Forest lands:
  Powers, 28.11 (3)
  State grants for development of habitat, 23.09 (17m)
  Withdrawal and sale, 28.11 (11)
Forgery, ordinance prohibiting authorized, 59.07 (110)
Game birds, facilities for raising, 59.07 (24)
Grievance committee, deputy sheriffs, 59.21 (8), (9)
Group home, owned or operated by, 59.07 (102)
Guideboards for highways, 83.13
Halloween entertainment for children, 59.07 (19)
Handicapped children's education board:
  Contracts, 120.13 (26m)
  Establishment, organization, duties, 115.86
  Report to department as to children with exceptional educational needs, 115.84
  Special education programs, authorization of, 115.83
  State aid, 121.135, 121.14
  Suicide intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
  Uniform financial accounting, 115.28 (13)
Hazardous waste management:
  Disposal facilities, local approval, 144.44 (1m), 144.445
  Negotiation and arbitration, 144.445
Health department, organization by, 140.09
Health planning by counties, 59.07 (96)
Hearing and speech impaired persons, provide teletypewriter for emergency needs, 59.07 (42m)
  Aid generally, gifts, 83.03
  Controlled-access, establishment, 83.027
  Cost accounting system, 83.015 (3)
  Lighting, 83.20
  May widen, 80.64
  Powers to open, alter or vacate, 80.39
  Revert to local control, 80.40
  Safety, appropriation, 59.07 (34)
  State line, joint construction, 83.16
Historian, create position, 59.07 (32)
Historic preservation, 59.97 (4) (L)
Historical societies, appropriation, 59.07 (31)
Home for aged or physically disabled, in adjoining county, 46.205
Home rule, 59.025
Homemaking services to elderly and handicapped, funding private organizations, 59.07 (93)
Hotel, restaurant or campground keeper, enact ordinance to prohibit defrauding, 59.07 (103)
Housing authorities law, powers and duties, 59.075
Housing corporation preferred stock, subscription, 182.004 (8)
Huber facilities, may establish, 303.09
Humane officers, appoint, 58.07
Human services dept., creation, 46.23 (3)
Indian reservations, county-tribal law enforcement programs, 59.07 (141), 165.90
Industrial development agencies, formation, 59.071
Inland lake protection and rehabilitation, establish program, 59.07 (140)
Inspection of jail, 59.685
Insurance, provide for, 59.07 (2)
Integrated service program for children with severe disabilities, 59.07 (147)
Investment authority delegated to treasurer, 59.07 (101)
Isolation hospitals, 59.70
Jail, annual inspection, 59.685
Juvenile court commissioners, authorized, 48.065
Lakes, artificial, improvement, 59.07 (139)
Land, acquisition, control, transfer, lease, 59.07 (1)
Land clearing equipment, 59.874
Land conservation:
  Basic workload allocation plan, 92.08
  Ordinances proposed, 92.11
Land contracts, 59.07 (1) (c)
  On tax deed lands, 75.35
Land information office, 59.88
Lands for forests, 28.10
Leases, power to make, 59.07 (1)
Leasing lands to state for game management, 59.07 (1) (e)
Legislative powers, IV, 22
Libraries, consolidated, services, 43.57
Library planning committee, creation, organization, duties, dissolution, 43.11
Library theft, enact ordinance to prohibit, 59.07 (104)
Long-term support community options program, 46.27
Majority vote, 59.02 (3)
Marijuana possession ordinance, 59.07 (107)
Mark section corners on highways, 83.11
Marriage license, fee, may increase, 765.15
Mass transportation system:
  Acquire, 59.968 (4) to (8)
  Obligations to employes of, 59.969
  Broadcast, appropriation for authorized, 59.07 (151)
  Notice, adjournment, 59.04
  Open to public, 19.81 to 19.98, 59.04
  Places, 59.04 (3)
  Appointed to fill vacancy, 59.03 (3) (e)
  Ineligible to board of trustees of county institutions, 46.18
  Neglect of duty, forfeiture, 59.10