Membership, duties, 13.111
Layoff, 230.34
Leave of absence:
  From classified to unclassified, 230.33
  Jury duty, 230.35 (3) (c)
  National guard or military reserve duty, 230.35 (3) (a)
  Preinduction physical for military service, payment, 230.35 (3) (b)
  Project positions, 230.27 (3)
  Promotional examinations, 230.35 (3) (d)
  Unused, payment, 230.35 (1) (m)
Limited term appointments, 230.26
Management rights, 111.90
Mediation, 111.87
Merit recruitment and selection division:
  Administrator, salary, 20.923 (4) (c) 3m
  Correctional institution employes, 301.16 (1o)
  Creation, administrator, 15.173
Nonresidents, examination open to, when, 230.16 (2)
Part-time employment, 230.215
Payroll certificate, mandamus action, 16.415
Performance evaluation program on employes, 230.37
Probationary period, 230.28
Project positions and appointments, 230.27
Promotions, 230.15, 230.19
Public buildings, use for examinations, 230.16 (9)
Public service commission, executive assistant, 230.08 (2) (m)
Reclassified, rights of employe, 230.43 (4)
Records of training program participation, 230.046 (4)
Recruitment, 230.14
Reduction in base pay, 230.34
Reinstatement, 230.31
Removal, rights of employe, 230.43 (4)
Resignation, abandonment may be deemed, 230.34
Restoration of employment, 230.31
  Administration, 20.923 (14), 230.12
  Inequities based on gender and race, correct, 230.01 (2), 230.09 (2) (b), 230.12 (1), (3)
  While in unclassified position, 230.33
see Department, under this head
Service classes, separate examinations and certification procedures, 230.21
Standards of performance and ratings, 230.37
Statement of policy, 230.01
Strikes prohibited, 111.89
Suggestion board:
  Creation, membership, terms, 15.175 (1)
  Duties and functions, 230.48
Supervisory training, 230.046 (2)
  Waive probationary period, 230.28 (1)
Surveillance, discipline based on, 230.86
Suspension, 230.34
Training programs, 230.046
Transfers, 230.29
Tuition refund program, 230.046 (9)
Unclassified division administrators, rights of, 230.335
Unclassified service, leave from classified, salary, reinstatement, restoration rights, 230.33
Understudy selection, 230.04 (11)
Unfair labor practices, 111.84
Unfit employes, part-time service, retirement, 230.37 (2)
Unions, right to organize, 111.82
Unskilled labor, separate examinations and certification procedures, 230.21
  Authorities to notify administrator, 230.25
  Filled by competition in classified service, 230.19 (2)
state 12. forests12. Forests
Acquisition, sale, easements, 28.02
American Legion, 28.035
Appropriation, permitted, VIII, 10
Arbor day observance, 28.06, 118.025
Campgrounds, reservation system, 27.01 (11)
Cooperation, local, state, federal, 28.07
Defined, 28.02, 28.03
Easements, 28.02
Forfeitures, parties to violations, 28.99
Income, conservation fund, 28.08
Lands bought by U.S., 1.056
Lease of lands:
  For recreational purposes, 23.305
  Rents to treasury, 26.08
Leases, 28.02
Names, 28.03
Natural resources department powers and duties, 28.01 to 28.08
Nurseries, 28.06
  Cooperation with municipalities, 28.21
Purpose, work plans, 28.04
Roads in, 84.28
Sale of lands and improvements, 28.02
Tax, 70.58
Timber sales, 28.05
Unsurveyed islands, 28.02 (6)