Adjutant general's certificate, 891.17
  Of notice of corporate meeting, 891.21
  Of publication, 985.12 (1)
Articles of incorporation, 891.20
Assignment, under foreign will, 868.05
Bank stockholder's declaration of liability, 221.50 to 221.52
Banking commissioner's records, 220.13
Boards and commissions, accounts, 16.53 (7)
Certificate of indebtedness to state, conclusive, 24.67
Clerk of court's certificate as to notary, 137.01 (6)
Copies, how certified, 889.08
County clerk, 59.17 (14)
County surveyor, 59.64
Eminent domain records, register of deeds, populous counties, 59.56
Foreign court records, 889.15, 889.16
Health and social services department, 140.05 (4)
Heirship, certificate of, 867.05 (2)
Historical society, state records, 16.61 (13)
Housing authority, resolution declaring need, 66.40 (4)
Inspector of farm or food products, 93.11
  Assessments, 891.22
  Company books, 891.23
Judicial land sales, 891.07
Lands conveyed to state by U.S., 891.03
Life estate or joint tenancy, termination, 867.04
Milwaukee county records, copies, 228.02
Municipal court records, 889.13
Nonfiling, officer's certificate, 889.09
Nonissue, aeronautics license, 114.19
Notary public's certificate, 137.01 (4) (c)
Official certificates, 889.10
Official records, exceptions, 889.18
Perishable farm products, quality, condition, 100.02
Public land commissioners, 891.04, 891.14
Public lands, receipt, 891.12
Public lands board, records, 24.54
Public service commission transcript, 196.36
Real estate practice law, 452.22
Records and files of courts, 889.07
Records and files of secretary of state, lesser seal, 14.45 (3)
Refusal to make, 889.18
Register of deeds' records on eminent domain, populous counties, 59.56
Seal, when not necessary, 889.08 (4)
Securities commissioner documents, 551.64 (4)
State library, 889.03
Summons, time of receipt for service, 891.38
Title to realty, criminal proceedings, 891.36
Transcript from county of taxes, 891.11 (2)
Transportation commissioner:
  Orders, 195.03 (25)
  Transcripts, 195.047