Investment, 66.04 (2)
  Delegation of investment authority, 66.04 (2m)
Game birds, raising, 59.07 (24)
Government, one or more systems, IV, 23
Grand jury reporter, compensation, 756.13
Handicapped persons, work centers, 59.07 (152)
Harbor belt lines, 30.33
Harbor commissioners, board of, members, term, 30.37
Harbor improvements:
  Authority, 30.30
  Contracts, 30.32
  Financing, 30.34, 30.35
  Procedure, 30.31
Harbor projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Hazardous substances discharge, reimbursement procedures, 166.22
Hazardous waste sites, cost recovery and negotiation, 144.4422  
See also Pollution, under this subhead

Health and educational facilities authority projects, waiver of construction and bidding requirements, 231.20
Health officials and departments,
Highway safety coordinator, 59.07 (34m), 83.013
Historian, 59.07 (32)
Historic preservation, 59.97 (4) (L), (4m)
Historic preservation program,
Historical society, 44.03
Home economics, university extension program, 59.87
Home rule, 59.025
  Metropolitan district, 59.083
Homestead programs (urban), 66.925
Hotel, order authority re inspection, 66.124  

House of correction,
  Antidiscrimination ordinance, 66.432
  Authorities, county authority, 59.075  

  Veterans, 66.39
Humane officers, 58.07
Hunter education and firearm safety program, certificate of accomplishment, 29.225, 29.226
Icebound inland waters, ordinances, 30.81 (2)
Impact fees, 66.55
Indigent defendants:
  Indigency determinations, 46.225
  Recovery of paid legal fees, 757.66
Industrial development agency, 59.07 (75), 59.071
  Property tax exemption, 70.11 (26)
Inland lake protection and rehabilitation, 59.07 (140)
Intercounty agreements, emergency detention hearings, costs shared, 51.15 (7)
see Jails
Job opportunity business subsidy program, 101.35
Joint civic buildings, authorized, financing, 66.504
Laboratory for milk and soil testing, 59.875
Lakes, artificial, improvement, 59.07 (139)
Land clearing, drainage, weed control, 59.874
Land conservation committee:
  Creation, membership, 92.06
  Erosion control planning program, 92.10
  Farmland preservation, 91.05 (1)
  State aids, 92.14
Land information aid, 16.967
Land use,
see Zoning, under this subhead
Landmarks, perpetuation, destruction, 59.635
  Delegation of power to sell, 75.35
  Exchange tax deed, 59.97 (8)
  How held and conveyed, 59.67
  Relief from conditions of dedications, 66.27
  Zoning of county owned, 59.97 (9)
Law library, liability for, 757.40
Legislative powers, IV, 22
Liability insurance, 59.07 (2)
Libraries, generally, Ch. 43  
For detailed analysis,

Local exposition districts,
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Managed forest land, tax delinquency, tax deed, 77.84 (3)
Mass transportation system:
  Acquire, 59.968 (4) to (8)
  Obligations to employes of, 59.969
Meat and poultry inspection regulations, 97.42 (5)
Metropolitan sewerage districts, creation and operation, 66.20 to 66.26
Metropolitan transit authority, how created, powers, duties, 66.94
  Local agreements, 144.839
  Tax distribution and apportionment, 70.395
  Use of metalliferous mining tax, 70.396
Mob, riot, liability for damages, 66.091
Mobile home parks, regulation, 59.97 (4)
Money, receipt and accounts, 59.73
Mosquito control districts:
  Adverse interest of commissioners, 59.864