  How filled, 17.21
  Undersheriff to act, 59.21
Worker's compensation, 102.07
Bond and oath, 59.13
Certificate of as evidence, 59.64
Deputies, appointment, removal, 59.59
Duties, 59.60
  As to landmarks, 59.635
Election, term, 59.12
Employment, 59.12
Office, location, when open, 59.14 (1)
Penalty, for failure to do duty, 59.66
Perpetuation of landmarks, 59.635
Salary, 59.65
Section corners, relocation, 59.63
Statute of limitations, damages for errors, 893.37
Substitute, when appointed, 59.64
Town survey, contract for, bond, 60.84
Vacancy, filling, 17.21
Airports, 114.15
Apportionment to districts, 70.63
  Apportions and levies, 59.07 (5)
  Determines and levies, 70.62
Highway improvements, 83.03
Income tax levy prohibited, 66.70
Libraries, 43.64
Metalliferous mineral mining, 70.395
  Use of tax payments by counties, 70.396
Municipality may pay in county orders, 59.20 (3)
Omitted tax, procedure, 70.62 (3)
Public work done in good faith under unlawful contract, 66.295
Road and bridge fund, 83.065
Roll settlement sheets, 59.20 (4m)
Sales and use tax:
  Administration, distribution, 77.76
  Adoption, by ordinance, 77.70
  Applicability of general sales tax law, 77.79
  Imposition, 77.71
  Jurisdiction, 77.73
  Motor vehicles, situs, 77.72
  Registration, 77.78
  Reports, 77.75
  Retailers, duties, 77.785
  Seller permits, 77.74
  Services, situs, 77.72
  Situs, 77.72
  Transitional provisions, 77.77
Special assessments, county property subject to, 66.64
Veterans' memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Veterans' relief, 45.10, 45.11
Bond and oath, 59.13
Cash balance, drawing on depository, 59.75
Cemeteries, care, trusteeship, 157.125
Contractor's certificate, unpaid, 66.54 (6)
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, 973.045
Custodian of worn municipal records, 59.71
Dependent children, aid, pay, 49.19
Deposit of county funds, 59.75
Deputies, appointment, 59.19
Drainage district funds, 88.18
Duties, 59.20
Election, term, 59.12
Eligibility to office, 59.18
Fees and fines, amount retained, 59.20
Fines for violation of university rules, disposition, 36.11 (1) (d)
Forest land,
see Managed forest land, under this subhead
Forest products, cutting, collect tax, 26.03
  Action to collect, 778.13, 778.16
  Received, statement, disposition, 778.17
Insurance of county buildings, 59.20 (6)
Investment authority delegated to, 59.20 (14)
Jail assessment, deposit in county jail fund, 59.20 (5m)
Legal services to child, reimbursement payments, 48.275 (2)
Managed forest land, distribution of moneys received, 77.89
National forest income, distribution, 59.20 (13)
Natural resources forfeiture money, statement to county board, 23.85
Office, where kept, when open, 59.14
  Jury commissioners, 756.03 (3)
  Witness in criminal case, 885.08