criminal code - 10. reputation and civil10. Reputation and Civil Liberties
Generally Ch. 942

Conspiracy to injure reputation or business, 134.01
Defamation, 942.01
Extortion, 943.30, 943.31
False advertisement or information for publication, 942.03
Genetic tests in employment, 942.07
Mail, opening without consent, 942.05
Polygraphs, use of, 942.06
Schools, discrimination against teachers, 118.20
Slander, 942.01
criminal code - 11. sexual morality11. Sexual Morality
Generally Ch. 944

Adultery, 944.16
Bestiality, 944.17 (2)
Bigamy, 944.05
Commitment of offenders to health and social services dept., Ch. 975
For detailed analysis,

Incest, 944.06
  With child, 948.06
Indecent exposure, 944.20
Lewd and lascivious behavior, 944.20
Obscenity, 944.20 to 944.23
Pandering, 944.33
Polygamy, 944.05
Prostitution, 944.30
  Patronizing, 944.31
  Place of, keeping or allowing use, 944.34
  Soliciting or encouraging, 944.32, 948.08
  When vagrants, 947.02
Sexual activity, forced viewing, 940.227
Sexual assault, 940.225
  Child, 948.02
Sexual exploitation by therapist, duty to report, 940.22
Sexual exploitation of children, 948.05
Sexual gratification, 944.17
  Involving child, 948.10
Sexual intercourse:
  In public, 944.15
  With child age 16 or older, 948.09
Solicitation of drinks in bars prohibited, 944.36
Victim, representative for, 895.73