Residential facilities for elderly and chronically disabled, revenue bonding, 46.28
  Transportation services, 59.07 (150)
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment:  
For commitment programs and treatment,

  Adolescents, referral inpatient assessment and drug treatment program, 46.04
  State grants for services for persons receiving treatment, 46.55
Alzheimer's disease:
  Family and caregiver program, 46.87
  Training and information grants, 46.855
Child care providers:
  Certification of, 48.651
  County refusal to pay, 46.982
  Information to, 48.653
  Programs, 46.98
Child support agency, 59.07 (97)
  Right to action to compel support, 767.08 (3)
  Abuse and neglect services allocation, 46.51
  Abused or neglected children, reports, 48.981
  Care program, administration, 46.22 (1) (b), 46.98
  Children-in-crisis program, 46.262
  Chronic and first offender, intervention services, 46.263
  Court proceedings,
see Juvenile courts, under this subhead
  Crime victims and witnesses, rights and services, 950.055
  Detention facilities, 48.22, 48.225
  Disabled, family support program for, 46.985
  Paternity establishment program for child and spousal support, 46.25
  Services to:  
Generally 46.22 (1)

  Child welfare agency defined, 48.60
  Children's homes, Milwaukee county, 48.58
  Delinquent children; placement with county, duration, 48.595
  Powers and duties, 48.57
  Requirement to provide, 48.56
  Severely disabled, integrated programs for, 46.56
  Support, certification of delinquent payments to HSS, 46.255
Community programs, generally:
  Funding, 46.40
  Funds carry-over, 46.45
  Performance standards, 46.47
  Youth and family aids from state, 46.26
  Human services pilot programs, 46.034
  Long-term community options program, 46.27
  Persons relocated or meeting reimbursable levels of care, 46.277
  Persons with mental retardation, 46.278
  Residents of state centers, 46.275
Community programs boards and departments, 51.42  
See also Mentally ill persons, under this subhead

  Transfer of powers and duties to human services dept., 46.23 (3) (b)
Community relations-social development commissions, establishment, functions, composition, 66.433
Developmental disabilities:
  Medical assistance recipients, county liability for services, 49.45 (30m)
  Records, 51.30
  Residence, determination of county liable, 51.40
  Services board, services dept., 51.437
  Social service and mental hygiene budget and contract, 46.031
  Uniform fee schedule, 46.03 (18)
Disabled persons,
see Aged and physically disabled persons, under this subhead
Drug dependency,
see Alcohol and drug abuse treatment, under this subhead
First offender intervention services, 46.263
Food stamps,
Foster homes, licensed by county dept., 48.57, 48.62  

Group homes, county authority:
  Adult family homes, 50.032
  Community-based residential facilities, 50.03, 50.033
  Residential care institution, establishment, 49.175
Guardianship programs, state grants for, 46.977
Handicapped children's education board:
  Contracts, 120.13 (26m)
  Establishment, organization, duties, 115.86
  Report to department as to children with exceptional educational needs, 115.84
  Special education programs, authorization of, 115.83
  State aid, 121.135, 121.14
  Suicide intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
  Uniform financial accounting, 115.28 (13)
Health insurance for unemployed, 49.043
See also Institutions, generally, under this subhead

  Adjoining county, home may be in, 46.205
  Admissions, commitments, 49.15
  Establishment, government, 49.14
Homeless persons, state grants for programs, 16.339, 16.352  

See also Institutions, generally, under this subhead

  Administration and trustees, 46.18
  Admissions, 49.17
  County-city, 66.47
  County-village, 66.47 (14)
  Establishment, 49.16
  Guardian for patients, county as, 59.07 (86), 880.295 (1), 880.60 (4)
  Infectious disease, isolation hospital, 59.30