  Delayed service, 879.13
  How given, 879.03 (1), 879.05
  Personal service, 879.05 (3)
  Proof of service, 879.07
  Requirement satisfied by appearance, 879.11
  Service by mail, 879.05 (2)
  To attorney, 879.19
  To foreign consul or attorney general, 879.03 (3)
  Waiver, 879.09
  Who entitled to, 879.03 (2)
Order, relief from, 879.31
  Preparation and filing, 879.47
  Withdrawal, 879.49
Petition, contents, persons interested, 879.01
Petition of personal representative, court must rule, 879.69
Pretrial conference, 879.45 (7)
Security for costs, 879.39
Service by publication, 879.05 (4)
Service on nonresident personal representative, 879.67
Special administrator, 879.57
Travel, fees, 879.41
Uniform forms, requirements for, 879.47
Waiver of notice, 879.09
Waiver of right to certain documents, 879.26
Witnesses, fees, 879.41
probate 15. sale, mortgage and lease of15. Sale, Mortgage and Lease of Property
Generally Ch. 860

Contract of decedent to sell or lease, enforcement, warranties, 860.09
Court approval, when required, 860.13
Court may order sale, mortgage or lease contrary to will's limitations, 860.11 (4)
Creditor's claims, title passes free of, 860.05
Decedent's contract to sell or lease, enforcement, warranties, 860.09
Free of creditor's claims, 860.05
Personal representative, powers, 860.01
Power of personal representative, without notice, hearing or court order, 860.01
Prohibited transactions, exceptions, 860.13
Specific performance of decedent's contract, 860.09
Transfer agent, liability, 860.01
  Decedent's contract, 860.09
  Personal representative has no power to give, exception, 860.07
Will provisions, restriction on personal representative's power, effect, 860.11
probate 16. summary procedures16. Summary Procedures
Generally Ch. 867

Affidavit, transfer by, 867.03
Claims procedure not to impede, 859.51
Determination of descent of property, 867.05
Heirship, determination, 867.05
Joint tenancy, termination, 867.04, 867.045
Life estate, termination, 867.04, 867.045
Marital property, survivorship interest, confirmation, 867.046
Notices, appointment of special administrator, 867.11
Property, interest, confirmation, 867.046
Savings and loan account, disclosure of information, 215.26 (8) (e)
Small estates:
  Summary assignment, 867.02
  Summary settlement, 867.01
  Transfer by affidavit, 867.03
  Medical assistance recipients, 867.035
Special administrator:
  Accounting, 867.21
  Bond, 867.13
  Compensation, 867.19
  Grounds for appointment, 867.07
  Letters, 867.15
  Notice of hearing on petition for appointment, 867.11
  Powers, duties and liabilities, 867.17
  Termination of authority, discharge, 867.21
  Who may petition for appointment, 867.09
Termination of joint tenancy and life estate, 867.04
probate 17. wills17. Wills
Generally Ch. 853

Ademption by extinction, abolishment in certain cases, 853.35
Admission to probate, notation on will, 856.19
Adopted persons, 851.51
Advancements, 853.19
After-acquired property, 853.29
After-born children:
  Class gift, inclusion, 700.12
  Omission from will, 853.25
Anatomical gifts, 157.06 (2)
Ancillary administration, 868.03
Annuity contract, effect of will provision changing beneficiary, 853.17
Anti-lapse statute, 853.27
Attestation, 853.03, 853.07
Basic wills, statutory form:
  Contents, 853.52
  Date of execution, 853.62
  Execution, 853.51
  Forms, 853.55, 853.56