Fire inspection, prevention, detection and suppression in public buildings and places of employment, violations, 101.14 (4)
Fire protection equipment, destruction, 26.19
Fire protection systems law, violations, 145.12 (1)
  Failure to obey waiting period purchase law, 175.35
  Use near park, 167.30
  Officers failing duty relative to, 165.55 (13)
  Setting, 26.14 (5) to (8)
Fireworks, regulation, violations, 167.10 (9)
Fish and game approvals:
  Altering, 29.643
  Obtained by incorrect information, 29.642
Fish and game law violations, 29.99, 29.995, 29.996, 29.9965, 29.9967, 29.997  
See also Fish and Game

  Assault on game warden, 29.64
  False impersonation of game warden, 29.641
  Interfering with seal, 29.644
  Natural resources assessments, 29.997
  Natural resources restitution payment, 29.998
Fishing rafts, violation of regulations, 30.126 (10)
Flammable and combustible liquids, storage, violations, 101.09 (5)
Flood plain zoning law violations, 87.30 (2)
Food law violations, 97.12 (4), 97.72
Food stamps, violations, 49.127
Forest croplands, false reports, 77.09
Forest lands, penalties, 26.985
Forgery, motor vehicle financial responsibility proof, 344.48
Franchise investment law violations, 553.52
  Enforcement, 553.57
Fraud against city, village and county housing authorities, 66.4025
Fraud on exemption laws, 134.19
Fur dealers regulations, 29.134 (11)
Fur garment not labeled, 100.35
Garnishment law violations, 812.24
Gaseous compounds in containers, 132.18
Glass safety glazing violations, 101.125 (5)
Grain dealers and warehouse keepers, violations, 127.17
Grain storage tax, false statements, 70.41
Grand juror for failure to attend, 756.23
Guardian failing to file account, 880.252
see Firearms, under this head
Habeas corpus, eluding writ, 782.39
Habitual traffic offenders, 351.08
Harassment, 813.125 (7)
Hayrack rides, without license, 349.25
Hazardous substances, sale, failure to label, 167.11
Health care information violations, 153.90
High-volume industrial waste, disposal and recycling violations, 144.469
Highway contracts, unlawful wages, hours, 103.50
  Advertising on, 86.191
  Camping on, 86.025
  Closed, passing barriers, 86.06 (2)
  Cultivation in, 86.021
  Excavating, altering, 86.07
  Forbidden signs on, 86.19
  Obstructions, 86.01, 86.022
  Salt storage, violations, 85.17 (6)
  Signs on, injury, 86.192
  Stands on, waste from, 80.65
HIV testing by employers, prohibition, violation, 103.20
HIV tests, confidentiality, violation, 252.15
Horsemeat labeling, violation, 97.45 (2)
Hospitals, emergency medical services, refusal or delay, 146.301
Hotels and restaurants, violations, 254.83, 254.85, 254.88
Hotels not offering emergency assistance to disabled guests, 254.73 (2)
Houseboats, illegal maintenance, 30.121 (7)
Housing, equal opportunities, violations, 101.22 (10) (d)
Human health hazards, 254.59
Human organs, sale prohibited, 146.345 (3)
Ice holes, guard requirements, 167.26
Identification cards for proving age, violations, 125.085
  Companies, late payment of fees, negligence, 76.645
  Premium finance companies, license violations, 138.12
  Violation of law or rule, 601.64 (1)
Insurers' fire dept. dues, 601.935
Interstate compact on placement of children, 48.988
Intoxicated persons, alcohol beverage sales to, 125.07 (2)
Intoxicating liquor:
  Giving away or evading law, 125.67
  Labels, contents, packaging violations, 125.68 (9)
  Permit to solicit for future sales, violation, 125.65 (9)
  Purchase credit restrictions for retailers and campuses, violations, 125.69 (4)
  Sale without license, failure to obtain permit, 125.66
Investment company offenses, 216.03
Iron ore concentrates, false tax statement, 70.40 (2)