Residuary estate, 853.58, 853.59
  Revision, 853.54
  Revocation, 853.54
Capacity to make or revoke, 853.01
Charges upon property, unaffected by ch. 777, 777.29
  Born or adopted after making of will, 777.41, 853.25
  Omitted by mistake, 853.25
Codicil included, 990.01 (47)
  After-acquired property, 853.29
  Contractual, when, 853.13
  Declaratory judgment, 806.04
  Equitable election in certain cases, 853.15
  Non-ademption of specific gifts in certain cases, 853.35
  Petition, notice, 863.21
  Securities construed as specific gifts, 853.33, 853.35 (6)
  Testator's entire interest passes, 853.31
  Attorney's fees, 879.37
  Costs, 879.35
  Settlement between claimants, 879.59
Contractual, when, 853.13
Copy sent to all persons interested, exception, 856.11
Court, delivery to:
  Deposit prior to death, 853.09
  Obligation at death, 856.03
Custodian's duty and liability, 856.05 (1)
Death of beneficiary, rights of issue, 853.27
Declaratory judgment for construction, 806.04
Deferred marital property, election, equitable election doctrine, 861.02
Delivery to court after death, duty and liability, 856.05
Disclaimer of transfers by, 853.40
Discovery proceedings, 879.61
Divorce, automatic revocation, 853.11 (3)
Domiciliary letters, persons entitled to, 856.21
Effective date of probate laws, 851.001
Election against,
Equitable election if will disposes of property belonging to beneficiary, 853.15
Escheats, no known heirs, 852.01 (3)
Estate tail becomes fee simple, effect of gift over after attempted estate tail, 700.08
Execution of will:
  Nonresidents within this state, 853.05
  Outside the state, 853.05
  Witnesses, 853.03, 853.07
Exoneration of encumbered property, 863.13
Family rights,
Foreign probate, assignment of local property by Wis. court, 868.05
Foreign wills, 853.05
  Probate of foreign wills, uniform act, 868.01
Foreign trust company as executor or trustee, 223.12
Fractional shares, value used in distribution, 863.16
Future interests, transferability, 700.07
  How construed, 853.31
  Inter vivos gifts, when advancement, 853.19
  Non-ademption in certain cases, 853.35
  Securities construed as specific, 853.33, 853.35 (6)
  Specific gifts, preferred to residuary, 777.21
  When advancement, valuation, 853.19
  When not to lapse, 853.27
Guardian, nomination, 880.09 (5)
Homicide, killer not to be beneficiary, 853.11 (3m)
Insurance on property, proceeds, non-ademption, 853.35 (2)
Insurance or annuity, effect of will on, 853.17, 853.18
  After-born or omitted, 853.25
  Beneficiary, rights of, 853.27
Joint wills, 853.13
Lapse statute, 853.27
  Lapse, provision against, 853.27
  Unclaimed, disposition, 863.39
Life insurance, effect of will provision changing beneficiary, 853.17
Living trusts,
see Trusts, under this subhead
Living will,
Lost will, how proved, 856.17
Marriage, subsequent, may revoke, 853.11 (2)
Marriage annulment, automatic revocation, 853.11 (3)
Non-ademption of specific gifts, 853.35
Nonprobate transfers on death, 705.20 to 705.30
Nonresidents execution, within this state, 853.05
Order admitting, 856.19
Powers of appointment:  

  Intent to exercise, 702.03 (2)
Presumption that instrument passes all of testator's interest in property, 853.31
Probate of wills,
Proof of will:
  After letters issued, 857.19