UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts and health insurance, LAB audit, records management, legislative review and recommendations, bond issuance and contractual services [Sec. 1g-2b, 8m, 9-15, 28, 39g-r, 55-57, 61g-67m, 9162 (1), 9458 (1w)]
Act 216
WIC program administration by DHSS specified; contract provision (remedial legislation) -
Act 407
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; requirements re LAB audit, community steering committee, children's services network, persons with linguistic barriers and refugees [partial veto] -
Act 289
Wisconsin works agency contracts: notice and assistance to employes re election of county or tribal governing body not to participate [Sec. 46hb] -
Act 216
Wisconsin works agency contracts: provision created re county with population exceeding 500,000 [Sec. 46d, h]
Act 216
Wisconsin works agency contracts: provisions of 1995 WisAct 289 reconciled [Sec. 9162 (2t), 9462 (3t)]
Act 216
Wisconsin works child care subsidy provision; low-income and at-risk child care program modified; contracting authorized; new classification levels created [partial veto]
Act 289
Wisconsin works health care coverage provisions; eligibility requirements set; abortion coverage excluded, certain exceptions provided [partial veto] -
Act 289
Wisconsin works re food stamp program: DILJD contracts permitted; benefit reduction based on number of hours worked [partial veto] -
Act 289
Comparative negligence, punitive damages and joint and several liability -
Act 17
Contact sports activities: liability standards for participants revised -
Act 447
Recreational use of property: owner's immunity from liability expanded re death of participant -
Act 223
Volunteer fire companies organized as nonstock corporation: liability limited -
Act 6
Controlled substance board transferred from DHFS to DORL; duties expanded -
Act 305
Controlled substances: laws revised -
Act 448
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number
Act 118
Performing rights society: regulation re nondramatic musical works -
Act 284
Cemetery authority: disinterment and reinterment of human remains within same cemetery permitted in certain cases; immunity provision -
Act 357
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded -
Act 369
Alcohol beverage sale by agent of a corporation or limited liability company: license requirement revised; provisional retail license created -
Act 23
Corporations as investment companies: revisions re shares, filing fees and the corporate name -
Act 271
Corporations, service corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships: laws revised and expanded
Act 400
Health care professional service corporation: chiropractors, physical therapists, dietitians and hearing and speech therapists added; revision re physician and nurse anesthetists
Act 167
Insurance security fund: participation and board of directors membership revised; compulsory and security surplus requirements expanded -
Act 236
Limited liability company annual report and revocation of certificate to transact business [Sec. 4748, 4766, 4767, 4778, 4784, 4786, 4791m-4797, 4821, 4823, 4828, 4830, 4832, 9350 (1), 9450 (3)] -
Act 27
Limited liability partnerships: laws revised; Secretary of state duties set -
Act 97
Service on corporation: publication in official state newspaper revised [Sec. 3779, 4583, 4585, 4634, 4636]
Act 27
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling re fuel tax and filing of late or extended returns -
Act 428
Uniform commercial code and business organization record-keeping functions transferred from Secretary of state to DFI [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"] -
Act 27
Volunteer fire companies organized as nonstock corporation: liability limited -
Act 6
Development opportunity zone in the city of Eau Claire created -
Act 2
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto] -
Act 209
Olympic ice training center operated by nonprofit corporation: tax exemption created -
Act 366
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling re fuel tax and filing of late or extended returns -
Act 428
Affirmative action procedures for corrections positions revised [Sec. 6283m] -
Act 27
Boot camp incarceration: program expanded; aftercare supervision [Sec. 2461, 2543-2545m] -
Act 27
Community service work performed by probationers and parolees; authority extended to DOC -
Act 96
Community supervision provisions [Sec.783p, sg, sr, 2611q, 3251e, g, 3741g, 3789x, 6285, 6355L, m, 6358x, 6364c, d, L, 6365j, 6408g, 7142m, 7225x, 7246r-t, 7247t, 7249s, t, 7253m, 7255am-tm, 7257j, k, 7263bd-bL] [vetoed]
Corrections funding re general program operations, secure work program, intergovernmental agreements, prison industries, youth service rates, Wisconsin resource center expansion and transfer of moneys to the property tax relief fund [partial veto] -
Act 416
Corrections funding re mental health facilities debt funding: provisions of 1995 SB-563 reconciled [Sec. 9127 (1z)]
Act 216
DOC efficiency measures report and position reduction procedures [Sec. 9112 (2t)] -
Act 27
Electronic monitoring of juveniles: contract and fee assessment revisions [Sec. 784, 790, 6362, 6363, 6374-6381, 9112 (1)] -
Act 27
Historic property building preservation waiver [Sec. 17m, 1993j] -
Act 27
Incarceration costs: reimbursement by prisoner provided [Sec. 6362g, 6364g, 6373m, 6398r, 9312 (3g)]
Act 27
Juvenile correctional programming transferred to DOC [Sec. 294o, p, 368m, 782m-783r, 791m, 823g-r, 825m, p, 828m-t, 832m-834m, 961r, 1405r, 2021t, 2026g-r, 2028m, 2031m, p, 2051m, 2052p-2053m, 2055m, 2060m, 2071m, 2075m, 2086m, 2100m, 2106m, 2118m, 2121m, 2123m, 2160m-2164p, 2168m, p, 2169m, 2171g-2173p, 2175m-2189m, 2190m, r, 2192g-p, 2193m, 2195m, 2196m, 2197m-2198p, 2202m-2203p, 2204m, 2205m, p, 2206m, 2207m, 2208m, p, 2209p, r, 2424m, 2426g-r, 2428m, p, 2429m, 2433m-2435p, 2435v-2437p, 2442m, p, 2448r, 2461r, 2464m, p, 2466p-t, 2467d-r, 2469m, p, 2472d-z, 2473m, 2475m, 2480m, 2526m, 2527m, 2528r, 2529m, 2530m-v, 2531m, 2533m-2536m, 2537m-2540v, 2541m-2542m, 2547m, p, 2548m, 2549g, r, 2551m, 2563m, 2575m, 2579m, 2598m, 2611m, 2612p, 2614m, p, 2615g-r, 2632m, 2634m-2635g, 3258m, 3259m, 3266m, 3287b, bm, 6353m-r, 6356m-t, 6358m-r, 6360m, 6363j-x, 6364m, 6366m, 6367m, 7233m-7235x, 9112 (1t)-(1x), 9126 (26v), (26y), 9410 (4t), 9426 (19t)] [9426 (19t) — partial veto; 783p, 2466r, t, 9112 (1t) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Juvenile justice code created -
Act 77
Juvenile justice code revisions -
Act 352
Juvenile secured correctional facilities transferred from DHSS to DOC [Sec. 137, 142, 832, 1187, 2026, 2190, 2430, 2467, 2468, 2474, 2476, 2480, 2526, 2541, 2568-2574, 2582, 2594, 2595, 2610, 2611, 2613, 2615, 2616, 2852, 2863, 3902, 6283, 6352, 6354, 6360, 6361, 6364, 6365, 6406, 6587, 7237, 7253, 9126 (23), 9226 (1x), (1y)] -
Act 27
Maximum security correctional institution: new facility to be established [Sec. 2099g, 6363g, h, 6365g]
Act 27
McNaughton correctional center property in Oneida county: land exchange authorized [Sec. 9112 (2x)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Medical and dental services for prisoners: inmate fee and collections from third parties authorized [Sec. 6369q-6373, 9312 (2), (2g)] -
Act 27
Parole commission: PR-S appropriation [Sec. 791] -
Act 27
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision -
Act 388
Prison industries in correctional institutions for children authorized [Sec. 6355, 6382, 6383, 6386-6391, 6394, 6401-6403, 9412 (1)] -
Act 27
Prison industries program for employment of inmates: DOC may lease space to private business; JCF approval re selection of business or lease; work release room and board payment provisions [Sec. 6384, 6385, 6393, 6395, 6398p, 6400, 9312 (2h), 9412 (2)] [6384 — partial veto]
Act 27
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised
Act 241
Prison operations: PR appropriations [Sec. 783x] -
Act 27
Prisoner actions against DOC prohibited until administrative remedies have been exhausted [Sec. 7141g, 9310 (3x), 9410 (3x)] -
Act 27
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized -
Act 344
Prisoner escapes: notification of victims and witnesses -
Act 74
Probation and parole supervision: DOC may contract for [Sec. 6359] -
Act 27
Probationer and parolee administrative and minimum supervision: system revised [Sec. 783t, 6407x, 9112 (3x)]
Act 27
Probationer and parolee supervision and services: reimbursement fee created [Sec. 783v, 6408, 9112 (3g)] [783v, 6408 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Property tax relief fund: moneys transferred to general fund re corrections' GPR reductions [Sec. 10, 9159, 9459]
Act 416
Secure work program [chain gang]: DOC authorized to establish [Sec. 8, 9, 9133 (3t), 9234 (3x), 9400] [partial veto]
Act 416
Serious juvenile offender program created [Sec. 2450-2459, 2461m, 2466d-m, 2562m, 6226, 6226m, 6405, 6405m, 9310 (6d)] -
Act 27
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state -
Act 440
Sexually violent persons: funding for treatment, services and Wisconsin resource center; determination of county of residence -
Act 276
Waiver of jurisdiction over juveniles: DOC to keep certain statistics and report on -
Act 77
WCC project revisions re partnership projects and DOC [Sec. 248m, r, 6399m] -
Act 27
Aestheticians, electrologists and manicurists: temporary permits authorized -
Act 231