27,7132b Section 7132b. 779.97 (2) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (2) (c) 3. If the person against whose interest the lien applies is the estate of a decedent, in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial institutions.
27,7133b Section 7133b. 779.97 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (a) 1. The secretary of state With the department of financial institutions, the secretary of state filing officer shall cause the notice to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.403 (4) as if the notice were a financing statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411; or
27,7134b Section 7134b. 779.97 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (b) 1. If a refiling of a notice of lien is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the refiled notice of federal lien to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.403 as if the refiling were a continuation statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411, except that the time period in par. (d) shall apply instead of the time period in s. 409.403 (2) and (3).
27,7135 Section 7135 . 779.97 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (b) 2. If a certificate of release is presented to the secretary of state for filing, the secretary shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.404 as if the certificate were a termination statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411, and the secretary may remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination from the files at any time after receipt of the certificate of release, but the secretary of state shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk or electronic record of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.
27,7136b Section 7136b. 779.97 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (b) 2. If a certificate of release is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.404 as if the certificate were a termination statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411, and the secretary filing officer may remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination from the files at any time after receipt of the certificate of release, but the secretary of state department of financial institutions shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk or electronic record of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.
27,7137b Section 7137b. 779.97 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (b) 3. If a certificate of discharge is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed as if the certificate were a release of collateral within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411.
27,7138b Section 7138b. 779.97 (4) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (b) 4. If a certificate of nonattachment or subordination of any lien is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed as if the certificate were an amendment within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411.
27,7139 Section 7139 . 779.97 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (c) 2. If a certificate of release is presented for filing with any other filing officer specified in sub. (2), the officer shall enter the certificate with the date of filing in any alphabetical federal lien index on the line where the original notice of lien is entered and may then remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination from the files, provided that the officer shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record, or in the case of the secretary of state, or a register of deeds if authorized under s. 59.512, a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk or electronic record, of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of federal liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.
27,7140b Section 7140b. 779.97 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
779.97 (4) (c) 2. If a certificate of release is presented for filing with any other filing officer specified in sub. (2), the officer shall enter the certificate with the date of filing in any alphabetical federal lien index on the line where the original notice of lien is entered and may then remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination from the files, provided that the officer shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record, or in the case of the secretary of state department of financial institutions, or a register of deeds if authorized under s. 59.512, a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk record, of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of federal liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.
27,7140m Section 7140m. 799.01 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.01 (1) (c) Replevins. Actions for replevin under ss. 810.01 to 810.13 where the value of the property claimed does not exceed $4,000 $5,000.
27,7140p Section 7140p. 799.01 (1) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.01 (1) (d) Other civil actions. (intro.) Other civil actions where the amount claimed is $4,000 $5,000 or less, if the actions or proceedings are:
27,7140r Section 7140r. 799.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.01 (2) Permissive use of small claims procedure. A taxing authority may use the procedure in this chapter in an action to recover a tax from a person liable for that tax where the amount claimed, including interest and penalties, is $4,000 $5,000 or less. This chapter is not the exclusive procedure for those actions.
27,7140x Section 7140x. 800.01 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
800.01 (2) (a) Service under sub. (1) (a) shall be as provided in s. 801.11 or 968.04 (3) (b) 2. or by personal service by a municipal employe.
27,7141bg Section 7141bg. 800.095 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
800.095 (1) Nonpayment or noncompliance. (intro.) If the defendant does not comply with the judgment of the court under s. 800.09 (1), fails to pay a driver improvement surcharge imposed under s. 346.655 or fails to comply with the community service work order under s. 800.09 (1) (b), the court shall issue a warrant to arrest the defendant and bring him or her before the court or a summons ordering the defendant to appear in court, or both. The defendant may be incarcerated prior to the court appearance.
27,7141bh Section 7141bh. 800.095 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
800.095 (4) (b) 1. That the defendant be imprisoned until the forfeiture, assessments, surcharge and costs are paid, except that the defendant reduces the amount owed at a rate of at least $25 for each day of imprisonment, including imprisonment following an arrest but prior to the findings under this subsection, and the maximum period of imprisonment is 90 days.
27,7141d Section 7141d. 800.095 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
800.095 (7m) Transfer of unclaimed money. In addition to the procedures under this section, a municipal court may order the transfer of any of the defendant's money that the municipality is holding and that is unclaimed by the defendant for more than one year to pay any forfeitures that the defendant failed to pay the municipality.
27,7141g Section 7141g. 801.02 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
801.02 (7) No prisoner, as defined in s. 301.01 (2), may commence a civil action or special proceeding against an officer, employe or agent of the department of corrections in his or her official capacity or as an individual for acts or omissions committed while carrying out his or her duties as an officer, employe or agent or while acting within the scope of his or her office, employment or agency until the person has exhausted any administrative remedies that the department of corrections has promulgated by rule.
27,7141r Section 7141r. 802.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
802.04 (1) Caption. Every pleading shall contain a caption setting forth the name of the court, the venue, the title of the action, the file number, and a designation as in s. 802.01 (1). If a pleading contains motions, or an answer or reply contains cross-claims or counterclaims, the designation in the caption shall state their existence. In the complaint the caption of the action shall include the standardized description of the case classification type and associated code number as approved by the director of state courts, and the title of the action shall include the names and addresses of all the parties, indicating the representative capacity, if any, in which they sue or are sued and, in actions by or against a corporation, the corporate existence and its domestic or foreign status shall be indicated. In pleadings other than the complaint, it is sufficient to state the name of the first party on each side with an appropriate indication of other parties. Every pleading commencing an action under s. 814.61 (1) (a) or 814.62 (1) or (2) and every complaint filed under s. 814.61 (3) shall contain in the caption, if the action includes a claim for a money judgment, a statement of whether the amount claimed is greater than the amount under s. 799.01 (1) (d).
27,7142 Section 7142 . 803.03 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
803.03 (2) (a) Joinder of related claims. A party asserting a claim for affirmative relief shall join as parties to the action all persons who at the commencement of the action have claims based upon subrogation to the rights of the party asserting the principal claim, derivation from the principal claim, or assignment of part of the principal claim. For purposes of this section, a person's right to recover for loss of consortium shall be deemed a derivative right. Any public assistance recipient or any estate of such a recipient asserting a claim against a 3rd party for which the public assistance provider has a right of subrogation or assignment under s. 49.65 (2) or (3) 49.89 (2) or (3) shall join the provider as a party to the claim. Any party asserting a claim based upon subrogation to part of the claim of another, derivation from the rights or claim of another, or assignment of part of the rights or claim of another shall join as a party to the action the person to whose rights the party is subrogated, from whose claim the party derives his or her rights or claim, or by whose assignment the party acquired his or her rights or claim.
27,7142m Section 7142m. 809.30 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
809.30 (1) (b) “Sentencing" means, in a felony or misdemeanor case, the imposition of a sentence, fine or probation or, in a misdemeanor case, imposition of community supervision. In a ch. 48, 51 or 55 case, other than a termination of parental rights case under s. 48.43, it means the entry of the trial court's final judgment or order.
27,7144 Section 7144 . 812.30 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
812.30 (9) “Need-based public assistance" means aid to families with dependent children, general relief funded by a relief block grant under ch. 49, relief to needy Indian persons provided by counties under s. 59.07 (154), medical assistance, supplemental security income, food stamps, or benefits received by veterans under s. 45.351 (1) or under 38 USC 501 to 562.
27,7145 Section 7145 . 812.44 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
812.44 (4) The notice of exemption served upon the garnishee under s. 812.35 (4) shall be in substantially the following form:
A.B., Creditor
vs.   File or Reference Number....
E.F., Garnishee
To the debtor:
The creditor was awarded a judgment against you or your spouse by.... (County Circuit or Federal District) Court on the.... day of...., 19.. That judgment not having been fully paid, the creditor has now filed a garnishment proceeding against your earnings from the garnishee. This means that the creditor is seeking to take some of your earnings to satisfy part or all of the judgment against you or your spouse.
The total amount of the creditor's claim is as follows:
Unpaid balance on judgment   $....
Unpaid postjudgment interest   $....
a. Garnishment filing fee   $....
b. Garnishee fee   $....
c. Service of process (estimate)   $....
TOTAL   $....
By law, you are entitled to an exemption of not less than 80% of your disposable earnings. Your “disposable earnings" are those remaining after social security and federal and state income taxes are withheld.
Your earnings are completely exempt from garnishment if:
1. Your household income is below the federal poverty level, or this garnishment would cause that to happen. See the enclosed schedules and worksheet to determine if you qualify for this exemption.
2. You receive aid to families with dependent children, general relief funded by a relief block grant under ch. 49, relief to needy Indian persons provided by counties under section 59.07 (154) of the Wisconsin Statutes, medical assistance, supplemental security income, food stamps, or veterans benefits based on need under USC 501 to 562 or section 45.351 (1) of the Wisconsin Statutes, or have received these benefits within the past 6 months.
3. At least 25% of your disposable earnings are assigned by court order for support.
If you qualify for a complete exemption, you must give or mail a copy of the enclosed debtor's answer form to the garnishee in order to receive that increased exemption.
If your circumstances change while the garnishment is in effect, you may file a new answer at any time.
If you do not qualify for a complete exemption, but you will not be able to acquire the necessities of life for yourself and your dependents if your earnings are reduced by this earnings garnishment, you may ask the court in which this earnings garnishment was filed to increase your exemption or grant you other relief.
If you have earnings that are being garnisheed that are exempt or subject to a defense, the sooner you file your answer or seek relief from the court, the sooner such relief can be provided. This earnings garnishment affects your earnings in pay periods beginning within 13 weeks after it was served on the garnishee. You may agree in writing with the creditor to extend it for additional 13-week periods until the debt is paid.
If you wrongly claim an exemption or defense in bad faith, or if the creditor wrongly objects to your claim in bad faith, the court may order the person who acted in bad faith to pay court costs, actual damages and reasonable attorney fees.
27,7146 Section 7146 . 812.44 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
812.44 (5) The debtor's answer form under s. 812.37 shall be in substantially the following form:
A.B., Creditor
vs.   File or Reference Number....
E.F., Garnishee
To the garnishee:
My earnings are COMPLETELY EXEMPT from earnings garnishment because:
... 1. The judgment has been paid or is void.