Residential mortgage, 138.052
  When due, 215.21 (25)
Location, changing, 215.03 (7)
Married persons, credit transactions with, 138.20 (1m), 766.56
Mergers, 215.36
Microfilm records, storage, 215.13 (33), (34)
Minimum net worth, 215.24
Mortgage loans, 215.21
  Priority, 215.21 (4)
  Prohibited loans, 215.21 (17)
  Unacceptable types of security, 215.21 (16)
Mortgagor, designating attorney for, prohibited, 708.03
Motor vehicles, registration, 341.57
Multiple-party accounts,
  Voting rights, 215.14 (7)
Mutual associations:
  Absorption of or by other association, 215.53
  Agent, indemnification and allowance of expenses, 215.519
  Appeal to review board, 215.40 (18)
  Fee, 215.40 (5)
  Notice of hearing on, 215.40 (7)
  Articles of incorporation, 215.41
  Bonds, officers, 215.40 (10)
  Bylaws, 215.42
  Certificate of authority, 215.40 (8)
  Issuance discretionary, 215.40 (17)
  Certificate of compliance, 215.40 (13)
  Certificate of incorporation:
  Fee, 215.40 (15)
  Issuance discretionary, 215.40 (17)
  When issued, 215.40 (14)
  When voided, 215.40 (16)
  Certificates of deposit, negotiable, issuance, 215.15 (3) (b)
  Compensation, officers, directors, employes, 215.50 (7)
  Conversion, 215.57
  Conversion into stock association, 215.58
  Directors, 215.50
  Acting in best interest of association, 215.524
  Liability, 215.525
  Meetings, 215.50 (9)
  Reliance, 215.523
  Removal, 215.50 (11)
  Employes, indemnification and allowance of expenses, 215.519
  Expense fund, 215.40 (6)
  General operation, 215.528
  Incorporation, 215.40
  Compensation prohibited, 215.40 (12)
  Powers, 215.40 (9)
  Indemnification of directors and officers, 215.512 to 215.519
  Insurance, 215.521
  Annual and special meetings, 215.43 (3)
  Who may become, 215.43 (1)
  Membership, termination, 215.43 (5)
  Minimum savings accounts and members required, 215.40 (2)
  Name, use of, 215.40 (1)
  Officers, 215.51
  Acting in best interest of association, 215.524
  Liability, 215.525
  Reliance, 215.523
  Removal, 215.50 (11)
  Surety bonds, 215.40 (10)
  Organization, bonuses or privileges prohibited, 215.40 (12)
  Resumption of business after liquidation or dissolution, 215.56 (6)
  Rules and regulations, adoption, 215.50 (10)
  Voluntary liquidation, 215.56
  Voting rights, 215.43 (4)
Mutual holding companies, 215.59
Net worth, minimum, 215.24
Notice of service relationship to customers, 215.141
Obsolete records, destruction of, 215.26 (3)
Office building investment, 215.23
Officers and employes:
  Dishonesty, falsifications, 215.12
  Giving or accepting money for loans, 215.21 (21)
  Loans to, 215.21 (17)
  Removal, 215.02 (10)
Participation loans, 215.21 (15)
Passbooks and certificates, 215.15
Photographic reproduction of records, 215.26 (4)
Possession by commissioner, 215.32
Powers, 215.13
Property improvement loans, 215.20
Public depositories, eligible as, 34.09
Real estate:
  Acquiring and disposing of, 215.22
  Broker, salespersons' trust accounts, maintain, 215.13 (48), 452.13