Private detectives, security persons, alarm contractors, locksmiths, their agencies and armored transport services and licensed personnel: regulations revised; convicted felon exclusions; dangerous weapons provision [partial veto]  -  Act 461
Private security persons: firearms provisions  -  Act 122
Agency secretary technical changes [Sec. 105, 133, 188, 2210, 9116 (5), 9126 (19), 9130 (4), 9416 (3), 9426 (16), 9430 (5)]  -  Act 27
Automated campground reservation system provisions [Sec. 1501m, r]  -  Act 27
Development opportunity or enterprise development opportunity zone provisions created; day care and environmental remediation credits established [Sec. 2879mn-ms, 3373t, 3377m-3381mm, 3393r, 3394mm, mp, 3395m, 3399f, 3399r-3403mm, 3404cgm-cm, 3406r, 3407m-3411mm, 3412rg, rr, 3438m, 3493m, 6895d, 6928c, 6933p, r, 6936p-s, v, 6939g, 9316 (1x), 9348 (6x), 9416 (4m)] [3377m, r, 3407m, r, — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto]  -  Act 209
DOD expenditure reductions and JCF duties [Sec. 9116 (6g)]  -  Act 27
DOD renamed Department of commerce [Sec. 505, 1209, 9116 (5), 9416 (3)]  -  Act 27
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county [Sec. 9116 (7gg)]  -  Act 27
Environmental and regulatory services and International and export development, Divisions of, created in DOD; administrator appointed outside classified service [Sec. 126m, mg, 9416 (4g)]  -  Act 27
Great Lakes inter-tribal council: DOD grant re technical assistance program revised [Sec. 6940]  -  Act 27
Hazardous pollution prevention program revised; DOD board deleted, council created; DNR and U.W. duties set [Sec. 127, 129, 510, 1773-1775, 4321-4325, 4337-4349, 6908-6915, 9116 (1)]  -  Act 27
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906]  -  Act 27
Job training loan guarantee program and Wisconsin job training fund created; memorandum of understanding and report required [partial veto]  -  Act 116
Labor training and employment services program for employes of FDL Foods, Inc.: grant provided  -  Act 119
Lake states wood utilization consortium: funding for grants and administrative costs [Sec. 737c, e, 739m, r, 1430m, 9442 (8x)]  -  Act 27
Main street program revisions [Sec. 130-132, 6891, 6892, 9116 (2)]  -  Act 27
Minority business early planning grants [Sec. 6937-6939]  -  Act 27
Municipal boundary and annexation review functions transferred from DOA to DOD [Sec. 3306-3312, 9159 (7x), 9459 (3)]  -  Act 27
Permit information and regulatory bureau created in DOD; Permit information center renamed [Sec. 126mn, mp, 6226g, j, 6887g, 6923 maf-mu, 6925cb-cn]  -  Act 27
Petroleum storage tank discharge program transferred from DNR and DILHR to DOD; maximum award amounts; memorandum of understanding [Sec. 993, 3665-3683, 3685, 4326, 4328, 4329, 9142 (6), 9442 (7)]  -  Act 27
Plat review duties of DATCP and DILHR transferred to DOD; memorandum of understanding re international agribusiness [Sec. 483, 489, 979, 3361, 3362, 3556, 3566, 3566e, 3569, 6308-6311, 9104 (3), 9404 (5), 9430 (7)]  -  Act 27
Private sewage systems: rules and study provisions [Sec. 9116 (3g)] [vetoed]  -  AB-150
Recycling market development board: staffing, structure and functions revised [Sec. 112b-h, 220g, 514b, 608s, 609g-k, 656, 656b, 1080b, 1085b, 1086b, 1775e-h, 4406x, 4407b, 4435-4440b, 6887k, 9101 (16), 9157 (2p), 9457 (1p)] [112d — partial veto; 112e-g — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Regional economic development grants [Sec. 6895dm-dr]  -  Act 27
Rural economic development program revision re employe relocation costs [Sec. 6898r-t]  -  Act 27
Safety and buildings laws administration and enforcement transferred from DILHR to DOD [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Public safety"]  -  Act 27
Storm water management plan; DNR to consult with DOD [Sec. 4303cm]  -  Act 27
Tourism division and council transferred from DOD to Department of tourism [Sec. 36, 65-68, 126c, 128, 170, 173, 189, 193, 210, 403, 450, 455-458, 515b-m, 753c, 1068, 1627, 1994, 3560, 6246, 6246m, 6916-6923h, 9116 (4), 9416 (2), (2to)] [128, 6923h — partial veto; 6923g — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin trade project program created; export development loan program deleted [Sec. 508, 512, 6890, 6896, 6897]  -  Act 27
disabledDisabled, see Handicapped
discovery proceedingsDiscovery proceedings, see Court — Procedure; Juvenile court
Masculine gender pronouns: unnecessary references removed. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [AJR-12]  -  JR-3
discrimination in educationDiscrimination in education
Intradistrict transfer and merged attendance area aid [Sec. 4095m-4099r, 9345 (9m)]  -  Act 27
discrimination in employmentDiscrimination in employment, see also Age and employment
Affirmative action procedures for corrections positions revised [Sec. 6283m]  -  Act 27
Employer providing a reference for current or former employe: civil liability immunity created  -  Act 441
Alzheimer's disease training and information grants: program eliminated [Sec. 934, 2333, 4369]  -  Act 27
Breast cancer screening program expanded [Sec. 809, 6347-6350]  -  Act 27
Elderly program funding re COP, BOALTC, the guardianship grant program and Alzheimer's disease training and information grants [partial veto]  -  Act 464
Estate recovery for certain disease aids costs: provisions created [Sec. 3044b-j, 7065b, c, 7190b, c, 7191b, c, 7193b, c, 7194b, c, 7195b, c, 7197b, c, 7198b, c, 7199b, c, y, 7200b, c, 7206b, c, 9126 (32g), 9426 (24g)]  -  Act 27
Substitute care providers of CHIPS: disclosure of certain information, including HIV and hepatitis B tests, authorized  -  Act 275
Tuberculosis program and MA eligibility [Sec. 813, 3008, 3024, 6318, 9126 (8)]  -  Act 27
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided  -  Act 371
dispositional order for juvenilesDispositional order for juveniles, see Juvenile court
district attorneyDistrict attorney
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded  -  Act 369
CHIPS procedures revised: time period for detention hearing and filing petition increased; informal disposition request by intake worker, extension and termination  -  Act 275
DA computer network created; penalty assessment increased [Sec. 1014e, 4460bp-i, v, 9155 (1g), 9336 (2g), 9426 (19t), 9436 (3g), (3h)] [4460bp, c, e, f, g, 9426 (19t), 9436 (3h) — partial veto; 1014e, 4460d, em, v, 9155 (1g) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Goethel, Karl J.: service as DA of Pepin county commended [AJR-82]  -  JR-30
Term of office changed to 4-year: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR-30]  -  JR-21
Custodial parent moving with, or removing, child after divorce: notification and objection procedure revised  -  Act 70
Medical information and medical history: noncustodial parent required to provide to court; joint custody provision  -  Act 375
Tax liability of formerly married persons  -  Act 418
d.n.a. _deoxyribonucleic acid_D.N.A. (Deoxyribonucleic acid), see Genetics
do_not_resuscitate orderDo-not-resuscitate order, see Death
DOA revisions re PR restructuring, document sales, interagency mail delivery and printing services [Sec. 357, 393, 1055, 1058, 1059, 1178, 9101 (3), (4)]  -  Act 27
dog racingDog racing, see Racing
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded; county board to set maximum amount by ordinance  -  Act 316
Dogs causing injury or damage: penalties imposed on owners increased  -  Act 181
Farm-raised deer and venison exemption from DNR regulation; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, dog damage, DATCP authority and bovine tuberculosis testing  -  Act 79