)
Nursing associations, 59.07 (39)
Patriotic celebrations, 59.07 (19)
Publications on governmental problems, 59.07 (28)
Radio service for fire protection, 59.07 (63)
Recreation, 59.07 (26)
Rescue equipment for use on water, 59.07 (42)
Sale of tax delinquent lands, 75.35
School districts containing veterans' housing, 59.07 (13)
School districts with county or state institution in, 59.07 (13)
Senior citizen groups, 59.07 (93)
Sheriff killed on duty, family pension, 59.07 (15)