Worker's compensation, election not to be subject, 102.076
Police relief, 213.11
Polish Legion of American Veterans, corporate powers, 188.23
Political contributions and disbursements by, 11.38
Powers, 182.011
Prior organizations validated, 992.07
Property, transfer of nonstock, 182.012
Public utility,
Railway equipment, 182.031
Real estate licensee, 452.12 (2)
Real property, title after dissolution, 182.104
Receivers, appointment, 813.16
Repeal of laws as to, XI, 1
Sales tax, personal liability of officers, employes and persons for failure to file or pay tax, 77.60 (9)
Security transfer:
  From joint tenants, 182.24
  Uniform fiduciary transfer act, 112.06
Sellers of checks law, Ch. 217
Service of summons on, 801.11 (5)
Sleeping car companies, definitions, 76.02
Special assessments, property subject to, 66.64
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
  Circuit court may order transfer, 182.25
  Housing corporations, 182.004 (6), (7), (9)
  Proxy voting by fiduciaries, 112.03
  Transfers reported, 71.69
Stockholders, title to property after dissolution, 182.104
  Criminal cases, 968.05
  Service of, 801.11 (5)
Supplementary proceedings against, 816.03
Tax-option corporations,
Tenancies, manner of giving termination notice, 704.21 (3)
Title to property after dissolution, 182.104
Trade secrets:
  Privilege, 905.08
  Theft, penalty, 943.205
  Uniform act, 134.90
Transmission facilities, damage to, prevention of unsafe excavations or demolition operations, 182.0175
Trust companies,
Trustees' powers, 701.19
Ultra vires acts enjoined, 813.02
Unclaimed property act, Ch. 177
Unlawful use of corporate name, 134.17, 134.18
Urban redevelopment, 66.405 to 66.425
Veterans administration loans, investments, 219.01
Veterans, assisting, investigation by secretary of state, 188.26
Water reservoir and river improvements, articles, stock, 182.005
Wires over railroads, regulations, 182.018
Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company, 182.70
corporations 2. actions by and against2. Actions By and Against
Agricultural corporations, enjoining operations, 182.001
Annul charter:
  Costs, 776.43
  Grounds, who prosecutes, 776.35 to 776.37
  Judgment, 776.42
  Notice to officers, 776.38
Appeal from decisions of secretary of state or circuit court, 181.73
Applicability of ch. 776, exceptions, 776.46
Banking corporations:
  Annul charters, 776.13, 776.15
  Defendants added after judgment, 776.17
  Injunctions against, 776.12
Ch. 776 provisions not exclusive, 776.45
Claims, barred if not filed, 776.22
Common carriers, recovery for damaged goods, 192.42
Corporate existence, when presumed, 891.31
Costs, in action to annul charter, 776.43
Court jurisdiction over officers, 776.32, 776.325
Creditor may join officers and stockholders, 776.18
Creditors' actions, 128.08
Creditors' suits restrained, 776.22
Criminal judgments, punishment, 973.17
Discovery of property, 776.23
  Annulment, 776.40, 776.42
  Where filed, 776.44
  Nonstock, 181.56
Distribution of assets of dissolved corporation, 776.40
Distribution of property upon final judgment, 776.20
Foreign corporations, limitation, 893.19
Forfeitures, recovery by corporation, 778.10
Fraternal orders, 188.02
Garnished corporation, fees, 812.06