Chapter 285
Air pollution
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
General powers and duties - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Air Quality standards,
Performance standards;
emission limits and nonattainment areas - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Volatile organic compounds
and mobile sources;
Emission limits and standards - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
emission rates and goals - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Waste incinerators;
Ozone depleting substances;
Emission limits and other requirements - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Permits and fees - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII
Miscellaneous - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IX
Enforcement; penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 287
Subchapter I
General - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Solid waste reduction,
recovery and recycling - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Recycling market development - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Littering - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Enforcement and penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 289
Solid waste facilities
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Administration; solid waste Management standards - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Facilities; siting - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Long-term care; Financial responsibility;
operation; Waivers; exemptions; closure - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Facilities; regulation of specific
Facility or waste types - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VI
Fees; funds - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VII
Financial assistance - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter VIII
Enforcement; penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 291
Hazardous waste management
Subchapter I
Declaration of policy - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Administration - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Hazardous waste; general regulation - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
Enforcement; penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 292
Remedial action
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Remedial action - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Enforcement; penalties - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 293
Metallic mining
Subchapter I
Definitions - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Administration - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter III
Exploration - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter IV
Prospecting; mining; reclamation - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter V
General Provisions; enforcement - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 295
Nonmetallic mining
Reclamation; oil and gas
Subchapter I
Nonmetallic mining reclamation - See PDF for table PDF
Subchapter II
Oil and gas - See PDF for table PDF
Chapter 299
General environmental provisions - See PDF for table PDF
227,1 Section 1 . 13.101 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
13.101 (11) The committee may approve a clean water fund interest rate change as specified under s. 144.241 281.58 (12) (f).
227,2 Section 2 . 13.48 (10) (b) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is amended to read:
13.48 (10) (b) 1. Contracts by the department of natural resources for construction work related to hazardous substance spill response under s. 144.76 292.11 or environmental repair under s. 144.442 292.31.
227,3 Section 3 . 13.48 (26) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is amended to read:
13.48 (26) Clean water annual finance plan approval. The building commission shall review the versions of the biennial finance plan and any amendments to the biennial finance plan submitted to it by the department of natural resources and the department of administration under s. 144.2415 281.59 (3) (bm) and the recommendations of the joint committee on finance and the standing committees to which the versions of the biennial finance plan and any amendments were submitted under s. 144.2415 281.59 (3) (bm). The building commission shall consider the extent to which that version of the biennial finance plan that is updated to reflect the adopted biennial budget act will maintain the clean water fund in perpetuity. The building commission shall consider the extent to which the implementation of the clean water fund, as set forth in the biennial finance plan updated to reflect the adopted biennial budget act, implements legislative intent on the clean water fund program. The building commission shall, no later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the biennial budget act, either approve or disapprove the biennial finance plan that is updated to reflect the adopted biennial budget act, except that the building commission may not disapprove those amounts that the legislature approves under s. 144.2415 281.59 (3) (c). If the building commission disapproves the version of the biennial finance plan that is updated to reflect the adopted biennial budget act, it must notify the department of natural resources and the department of administration of its reasons for disapproving the plan, and those departments must revise that version of the biennial finance plan and submit the revision to the building commission.
227,4 Section 4 . 13.625 (8m) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is amended to read:
13.625 (8m) Subsection (3) does not apply to the solicitation of anything of pecuniary value to pay the costs of remedying environmental contamination, as defined in s. 144.968 292.51 (1), by an agency official of the department of natural resources.
227,5 Section 5 . 15.107 (5) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
15.107 (5) (a) 5. A representative of a major utility, as defined under s. 144.386 285.41 (1) (f), appointed by the secretary of administration.
227,6 Section 6 . 15.107 (5) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
15.107 (5) (a) 6. A representative of an industry which is a large source, as defined under s. 144.388 285.45 (1) (a), appointed by the secretary of administration.
227,7 Section 7 . 15.107 (12) (b) 1. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
15.107 (12) (b) 1. c. One member to represent industrial laboratories with permits issued under ch. 147 283.
227,8 Section 8 . 15.157 (10) (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of the statutes are amended to read:
15.157 (10) (a) Three members to represent the general public who are not owners, or representatives of owners, of small business stationary sources, as defined in s. 144.36 285.79 (1).
(b) One member who owns a small business stationary source, as defined in s. 144.36 285.79 (1), or who represents owners of small business stationary sources, appointed by the president of the senate.
(c) One member who owns a small business stationary source, as defined in s. 144.36 285.79 (1), or who represents owners of small business stationary sources, appointed by the speaker of the assembly.
(d) One member who owns a small business stationary source, as defined in s. 144.36 285.79 (1), or who represents owners of small business stationary sources, appointed by the minority leader of the senate.
(e) One member who owns a small business stationary source, as defined in s. 144.36 285.79 (1), or who represents owners of small business stationary sources, appointed by the minority leader of the assembly.
227,9 Section 9. 15.347 (15) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
15.347 (15) (a) 4. At least one council member shall represent each of the priority watersheds, as identified under s. 144.25 281.65 (4) (cm), that are located in the Milwaukee river basin.
227,10 Section 10 . 15.915 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is amended to read:
15.915 (5) (a) Definition. In this subsection, “responsible unit" has the meaning given in s. 159.01 287.01 (9).
227,11 Section 11 . 16.15 (1) (ae) and (ah) of the statutes are amended to read:
16.15 (1) (ae) “Cost of disposing of processed material" has the meaning given in s. 159.11 287.11 (2m) (a) 1.
(ah) “Cost of selling processed material" has the meaning given in s. 159.11 287.11 (2m) (a) 2.
227,12 Section 12 . 16.15 (1) (aj) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.15 (1) (aj) “Major appliance" has the meaning given in s. 159.01 287.01 (3).
227,13 Section 13 . 16.15 (1) (ar) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.15 (1) (ar) “Processed material" has the meaning given in s. 159.11 287.11 (2m) (a) 3.
227,14 Section 14 . 16.15 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.15 (1) (e) “Recycling" has the meaning under s. 144.44 (7) 289.43 (1).
227,15 Section 15 . 16.15 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.15 (1) (f) “Yard waste" has the meaning given in s. 159.01 287.01 (17).
227,16 Section 16 . 16.15 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
16.15 (3) (a) 3. Separate for recycling at least 50% of each of the materials listed in s. 159.07 287.07 (3) or (4) that is generated as solid waste by the agency or authority beginning on January 1, 1993, and such greater amount of such materials as the department determines is reasonably feasible beginning on January 1, 1995.
227,17 Section 17 . 16.72 (2) (f) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is amended to read:
16.72 (2) (f) In writing specifications under this subsection, the department, any other designated purchasing agent under s. 16.71 (1) and each authority other than the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority shall incorporate requirements relating to the recyclability and ultimate disposition of products and, wherever possible, shall write the specifications so as to minimize the amount of solid waste generated by the state, consistent with the priorities established under s. 159.05 287.05 (12). All specifications under this subsection shall discourage the purchase of single-use, disposable products and require, whenever practical, the purchase of multiple-use, durable products.
227,18 Section 18 . 16.75 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 368m, is amended to read:
16.75 (1) (a) 1. All orders awarded or contracts made by the department for all materials, supplies, equipment and contractual services to be provided to any agency, except as otherwise provided in par. (c) and subs. (2), (2g), (2m), (3m), (3t), (6), (7), (8) and (9) and ss. 16.73 (4) (a), 16.754, 50.05 (7) (f), 159.15 287.15 (7) and 301.265, shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration life cycle cost estimates under sub. (1m), when appropriate, the location of the agency, the quantities of the articles to be supplied, their conformity with the specifications, and the purposes for which they are required and the date of delivery.
227,19 Section 19 . 16.855 (21) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.855 (21) This section does not apply to contracts by the department of natural resources for construction work related to hazardous substance spill response under s. 144.76 292.11 or environmental repair under s. 144.442 292.31.
227,20 Section 20 . 16.87 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.87 (4) This section does not apply to contracts by the department of natural resources for environmental consultant services or engineering services for hazardous substance spill response under s. 144.76 292.11 or environmental repair under s. 144.442 292.31, or for environmental consultant services to assist in the preparation of an environmental impact statement or to provide preapplication services under s. 23.40.
227,21 Section 21 . 18.57 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
18.57 (3) Moneys in such funds may be commingled only for the purpose of investment with other public funds, but they shall be invested only in investment instruments permitted in s. 25.17 (3) (dg) or in clean water fund investment instruments permitted in s. 144.2415 281.59 (2m). All such investments shall be the exclusive property of such fund and all earnings on or income from investments shall be credited to such fund and shall become available for any of the purposes under sub. (2) and for the payment of interest on related revenue obligations.
227,22 Section 22 . 19.59 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
19.59 (1) (f) Paragraphs (a) to (c) do not apply to the members of a local committee appointed under s. 144.445 289.33 (7) (a) to negotiate with the owner or operator of, or applicant for a license to operate, a solid waste disposal or hazardous waste facility under s. 144.445 289.33, with respect to any matter contained or proposed to be contained in a written agreement between a municipality and the owner, operator or applicant or in an arbitration award or proposed award that is applicable to those parties.
227,23 Section 23 . 20.143 (1) (kc) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.143 (1) (kc) Clean air act compliance assistance. From moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (2) (bg), the amounts in the schedule for assisting the department of natural resources in administering the small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program under s. 144.36 285.79 and for expenses related to serving as ombudsman for small business stationary sources as required under s. 560.03 (9).