Visitation by grandparents, 880.155
Voting qualification, 6.03
Waive objection to jurisdiction over person of ward, 801.08 (3)
Ward, definition, 880.01
Ward's share in partition, 842.25
Who subject to guardianship, exceptions, 880.03, 880.04
Action against guardian's sureties, 878.07
Annual filing, examination, notice, 880.25
Citation for failing to file, 880.252
Citation to account, 880.191 (2)
Judge may require accounting, 880.253
On appointment of new guardian, 880.17, 880.18
Securities exhibited, 880.25 (2)
Settled at death of ward, 880.26, 880.27
Settlement of, 880.27
Small estates, 880.25 (3)
Appointment of guardian, 880.08, 880.10
Appointment of temporary guardian, 880.15 (1)
Assets, retention by guardian, 880.19 (2)
Examination of account, 880.25 (4)
Investments, 880.19 (4)
Involuntary commitment of ward, telephone notice, 51.20 (2)
Petition for appointment of temporary guardian, 880.15 (1s)
Sale of ward's estate, 880.19 (5)
guardian and ward - 4. sale, mortgage or4. Sale, Mortgage or Lease of Lands
Action to recover estate sold, limitation, 786.50
Approval of contract, 786.11
Bond, breach of, 786.08
Condemnation proceedings, 32.05 (4), 32.06 (4)
Contract, approval, expenses, 786.11
Contrary to will, forbidden, 786.14
  Signing by authorized guardian, exception, 706.03 (4)
  Valid, if as ordered, 786.15
Expenses in connection with sale, 786.11
Foreign guardian, procedure, 786.25
Future estates, disposal, 786.26 to 786.35
Grounds for, 786.06, 880.19 (5)
Guardian join with reversioner to convey, fee, 786.19
Inquiry by judge or court, reference, 786.09
Irregularities not to avoid sale, 786.52, 786.56
Lease not more than 5 years, 786.21
Leasing of ward's lands, 880.19
  For fraudulent sale, 786.58
  For neglect or misconduct, 786.54
Life estate of another may be sold, 786.18
Limited estate, deeded with reversion, 786.19
Minor or incompetent is ward of court, 786.20
Mortgaging lands of wards, 880.19
Nonresident ward's Wisconsin estate, 786.25
Order of court, 786.10
Petition, who makes and to whom, 786.07
Platting lands before sale, 786.13
  How applied, 786.17
  Of sale deemed real estate, 786.16
Sales of lands of wards, 880.19
  Non-ademption statute, 853.35 (5)
Sales validated, 786.52, 786.56
Special guardian, 786.08
  Nonresident ward, 786.25
Specific performance of contracts, 786.04, 786.05
guardian and ward - 5. temporary5. Temporary Guardian
Adoption by, 880.15 (1m)
Appointment, 880.15 (1)
  Notice of petition, 880.15 (1s)
Bond, 880.15 (2)
Cessation of powers, 880.15 (3)
Claims, payment, 880.22 (1)
Nonresident ward, disposal of lands, 786.25
Powers and duties, 880.15 (1)
Protective service, placement, 55.06 (1) (d)
Release confidential records, 146.81 (5)
Sell, mortgage or lease land, 786.08