parental liability re childrenParental liability re children, see Juvenile delinquency
pari_mutuel bettingPari-mutuel betting, see Racing
parkPark, see also State park
Fox river: city of Appleton authorized to place fill re park development  -  Act 105
parochial and private educational institutionsParochial and private educational institutions
Athletic association certification provided [Sec. 3866m, 3997] [vetoed]  -  AB-150
College tuition prepayment program established; segregated fund and income tax benefit created [partial veto]  -  Act 403
Milwaukee parental choice program: provision re proration of spaces available at participating private schools [Sec. 54]  -  Act 216
Milwaukee parental choice program revisions; LAB evaluation audit required [Sec. 4002-4008s, 4040x, 4046m, 4105m, 9145 (12x), 9345 (1x)]  -  Act 27
Minority undergraduate grants and minority teacher loan program revisions [Sec. 558m, q, r, 612m, 1772m, 1893m, 1894m, 1934g, m, 9127 (1et)]  -  Act 27
Community service work performed by probationers and parolees; authority extended to DOC  -  Act 96
Juvenile justice code created  -  Act 77
Juvenile justice code revisions  -  Act 352
Life imprisonment without parole  -  Act 48
Parole commission: PR-S appropriation [Sec. 791]  -  Act 27
Parole consideration for educational achievement eliminated  -  Act 444
Probation and parole holds by counties: reimbursement revised [Sec. 6367x, 6368c, 9312 (1)]  -  Act 27
Probation and parole revocation hearing: SPD representation prohibited [Sec. 2435t, 2437r, 2442r-v, 2445g, 2448b, 7268b-y, 9344 (5g)-(5m]  -  Act 27
Probation and parole supervision: DOC may contract for [Sec. 6359]  -  Act 27
Probationer and parolee administrative and minimum supervision: system revised [Sec. 783t, 6407x, 9112 (3x)]  -  Act 27
Probationer and parolee supervision and services: reimbursement fee created [Sec. 783v, 6408, 9112 (3g)] [783v, 6408 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state  -  Act 440
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; partnership projects, health insurance, funding and education provisions [Sec. 107-111, 239m-247r, 249, 251-254, 256, 258-259r, 262, 264-267, 269, 271, 272, 274-276, 278, 776b-780m, 781m-782u, 1014c, 1074, 1411g, r, 9111 (1), 9211 (1z), 9411 (1z)] [251d — partial veto]  -  Act 27
partnershipPartnership, see Corporation
pecfa _petroleum storage environmental cleanup program_PECFA (Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program), see Petroleum
pepper sprayPepper spray, see Public safety
performing rights societyPerforming rights society, see Copyright
personal propertyPersonal property
Commercial equipment or technology given to certain schools: civil immunity exemption created  -  Act 112
Lost money or goods: return procedure revised  -  Act 263
Unclaimed money of a defendant: municipality may use for unpaid forfeitures [Sec. 4496t, 7141d, 9310 (7f)]  -  Act 27
personal property _ taxationPersonal property — Taxation, see Property tax
pesticidePesticide, see Pests
Commercial pesticide certification and licensing fee revisions [Sec. 1417, 3572-3574, 9404 (4)]  -  Act 27
peterson, elmer cPeterson, Elmer C.
Life and public service [SJR-8]  -  JR-5
petroleumPetroleum, see also Fuel; Gasoline
Commercial vessel regulations revised: double hull or tug escort required in certain cases, intoxicated boating law modified and open burning on prohibited  -  Act 290
Employment transit assistance program: appropriation created; use of federal oil overcharge funds eliminated  -  Act 113
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized  -  Act 227
Oil discharge control responses: immunity from liability created  -  Act 192
Oil inspection fee deposit in petroleum inspection fund  -  Act 113
PECFA lender hold harmless provisions [Sec. 3683g, m]  -  Act 27
Petroleum inspection program balance transfer [Sec. 9230 (1t)]  -  Act 27
Petroleum storage tank discharge program transferred from DNR and DILHR to DOD; maximum award amounts; memorandum of understanding [Sec. 993, 3665-3683, 3685, 4326, 4328, 4329, 9142 (6), 9442 (7)]  -  Act 27
Transmission facility excavation and damage procedures revised  -  Act 135
petroleum _ taxationPetroleum — Taxation
Petroleum inspection fee: collection authority transferred from DILHR to DOR [Sec. 978, 1114, 1185, 4474-4480, 4482-4495, 9348 (4)]  -  Act 27
Petroleum testing fees and DILHR authority [Sec. 974, 3648, 3649, 9430 (3)]  -  Act 27
petroleum storage environmental cleanup program _pecfa_Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program (PECFA), see Petroleum
Pharmacist cost savings under MA program: incentive-based payment system created [Sec. 2989d] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
phonicsPhonics, see Literacy
physical therapistPhysical therapist, see Handicapped
physically disabledPhysically disabled, see Handicapped
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded  -  Act 369
``Doctor of medicine" or ``M.D." title: use requirements created [Sec. 6608e-s]  -  Act 27
Health care professional service corporation: chiropractors, physical therapists, dietitians and hearing and speech therapists added; revision re physician and nurse anesthetists  -  Act 167
Living will statutes revised  -  Act 168
Parking privileges for disabled persons: medical certification procedure revised  -  Act 147
Therapists convicted of sexual exploitation: maximum period of imprisonment increased  -  Act 300
pier construction re manufactured homePier construction re manufactured home, see Housing
pierce countyPierce county
Floodplain zoning ordinances revised re nonconforming buildings; provisions applicable to Trenton Island in Pierce county eliminated; certain permit exemptions for Crayfish creek in the city of Oak Creek  -  Act 455
plant closingPlant closing, see Business
plantsPlants, see also Weeds
Herbarium at U.W. Madison maintained as ``Wisconsin State Herbarium"  -  Act 101
Incidental taking of endangered or threatened species: permits created; news media notification provision  -  Act 296
Plant nursery fee revisions [Sec. 3569p, q]  -  Act 27
Wild ginseng laws and dealer licensing revisions [Sec. 1580-1585, 1611, 1633-1654, 9342 (4), (5)]  -  Act 27