Enforcement, 147.21, 147.29
Environmental impact considerations, 147.30
Federal standards, 147.035, 147.04, 147.07
Financial assistance programs, 144.21 to 144.24
Injunction for violations, 147.21
Monitoring requirements, 147.08 (1)
Natural resources department:
  Actions for loss caused by violation, 147.23
  Continuing planning process, 147.25
  Alcohol fuel production systems, private, exempt, 147.017
  Applications, generally, 147.025
  Fact sheet concerning application, 147.10
  Discharge permits, generally, 147.02
  Duration, 147.03 (1)
  Fees, 147.033
  General area permit for multiple point sources, 147.023
  Mining, hearing, 147.135
  Modification, revocation and reissuance, 147.03
  Notice to government agencies as to application, 147.11
  Public access to information, 147.12
  Public hearing on permit application, 147.13
  Public notice as to applications, 147.09
  Requests for information by permittee, 147.105
  Review of permits, exception, 147.20
  Terms and conditions, 147.02
  Waiver, 147.08
Plan approval, 144.04
Policy and purpose, 147.01
Pretreatment standards, 147.07 (2)
Private sewerage systems:
  Municipal ordinances, 59.065
  Permits, 145.19
  Regulation, 145.20
  Replacement and rehabilitation, state grants and enforcement, 145.245
  Rules, 145.23
  Septage discharge into municipal systems, 144.08
  Variances, 145.24
Publicly owned treatment facilities, design of, 147.26
Reporting requirements, 147.08 (1)
  New discharges, report to department, 147.14
Savings clause, 147.27
Service charges required, 147.15
Standards of performance, 147.04, 147.06
Thermal effluent limitations, 147.055
Toxic effluent standards, 147.07 (1)
Unlawful discharge, liability, 147.23
Waiver of compliance by dept., 147.018
Water quality standard, variances to, 147.05
Alcohol fuel production systems licensing exemption, 144.438
Confidentiality of records, 144.433
Counties, 144.437
  Board, 59.07 (135)
Definitions, 144.43
Disposal facilities:  

  Certification, 144.31 (3), 144.435
  Condemnation of site, 144.447
  Financial responsibility requirements for owners, 144.443
  Transference of responsibility, 144.444
  Inspections by DNR, 144.434
  Local approval, 144.44 (1m), 144.445
  Long-term care of, 144.441
  Nuisance actions against facilities, 823.085
  Open burning standards, 144.436
  Operating license, 144.44
  PCB waste storage and treatment facilities, 144.44 (9)
  Recording by register of deeds, 59.51 (17)
  Records, 144.453, 144.52
  Site approval, 144.44
  Standards, 144.435
  Tire dumps, 144.449
  Within areas of shoreland and flood plain zoning, 144.46
Dump closure cost-sharing grants, 144.455
Enforcement procedures, 144.44 (8), 144.47
Environmental repair, inventory, fee, action, 144.442
Federal aid, 144.432
Generators, environmental repair fee for, 144.442 (1m)
Groundwater fee, failure to pay, 144.441 (7)
Incineration, 159.13 (17)
Medical waste management, 144.48
Municipal collection and removal:  
See also Recycling

  Cities and villages, 66.049
  Counties, 59.07 (135)
  Dumping, cities and villages, 66.052
  Intergovernmental cooperation, 66.30
  Metropolitan sewerage district, authority, 66.24 (8)