  Amount of, 344.13, 344.17
  Applicability of provisions, 344.12
  Disposition, custody, return, 344.20
  Revocation for failure to deposit security, 344.14, 344.18
Self-insurance, 344.16
  Supplemental agreement, 344.30 (4)
Transfer of vehicle ownership, 344.46
motor vehicles 6. habitual traffic6. Habitual Traffic Offenders
Generally Ch. 351

Appeals to court of appeals, 351.10
Application of chapter, 351.11
Definitions, 351.02
Determination by court, 351.05
District attorney or attorney general to represent secretary, 351.04
Intent of law, 351.01
Occupational license, conviction after issuance, 351.07
Order of court, 351.06
Penalty, enforcement, 351.08
Record of conviction, certification, 351.03
Revocation of license, 351.025
  Hearing, 351.027
motor vehicles 7. operators' licenses7. Operators' Licenses
Generally Ch. 343

Administration of license law, 343.02
Alcoholics, license denied when, 343.06
Anatomical gift authorization on licenses, 343.14, 343.17
Appeals, court to report, staying revocation or suspension, 343.325
Application, 343.14
  By minor, sponsors' liability, 343.15
Automatic reinstatement, 343.39
Cancellation, 343.25
  Reissuance, 343.26
Change of address or name, 343.22
Children's code proceedings limit driving privileges, 48.343
Classified driver system, 343.03
Commercial vehicles, 343.05 (2)
  Disqualifications, effects, 343.315
  Driver and employer notification, 343.245
  Driving while disqualified or out of service, 343.44 (2s)
  Instruction permits, 343.07 (1m)
  Interstate restriction, 343.065
  License waivers, 343.055
  Occupational licenses, 343.10 (10)
Contents of license, 343.17
  Appeals from, 343.325
  Courts to report and forward licenses, 343.28
Dealers, require license before trial run, 343.45 (2)
Definitions, 343.01
Delinquent child, limitations of operating privilege, 48.34
Denial of license, 343.06
Driver improvement counseling, 343.32 (2)
Driver improvement program, 110.08 (4)
Driver schools:
  Hearings on licenses, 343.69
  Examination, 343.63
  License denial, 343.65
  License required, 343.62
  License revocation or suspension, 343.67
  License denial, 343.64
  License renewal, 343.68
  License required, 343.61
  License suspension or revocation, 343.66
  Lost or surrendered licenses, 343.70
  Penalty, 343.73
  Prohibited practices, 343.72
  Records, 343.71
Driving after revocation or suspension, 343.44
Drug dependency, license denial, 343.06
  Chemical test for, 343.305
  Court-ordered assessment of abuse, 343.30
  Driving under influence, revocation or suspension of license after conviction, 343.31
Drunken drivers:
  Chemical tests, administrative suspension and court ordered revocation, 343.305
  Examination, assessment, driver safety plan, 343.30 (1q), 343.305
  Implied consent law, 343.305
  Preliminary breath screening test, 343.303
  Prior convictions to be counted, 343.30 (1q) (b) 1, 343.307
  Refusals, 343.305 (9), (10)
  Revocation or suspension of license after conviction, 343.31
  Suspension or revocation by courts, 343.30 (1q)
Duplicates, 343.19, 343.22
Epileptic, medical examination, 343.16 (5)
Examination, 343.16
Examiner system, 110.08
Exemptions from requirements to test effectiveness, 343.75
Expiration of license, 343.20
Farm machinery, safety training course required for youth, 346.925