Release of, corrective action, 144.735
Reports, fee, 144.96
Review of alleged violations, 144.465, 144.725
Transportation, license required, 144.64 (1)
Treatment, storage or disposal, 144.64 (2)
Treatment facility, tax assessment, 70.995 (2) (z)
Violations of law, enforcement, 144.47
Disposal and recycling, 144.44 (7), 144.469
Hazardous substances, wastes and contaminants, reports, fee, 144.96
  Air standards for emission, 144.31 (1) (i)
  Discharge into water, 144.15
Natural resources department powers, Ch. 144
Offensive industry, 66.052
Treatment facilities:
  Condemnation for, exception, 32.02 (12)
  Tax exemption, 70.11 (21)
Disposal, state policy regarding long-term, 36.50
Emergencies, 166.15
Interstate compact:  
Generally 16.11

  Data collection, 16.13
  Fees, 16.115
  Ratification, 16.10
  Violations, remedy, 16.12
Low-level, disposal and burning, 144.463
Low-level radioactive waste council, 15.107 (9)
Midwest interstate low-level commission, 14.81
Radioactive waste policy council, 15.917 (2)
Radioactive waste technical council, 15.917 (3)
Rules by natural resources dept., 144.83 (4) (i)
Site exploration, 144.833
Transuranic waste, state policy regarding long-term disposal, 36.50
waste management 5. sewage treatment and5. Sewage Treatment and Effluent Discharge
Generally Ch. 147

Criminal and civil remedies for violations, 147.21
Effluent limitations, 147.04
Effluent standards, 147.035
Enforcement, 147.21, 147.29
Environmental impact considerations, 147.30
Federal standards, 147.035, 147.04, 147.07
Financial assistance programs, 144.21 to 144.24
Injunction for violations, 147.21
Monitoring requirements, 147.08 (1)
Natural resources department:
  Actions for loss caused by violation, 147.23
  Continuing planning process, 147.25
  Alcohol fuel production systems, private, exempt, 147.017
  Applications, generally, 147.025
  Fact sheet concerning application, 147.10
  Discharge permits, generally, 147.02
  Duration, 147.03 (1)
  Fees, 147.033
  General area permit for multiple point sources, 147.023
  Mining, hearing, 147.135
  Modification, revocation and reissuance, 147.03
  Notice to government agencies as to application, 147.11
  Public access to information, 147.12
  Public hearing on permit application, 147.13
  Public notice as to applications, 147.09
  Requests for information by permittee, 147.105
  Review of permits, exception, 147.20
  Terms and conditions, 147.02
  Waiver, 147.08
Plan approval, 144.04
Policy and purpose, 147.01
Pretreatment standards, 147.07 (2)
Private sewerage systems:
  Municipal ordinances, 59.065
  Permits, 145.19
  Regulation, 145.20
  Replacement and rehabilitation, state grants and enforcement, 145.245
  Rules, 145.23
  Septage discharge into municipal systems, 144.08
  Variances, 145.24
Publicly owned treatment facilities, design of, 147.26
Reporting requirements, 147.08 (1)
  New discharges, report to department, 147.14
Savings clause, 147.27
Service charges required, 147.15
Standards of performance, 147.04, 147.06
Thermal effluent limitations, 147.055
Toxic effluent standards, 147.07 (1)
Unlawful discharge, liability, 147.23
Waiver of compliance by dept., 147.018
Water quality standard, variances to, 147.05