state public employe trust funds 1.1. General Provisions
Generally Ch. 40

Accounts, 40.04
  Administrative account, maintenance, 40.04 (2)
Actuary, duties, 40.03 (5)
Annuity reserve, 40.04 (6)
Appeal, determination of employe's status, 40.06 (1)
Auxiliary instructional employes, eligible for coverage, 115.29 (3)
  Abandonment, 40.08 (8)
  Assignments, 40.08
  Benefit rate, defined, 40.02
  Corrections, 40.08
  Limitation, 40.08 (10)
  Disposition of money, consent assumed of participants, 40.08 (11)
  Exemptions of, 40.08 (1)
  Monthly, 40.19 (4) (g)
  Payments to minors and incompetents, 40.08 (9)
  Preserved, 40.19 (2m)
  Waivers of, 40.08 (3)
Contributions, 40.05
  Benefit adjustment, 40.05 (2m)
  Rate adjustment, 40.05 (2n)
Deferred compensation board:
  Creation, members, terms, 15.165 (4)
  Powers and duties, 40.80
Definitions, 40.02
Disability benefits:
  Disability annuities, 40.63
  Income continuation coverage, 40.61
  Income continuation insurance benefits, 40.62
  Protective occupation participants, 40.63 (4)
  Duty benefits, 40.65
Elected official:
  Includes legislative chief clerk and sergeant at arms, 40.02 (24)
  Retirement date, 40.23 (1) (f)
Employe accumulation reserve, 40.04 (4)
Employe-funded reimbursement accounts, 40.04 (9m), 40.85
  Administrative and contract costs, 40.85 (2), 40.875
  Covered expenses, 40.86
  Fee, 40.05 (8)
  Treatment of compensation, 40.87
Employer accumulation reserve, 40.04 (5)
Employers, error in reporting to department, 40.08 (5)
False claims, 943.395
Group health insurance account, 40.04 (9)
Group insurance board:
  Liability, 40.08 (11)
  Long-term care insurance, 40.03 (6)
  Membership, 15.165 (2)
  Per diem, 15.07 (5) (f)
  Powers and duties, 40.03 (6)
  Public employes:
  Disability benefit, board to establish income continuation insurance plan, 40.62
  Health insurance, duties, 40.51 (4), 40.52
  Provide suspension or continuation of life insurance coverage during leave of absence, 40.70 (10)
  Retired, health insurance coverage, 40.52 (4)
  State employes, health insurance, 40.05 (4) (a) 2, 40.51 (6)
Guardians, 40.08 (9m)
Health insurance:
  Accumulated sick leave conversion account, 40.04 (10)
  Benefits, 40.52
  Coverage, 40.51
  Premiums, contributions, 40.05 (4)
  Retired public employes, insurance coverage, 40.51 (10), (10m)
Income continuation account, 40.04 (9)
Income continuation insurance premiums, 40.05 (5)
Insurance plans premiums, 40.05 (7)
Interest on accounts, when, 40.06 (3)
Justice department, duties, 40.03 (3)
Justices or judges, mandatory retirement, VII, 24
Legislative oversight:
  Joint survey committee, 13.50
  Research committee, 13.51
Liability, none for legal payments, 40.08 (11)
Library systems employes, retirement, 43.17 (8)
Life insurance account, 40.04 (9)
Life insurance premiums, 40.05 (6)
Long-term care insurance, 40.02 (40m), 40.03 (6), 40.05 (4m), 40.55
Medical records, disclosure, 40.08 (2)
Military, creditable service, defined, 40.02 (15)
Milwaukee teachers, employer contribution, 119.18 (12)