Discretionary performance award, 230.12 (5) (e)
  Eligibility, 230.17
  Recommendations, 230.20
Application to take examination, 230.16
Appointees, bonds may be required, 230.17 (3)
Appointing authorities, powers and duties, 230.046 (2), 230.06
Appointments, 230.15, 230.25
  Invalid, 230.41
  Limited term, 230.26
  Permanent part-time, 230.215 (3)
  Probationary period, 230.28
  Prohibited, 230.43 (2)
Appropriation, 20.512
Assessor certification, 73.09
Board of examiners, 230.16 (3)
Career executive selection, 230.24
  Administrative rules, 227.10 (3) (e)
  From register of eligibles, 230.25
Changes in classified service, 230.15
Civil service rules, applicability, 111.93
Classified service roster, 230.04 (12)
Clinical chaplain, evaluation, 230.18
Closed records, 230.13
Collective bargaining:
  Agreements, 111.92
  Duties of state, 111.815
  Representatives and elections, 111.83
  Subjects, 111.91
  Units, 111.825
Comparable worth, 230.01 (2), 230.09 (2) (b), 230.12 (1), (3)
Compensation plan:
  Additional hours of work provisions, 230.12 (6)
  Coverage, 230.10
  Definition, 230.12 (1) (a)
  Implementation provisions, 230.12 (4) (a)
  Maintenance provisions, 230.12 (1) (e)
  Schedules, 230.12 (1) (b)
  Supplementary compensation, 230.12 (1) (c)
  Trainee pay rates, 230.12 (1) (f)
  Within range pay adjustments, 230.12 (5)
Construction of statutes to be liberal, 230.02
Council on affirmative action, 15.177
  Appropriation, 20.512 (2)
  Duties, 230.46
County assessor, recommend salary range, 70.99 (3)
County social services department personnel examinations, 49.50
Creation, 15.17
Critical recruitment selection, 230.21
Day care for children of state employes, 230.048
Declaration of policy, 111.80
Definitions, 230.03
Demotion, 230.34
  Rights of employe, 230.43 (4)
  Collective bargaining responsibility, 111.815
  Personnel division:
  Administrator, enforce limited term employe rules, 230.26 (5)
  Form of application, 230.16 (1) (b)
  Prison industries classifications, 230.21 (3)
  Affirmative action, duties, 230.04 (9)
  Allowances for legislators, recommend, 20.916 (8)
  Contractual services, review, 16.705 (3)
  Day care facility plans for state buildings, report, 13.48 (2) (j)
  Establishing and abolishing positions, 230.09 (2)
  Establishing separate classifications for career executive positions, 230.09 (3)
  Extra compensation plan, establish, 230.12 (1) (c) 2
  Filling new or vacant position, notify secretary of administration, when, 230.09 (2) (g)
  Labor proposals, 111.915
  Moving expenses, 20.917 (2), (6)
  Powers and duties, 230.04
  Reclassification, 230.09 (2)
  Rules, entry professional program, 230.22
  Salary, 20.923 (4) (g) 1m
  State employe grievance procedure, establish, 230.04 (14)
  State employes uniform travel schedule amounts, recommend, 20.916 (8)
  Temporary lodging allowance, 20.917 (6)
Deputy of heads of certain agencies, 230.08 (2) (L)
Discharge, 230.34
Disclosure by employes,
see Employe disclosure, under this head
Discrimination forbidden, 230.18
Division administrators, classification, 230.08 (4)
Employe disclosure:
  Arbitration award, 230.88
  Court action, commencement, 230.88
  Enforcement by personnel commission, 230.85
  Generally, 230.81