100,15 Section 15 . 767.465 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.465 (2) (a) Except as provided in sub. (2m), if a respondent is the alleged father and fails to appear at the first appearance, unless the first appearance is not required under s. 767.457 (2), scheduled blood genetic test, pretrial hearing or trial, the court shall enter an order adjudicating the respondent to be the father and appropriate orders for support, legal custody and physical placement. The orders shall be either served on the respondent or mailed by regular, registered or certified mail, to the last-known address of the respondent. The orders shall take effect 30 days after service or 30 days after the date on which the orders were mailed unless, within that time, the respondent presents to the court or court commissioner under s. 757.69 (3) (g) evidence of good cause for failure to appear or failure to have undergone a blood genetic test.
100,16 Section 16 . 767.47 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.47 (1) (c) Blood Genetic test results under ss. 767.48 and or 885.23.
100,17 Section 17 . 767.47 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.47 (1) (d) The statistical probability of the alleged father's paternity based upon the blood genetic tests.
100,18 Section 18 . 767.47 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.47 (3) In an action against an alleged father, evidence offered by him with respect to an identified man who is not subject to the jurisdiction of the court concerning that man's sexual intercourse with the mother at or about the presumptive time of conception of the child is admissible in evidence only after the alleged father has undergone and made available to the court blood genetic tests as provided in s. 767.48.
100,19 Section 19 . 767.48 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (title) Blood Genetic tests in paternity actions.
100,20 Section 20 . 767.48 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (1) (a) The court may, and upon request of a party shall, require the child, mother, any male for whom there is probable cause to believe that he had sexual intercourse with the mother during a possible time of the child's conception, or any male witness who testifies or will testify about his sexual relations with the mother at a possible time of conception to submit to blood genetic tests. Probable cause of sexual intercourse during a possible time of conception may be established by a sufficient petition or affidavit of the child's mother filed with the court, or after an examination under oath of a complainant or witness, when the court determines such an examination is necessary.
100,21 Section 21 . 767.48 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (1) (b) The blood genetic tests shall be performed by an expert qualified as an examiner of genetic markers present on blood the cells and components of the specific body material to be used for the tests, appointed by the court. A report completed and certified by the court-appointed expert stating blood genetic test results and the statistical probability of the alleged father's paternity based upon the blood genetic tests is admissible as evidence without expert testimony and may be entered into the record at the trial or pretrial hearing if, at least 10 days before the trial or pretrial hearing, the party offering the report files it with the court and notifies all other parties of that filing.
100,22 Section 22 . 767.48 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (1m) Under sub. (1), if the blood genetic tests show that the alleged father is not excluded and that the statistical probability of the alleged father's parentage is 99.0% or higher, the alleged father shall be rebuttably presumed to be the child's parent.
100,23 Section 23. 767.48 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (2) The court, upon request by a party, shall order that independent tests be performed by other experts qualified as examiners of genetic markers present on blood the cells and components of the specific body material to be used for the tests. Additional tests performed by other experts of the same qualifications may be ordered by the court at the request of any party.
100,24 Section 24 . 767.48 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (4) Whenever the results of the blood genetic tests exclude the alleged father as the father of the child, this evidence shall be conclusive evidence of nonpaternity and the court shall dismiss the action. Whenever the results of the tests exclude any male witness from possible paternity, the tests shall be conclusive evidence of nonpaternity of the male witness. Testimony relating to sexual intercourse or possible sexual intercourse of the mother with any person excluded as a possible father, as a result of a blood genetic test, is inadmissible as evidence. If any party refuses to submit to the blood a genetic test, this fact shall be disclosed to the fact finder. This refusal is a contempt of the court for failure to produce evidence under s. 767.47 (5). If the action was brought by the child's mother but she refuses to submit herself or the child to blood genetic tests, the action shall be dismissed.
100,25 Section 25 . 767.48 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (5) (intro.) The fees and costs for blood genetic tests performed upon any person listed under sub. (1) shall be paid for by the county except as follows:
100,26 Section 26 . 767.48 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (5) (a) At the close of the proceeding the court may order either or both parties to reimburse the county if the court finds that they have sufficient resources to pay the costs of the blood genetic tests.
100,27 Section 27 . 767.48 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (5) (b) If 2 or more identical series of blood genetic tests are performed upon the same person, the court may require the person requesting the 2nd or subsequent series of tests to pay for it in advance.
100,28 Section 28 . 767.48 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (6) Any party calling a male witness for the purpose of testifying that he had sexual intercourse with the mother at any possible time of conception shall provide all other parties with the name and address of the witness 20 days before the trial or pretrial hearing. If a male witness is produced at the hearing for the purpose stated in this subsection but the party calling the witness failed to provide the 20-day notice, the court may adjourn the proceeding for the purpose of taking a blood genetic test of the witness prior to hearing the testimony of the witness if the court finds that the party calling the witness acted in good faith.
100,29 Section 29 . 767.48 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.48 (7) The court shall ensure that all parties are aware of their right to request blood genetic tests under this section.
100,30 Section 30 . 767.51 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.51 (3) The judgment or order may contain any other provision directed against the appropriate party to the proceeding, concerning the duty of support, the legal custody and guardianship of the child, periods of physical placement, the furnishing of bond or other security for the payment of the judgment, or any other matter in the best interest of the child. Unless the court orders otherwise, if there is no presumption of paternity under s. 891.41 the mother shall have sole legal custody of the child. The court shall order either party or both to pay for the support of any child of the parties who is less than 19 years old and is pursuing an accredited course of instruction leading to the acquisition of a high school diploma or its equivalent. The judgment or order may direct the father to pay or contribute to the reasonable expenses of the mother's pregnancy and confinement during pregnancy and may direct either party to pay or contribute to the costs of blood genetic tests, attorney fees and other costs. Contributions to the costs of blood genetic tests shall be paid to the county which paid for the blood genetic tests.
100,31 Section 31 . 767.52 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.52 (2m) Representation by an attorney appointed under sub. (1) shall be provided beginning at the pretrial hearing unless, as of the date of the hearing, the results of any blood genetic tests that were ordered by the court show that the alleged father is excluded or give rise to the rebuttable presumption under s. 767.48 (1m) that the alleged father is the father of the child. Representation by an attorney appointed under sub. (1) shall terminate during the paternity proceeding if the results of all of the blood genetic tests ordered by the court show that the alleged father is excluded or give rise to the rebuttable presumption under s. 767.48 (1m) that the alleged father is the father of the child.
100,32 Section 32 . 767.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
767.62 (3) Within one year after signing the statement or one year after attaining the age of 18, whichever is later, a person who has signed a statement acknowledging paternity that is filed as specified in sub. (1) may request that the court or family court commissioner order blood genetic tests. Upon such a request, the court or family court commissioner shall require the appropriate parties to submit to blood genetic tests. If the results of the blood genetic tests exclude as the father of the child the man who signed the statement, the court shall dismiss any action for child support under this section, or shall vacate any order for child support entered under this section, with respect to the man. This subsection does not apply if, before a request for blood genetic tests under this subsection, the man who signed the statement acknowledging paternity is determined to be the father of the child after the performance of blood genetic tests.
100,33 Section 33 . 885.23 of the statutes is amended to read:
885.23 (title) Blood Genetic tests in civil actions. Whenever it is relevant in a civil action to determine the parentage or identity of any child, person or corpse, the court, by order, shall direct any party to the action and any person involved in the controversy to submit to one or more blood genetic tests as provided in s. 767.48. The results of the tests shall be receivable as evidence in any case where exclusion from parentage is established or where a probability of parentage is shown to exist. Whenever the court orders the blood genetic tests and one of the parties refuses to submit to the tests that fact shall be disclosed upon trial.
100,34 Section 34 . 948.01 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
948.01 (1g) “Joint legal custody" has the meaning given in s. 767.001 (1) (1s).