Filing requirement, 102.31 (1), 626.35
Increased benefits, secondary liability, 102.62
Partnerships, 102.31
Payroll audits, 626.32 (1)
Physical impairment of employes not to be taken into account in rates, 626.12 (3)
Rate service organization, definition, 626.51
  Approval of commissioner, 626.25
  Development by bureau, 626.32
  Disapproval of, 626.22
  Filing and approval, 626.13
  Filings open to inspection, 626.14
  Standards, 626.11
  Unfair discrimination, 626.25
Rating bureau:
  Administration, 626.31 (1)
  Appeals from, 626.31 (4)
  Classification of risks, 626.32 (2)
  Examinations, 626.09 (3)
  Fees, 626.09 (4)
  Information to be supplied, 626.31 (2)
  Licensing, 626.09 (2)
  Membership, 626.06
  Provide industry, labor and human relations dept. information, contracts, 102.31 (8)
  Purposes, 626.09 (1)
  Review by, 626.31 (3)
Rating methods, 626.12
Records, reports, not kept, false, 102.35
Records of payments, 102.38
Reports by insurers to bureau, 626.32 (1)
Third party liability, 102.29