95.39 (1) It is unlawful for any person to sell, furnish, give away or supply any tuberculin or any biological product containing Brucella organisms for use in this state unless all of the following conditions are met:
(a) the The label on the container thereof states the name and address of the manufacturer and the date of expiration;.
(b) the The vendor, within 15 days, reports to the department the name of the recipient, the date and amount delivered; and.
(c) such The products are sold or delivered only to veterinarians licensed to practice in this state.
Note: Subdivides text consistent with current style.
225,329 Section 329 . 97.01 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
97.01 (9) “Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed or graphic matter 1) upon an article or any of its containers or wrappers, or 2) accompanying such the article.
Note: Deletes subdivision designations not in conformity with current style.
225,330 Section 330 . 97.03 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 97.03 (1) (d) (intro.) and amended to read:
97.03 (1) (d) (intro.) If in package form, unless it bears a label containing a) the all of the following:
1. The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer or distributor; and b) an.
2. An accurate statement of the quantity of the contents in terms of weight, measure or numerical count.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater readability and conformity with current style.
225,331 Section 331 . 97.17 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
97.17 (2) No person shall engage as a buttermaker or cheesemaker unless he the person has a license from the department. Such The license shall be issued by the department under such regulations as that the department shall prescribe relating to the qualifications of applicants for licenses. Such The qualifications shall include among other things: Previous the applicant's record in operating and keeping in sanitary condition the butter or cheese factory in which he the applicant has been employed.
Note: Renders provision gender neutral and replaces language not in conformity with current drafting style.
225,332 Section 332 . 97.17 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
97.17 (3) Application for a buttermaker's or cheesemaker's license shall be made upon a blank form furnished by the department. Upon receipt of such the application the department shall issue a permit to such the applicant to carry on the work of a buttermaker or cheesemaker. Such The permit shall have the force and effect of a license to a buttermaker or cheesemaker until a license shall have been issued to the applicant or until such the applicant shall have been notified of the denial of such the application. At the time such that the permit is issued, the department shall furnish him the applicant with the regulations incident to securing a license and also suggestions relating to the proper method of operating butter or cheese factories.
Note: Renders provision gender neutral and replaces language not in conformity with current drafting style.
225,333 Section 333 . 97.18 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
97.18 (3) (c) There appears on the label of the package 1) the word oleomargarine" or margarine" in type or lettering at least as large as any other type or lettering on such the label in a color of print which clearly contrasts with its background, and 2) a full accurate statement of the ingredients contained in such the oleomargarine or margarine; and
Note: Deletes subdivision designations not in conformity with current style.
225,334 Section 334 . 97.25 (3) of the statutes is amended by replacing “s. 50.51" with “s. 254.64".
Note: Corrects cross-reference. Section 50.51 was renumbered s. 254.64 by 1993 Wis. Act 27.
225,335 Section 335 . 97.42 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
97.42 (3) (b) Examination after slaughter. For the same purpose stated in par. (a), the department shall cause to be made, by inspectors (who may be veterinarians on either a full or part-time basis) under supervision of the department, who may be veterinarians on either a full-time or part-time basis, an examination and inspection of the carcasses and parts thereof of all animals and poultry slaughtered at any establishment, except as provided in pars. (d) and (em). The carcasses and parts thereof of all such animals and poultry found to be wholesome and fit for human food shall be marked, stamped, tagged or labeled by inspectors as “Wis. inspected and passed". Inspectors shall mark, stamp, tag or label as “Wis. inspected and condemned" all carcasses and parts thereof of such animals and poultry found to be unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human food, and all carcasses and parts thereof so inspected and condemned shall be destroyed, in accordance with rules issued by the department. Inspection marks, stamps, tags and labels shall be prescribed by the department and shall include thereon the identification number of the establishment assigned by the department.
Note: Replaces nonspecific reference and parentheses and deletes language for greater conformity with current style.
225,336 Section 336 . 98.22 of the statutes is renumbered 98.22 (1) (intro.) and amended to read:
98.22 (1) (intro.) When a commodity in bulk is delivered by vehicle to an individual purchaser and the commodity is sold in terms of weight units, the delivery shall be accompanied by a duplicate delivery ticket with the following information clearly stated in ink or by means of other indelible marking equipment: 1) the
(a) The name and address of the vendor; 2) the.
(b) The name and address of the purchaser; and 3) the.
(c) The net weight of the delivery expressed in pounds, but where milk is picked up at farms, only the identity of the vendor and the net weight need be stated. If.
(d) The gross and tare weights of the delivery if the net weight of the delivery is derived from determination of gross and tare weights, such gross and tare weights also shall be stated in terms of pounds on the ticket.
(3) One of these the duplicate delivery tickets required under sub. (1) shall be retained by the vendor, and the other shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the commodity, or shall be surrendered, on demand to the inspector or sealer, who may retain it as evidence and issue a weight slip in lieu thereof for delivery to the purchaser. If the purchaser carries away the purchase, the vendor shall be required only to give to the purchaser at the time of sale a delivery ticket stating the number of pounds of commodity delivered to the purchaser. If the commodity is to be weighed by the purchaser, the purchaser shall furnish the vendor the duplicate delivery ticket provided for herein in this section.
Note: Subdivides provision and replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
225,337 Section 337 . 98.22 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
98.22 (2) Where milk is picked up at farms, only the identity of the vendor and the net weight need be stated.
Note: See the previous section of this bill.
225,338 Section 338 . 100.05 of the statutes is renumbered 100.05 (1) and amended to read:
100.05 (1) No operator of a butter factory or cheese factory wherein the value of the milk or cream delivered is determined by the sale of the product manufactured shall use or allow any other person, unless the other person is entitled to the benefit thereof, to use any milk or cream brought to the operator, without the consent of the owner thereof, and such.
(2) The operator of a butter or cheese factory wherein the value of the milk or cream delivered is determined by the sale of the product manufactured shall keep or cause to be kept a correct account (which shall be open to the inspection of any person furnishing milk to the operator and to the department, its chemists, assistants, inspectors and agents) of the amount of milk or cream received daily, and of the number of pounds of butter, and the number and style of cheese made each day, and of the number of cheese cut or otherwise disposed of and the weight of each, and the number of pounds of whey cream sold, with the test.
Note: Subdivides provision and reorganizes text to remove parentheses and for greater readability and conformity with current style. See also the next section to this bill.
225,339 Section 339 . 100.05 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
100.05 (3) The account kept under sub. (2) shall be open to the inspection of any person furnishing milk to the operator and to the department, its chemists, assistants, inspectors and agents.
Note: See the Note to the previous section of this bill.
225,340 Section 340 . 100.201 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 100.201 (1) (c) 1. and amended to read:
100.201 (1) (c) 1. “Selected dairy products" means: 1. milk,
a. Milk, skim milk, fortified milk, flavored milk, flavored skim milk, buttermilk, cream, sour cream, half and half, whipping cream, whipped cream and cottage cheese; and 2. ice
b. Ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, custard, water ices, quiescently frozen ices and frozen dessert novelties manufactured from any such products.
2. The department may by rule, after hearing, designate as selected dairy products such other products derived in whole or in part from milk as it finds necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section; but in .
3. In no event shall there be designated as selected dairy products any of the following: powdered
a. Powdered dry milk or powdered dry cream, condensed.
b. Condensed, concentrated or evaporated milk in hermetically sealed containers, butter.
c. Butter or cheese, other than cottage cheese.
Note: Renumbers provision consistent with current style.
225,341 Section 341 . 100.37 (1m) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 100.37 (1m) (b) (intro.) and amended to read:
100.37 (1m) (b) (intro.) An article may be determined to present a mechanical hazard if, in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse, its design or manufacture presents an unreasonable risk of personal injury or illness 1) from fracture any of the following:
1. Fracture, fragmentation or disassembly of the article,.
2) from propulsion. Propulsion of the article, or any part or accessory thereof, of the article.
3) from points. Points or other protrusions, surfaces, edges, openings or closures,.
4) from moving. Moving parts ,.
5) from lack. Lack or insufficiency of controls to reduce or stop motion,.
6) as a result of self-adhering. Self-adhering characteristics of the article,.
7) because. Aspiration or ingestion of the article, or any part or accessory thereof, may be aspirated or ingested, of the article.
8) because of instability or. Instability of the article.
9) because of any. Any other aspect of the article's design or manufacture including the capability of producing sounds at a level of 138 decibels or higher.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater conformity with current style and reorganizes text to correct sentence agreement.
225,342 Section 342 . 101.13 (6) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
Note: Deletes definition. This provision defines “remodeling" as used in s. 101.13 (6). After the treatment of s. 101.13 (6) by 1995 Wis. Act 27, “remodeling" is not used in s. 101.13 (6).
225,343 Section 343 . 102.07 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 102.07 (4) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
102.07 (4) (a) (intro.) Every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, all helpers and assistants of employes, whether paid by the employer or employe, if employed with the knowledge, actual or constructive, of the employer, including minors (, who shall have the same power of contracting as adult employes), but not including (a) domestic the following:
1. Domestic servants, (b) any .
2. Any person whose employment is not in the course of a trade, business, profession or occupation of the employer, unless as to any of said classes, such the employer has elected to include them. Item
(b) Par. (a) 2. shall not operate to exclude an employe whose employment is in the course of any trade, business, profession or occupation of the employer, however casual, unusual, desultory or isolated any such the employer's trade, business, profession or occupation may be.
Note: Replaces parentheses, renumbers provision and replaces language for greater conformity with current style.
225,344 Section 344 . 102.43 (5) of the statutes is amended by replacing “101.61 (1m)" with “102.61 (1m)".
Note: Corrects cross-reference. There is no s. 102.61 (1m). The costs referred to in this provision are under s. 102.61 (1m).
225,345 Section 345 . 102.51 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 102.51 (1) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
102.51 (1) (a) (intro.) The following persons are entitled to death benefits as if they are solely and wholly dependent for support upon a deceased employe:
1. A wife upon a husband with whom she is living at the time of his death; a.
2. A husband upon a wife with whom he is living at the time of her death; a.
3. A child under the age of 18 years (or upon the parent with whom he or she is living at the time of the death of the parent, there being no surviving dependent parent.
4. A child over that the age of 18 years, but physically or mentally incapacitated from earning), upon the parent with whom he or she is living at the time of the death of such the parent, there being no surviving dependent parent.
Note: Renumbers provision and replaces parentheses consistent with current style.
225,346 Section 346 . 103.43 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
103.43 (3) Any person who shall be influenced, induced or persuaded to engage with any persons mentioned in sub. (1), through or by means of any of the things therein prohibited, shall have a right of action for recovery of all damages that he the person shall have sustained in consequence of the false or deceptive representation, false advertising or false pretenses used to induce him the person to change his or her place of employment or to accept such employment, against any person or persons, corporations or companies or associations, directly or indirectly, causing such damage; and in addition to all such actual damages such workman may have sustained, shall be entitled to recover such reasonable attorney fees as the court shall fix, to be taxed as costs in any judgment recovered.
Note: Replaces gender specific pronouns. The term “workman" is retained to avoid any inference that a substantive change is being made.
225,347 Section 347 . 103.465 of the statutes is amended by replacing “his employer" with “his or her employer".
Note: Renders provision gender neutral.