Product liability insurance reports, 601.425
Promoter stock, regulation, 611.32
Property fund, Ch. 605
Publications, cost, distribution, 601.47
Rate regulation, exemptions by rule, 625.04
  Delaying effect, 625.21
  Disapproval of, 625.22
  Filing of, 625.13 (1)
  Maintenance by commissioner, 601.46
  Nondisclosure, 601.465
  Appointment of rehabilitator, 645.32 (1)
  Fraudulent transfers after petition, 645.53
  Fraudulent transfers prior to petition, 645.52
  Grounds for, 645.31
  Orders, 645.32
  Powers and duties of rehabilitator, 645.33
  Special deputy commissioner, 645.33 (1)
Reinsurance transaction with domestic corporate affiliate, report to commissioner, 611.61 (1) (c)
Replies, to commissioner's inquiry, 601.42
Reports, may require of companies, 601.42
Reserves of companies, order adjustment, 623.21
Restraining orders, 601.64 (1)
Risk sharing plans:
  Establishment, 619.01 (1) (a)
  Order branch service offices, 619.01 (5)
Rule-making authority, 601.41 (3)
Rustproofing warranties insurance, policy forms, approve, 618.41 (6m)
Salary, 20.923 (4)
School benefit insurer:
  Certificate of authority, 616.07
  Mutual insurer apply for designation as, 616.03
Schools, health care benefits, rules, 120.13 (2)
Seal, 601.16
  Regulation, 611.31, 614.31
  Repurchase, approve, 611.34
Security surplus, commissioner shall set, 623.12
Segregated accounts, 611.24
Service insurance corporations:
  Articles of amendment, file, 613.29 (2)
  Certificate of authority, alteration, 613.20
  Certificate of incorporation and authority, issuance, 613.13 (2)
  Communications to members or policyholders, copies to commissioner, 613.41 (1)
  Contribution notes, approve, 613.33 (2)
  Distributions, notice to commissioner, 613.69 (2)
  Management, supervision, 613.54
  Meetings, commissioner may attend, 613.41 (2)
  Merger and consolidation, approval, 613.72
  Orders imposing and eliminating restrictions, 613.04
  Securities, approval, 613.31 (2)
  Surplus requirements, 613.19
  Transfer of business or assets, report to commissioner, 613.78 (2)
  Voidable and restricted transaction, 613.60
  Voluntary dissolution, duties, 613.74
Service of process on, 601.72
  Procedure, 601.73
Shareholders' meetings, attendance, 611.41 (2)
Signature, 601.16
Small employer insurance board, 15.735, 635.23
State agencies, commissioner's access to records, 601.49
State insurance, funds, Ch. 604
State life insurance fund, Ch. 607
Subpoenas, issue, 601.61
Subsidiaries, formation or acquisition, notice required, 611.26 (5)
Surety companies, certificate of authority, 601.51
Surety insurers, insolvency notices, 601.53
Surplus lines insurance, regulation, 618.41
Surplus requirements, 611.19
Testimony, take, 601.61
Town mutuals:
  Amendments of articles, bylaws, business plan, approve, 612.04
  Borrowing money, regulation, 612.35
  Contract forms, approval, 612.51
  Conversion into mutual insurance corporation, approve, 612.23
  Dissolution, approval, 612.25
  Investments, 612.36
  Loss adjustment, promulgate rules, 612.53
  Meetings, commissioner may attend, 612.11 (3)
  Merger or consolidation, 612.21, 612.22
  Model articles of incorporation, 612.02 (3)
  Supervision of management changes, 612.15
  Transfer of business, report to commissioner, 612.24
Unauthorized insurance, report to commissioner, 618.49 (1)
Unfair trade practices, 628.34 (12)
Unincorporated nondomestic insurers, requirements for, 618.25
Valuation of life policies, 623.06