Rail service assistance appropriation: title changed  -  Act 113
Railroad property acquired by DOT: exemption from tax-exempt property report requirement  -  Act 113
Railroad rolling stock: tax exemption for [vetoed]  -  AB-557
Ride-sharing program: certain applicant information kept confidential  -  Act 423
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state  -  Act 440
Special distinguishing registration plates commemorating the 150th anniversary of Wisconsin statehood; Sesquicentennial commission appropriation and supplements; veterans honorary medal decals provision  -  Act 445
Special license plates granting parking privileges for the physically disabled: personalization permitted  -  Act 350
Speed limit maximum on certain state trunk highways: effective date re 1995 WisAct 318 repealed (remedial legislation)  -  Act 338
Speed limit maximum set on certain state trunk highways; ``freeway" and ``expressway" defined; effective when DOT posts signs  -  Act 318
Statewide public safety radio management program  -  Act 113
STH 33 designated and marked ``84th Division `Railsplitters' Memorial Highway"; funding from contributions required  -  Act 297
STH rehabilitation program: supplemental appropriation; DOT to certify to JCF  -  Act 113
Transportation appropriations and state finances [partial veto]  -  Act 113
Transportation commissioner: statutory references deleted  -  Act 113
Transportation facilities economic assistance and development: effective date [vetoed]  -  AB-557
Transportation financing: committee created to study revenue sources, tax rate differences between Wisconsin and bordering states and mass transit financing [partial veto]  -  Act 113
Uniform traffic citation and accident records: DOT authorized to contract re computer tape or other electronic media; report required  -  Act 113
Vehicle operation laws revised re suspension time period, driving record files, lists of disqualified CDL and court revocation authority (remedial legislation)  -  Act 338
Vehicle ownership separation from vehicle registration re database redesign: DOT to recommend statutory changes  -  Act 113
Vehicles transporting certain overweight loads: laws revised re agricultural transportation and energy emergencies, farm tractors on certain highways and permits for loads of hay bales or Christmas trees  -  Act 348
Vehicles transporting potatoes: weight and length restrictions revised; operation on certain highways limited  -  Act 163
Veterans memorials: DOT authorized to donate certain property with Governor's approval  -  Act 406
transportation fundTransportation fund, see Road — Finance
transportation projects commissionTransportation projects commission
Major highway projects: list expanded  -  Act 113
treasurer _ stateTreasurer — State
Custodianship of state-owned securities: duties deleted [Sec. 1135, 1389, 1399, 1400, 9456 (1)]  -  Act 27
General program operation and position funding [Sec. 1126s, 9156 (2e)]  -  Act 27
Stenographer position eliminated [Sec. 1214, 9456 (4)] [vetoed]  -  AB-150
Technical correction [Sec. 3459m] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
Training conference funding [Sec. 59, 1132]  -  Act 27
Trust lands and investments, Division of, transferred from DOA to State treasurer [Sec. 101m, 1074m, 1079m, 1080m, 1126g, 1139r, 4454t, 9101 (20g), 9142 (13p)] [4454t — vetoed]  -  Act 27
treesTrees, see Forestry
trenton islandTrenton Island, see Pierce county
Trespass signs or markings: use of blaze orange restricted  -  Act 45
Trespass to land: scope of law broadened  -  Act 451
tribal courtTribal court, see Indians
trust companyTrust company
Bank trust power language: references to lunatics deleted (remedial legislation)  -  Act 226
State banking laws: chapter 221, Wis.Stats., recodified  -  Act 336
Trust revisions re banks and trust companies investing trust fund and foreign trust companies acting as executors or trustees in this state  -  Act 273
trust fundTrust fund, see also Veterans trust fund
Burial agreements funded by a life insurance policy or trust fund: sale, solicitation and benefit payments  -  Act 295
College tuition prepayment program established; segregated fund and income tax benefit created [partial veto]  -  Act 403
Distance education projects: loans to CESAs from state trust fund [Sec. 1368b, 1370i-1375b, 1377h, s, t, 1379m, 1386m, 1387b, 3340m 3921m]  -  Act 27
Heritage state parks and forests trust fund created [Sec. 629p, 1394m, 1401, 1405e, 1510b, m, 3300m, 6307m, 9442 (12x)] [1405e — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Property tax relief fund created; moneys transferred from general fund and certain DHSS revenues; JCF to certify  -  Act 213
Property tax relief fund: moneys transferred to general fund re corrections' GPR reductions [Sec. 10, 9159, 9459]  -  Act 416
Trust fund loans to MPS: provisions revised [Sec. 1377m]  -  Act 27
Trust revisions re banks and trust companies investing trust fund and foreign trust companies acting as executors or trustees in this state  -  Act 273
trustsTrusts, see Trust fund
tuberculosisTuberculosis, see Disease
tuberculosis of animalsTuberculosis of animals, see Animal — Disease
turkeyTurkey, see Game bird
u - U -
unclaimed propertyUnclaimed property, see Personal property
unemployment _ relief measuresUnemployment — Relief measures
CWEP requirements: restriction on hours and weeks eliminated  -  Act 289
Economic support and work programs transferred from DHSS to DILHR; LIEAP transferred to DOA [for section numbers, see entry under ``Public assistance"]  -  Act 27
Employment and education programs re 1995 WisAct 27: substate boundaries realignment plan modified  -  Act 109
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county [Sec. 9116 (7gg)]  -  Act 27
Job training loan guarantee program and Wisconsin job training fund created; memorandum of understanding and report required [partial veto]  -  Act 116
Job training programs consolidated; Governor's council on workforce excellence created; youth apprenticeship program revisions [Sec. 144, 163-165, 967, 968, 970-972, 3695-3712, 3715, 3758, 4036, 7232, 9130 (5)-(7), (14g), 9430 (6)] [3698, 9130 (7) — partial veto; 9130 (14g) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Labor training and employment services program for employes of FDL Foods, Inc.: grant provided  -  Act 119
New hope project in Milwaukee: funding and sunset provided [Sec. 858b, c, 2277b, d]  -  Act 27
WEJT for noncustodial parents: judges authorized to order participation in another county [Sec. 7105, 7107, 9326 (7)]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin works agency contracts: notice and assistance to employes re election of county or tribal governing body not to participate [Sec. 46hb]  -  Act 216
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components [partial veto]  -  Act 289
unemployment compensationUnemployment compensation
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  -  Act 118
unfair trade practiceUnfair trade practice, see Trade practice
uniform legislationUniform legislation
Controlled substances: laws revised  -  Act 448
united states _ agriculture, department ofUnited States — Agriculture, Department of
Migrant worker eligibility for MA and food stamps; federal waiver provision [Sec. 2788-2790, 2793, 3026]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components [partial veto]  -  Act 289
united states _ congressUnited States — Congress
Aspin, Les: life and public service [SJR-31]  -  JR-16
united states _ federal emergency management agencyUnited States — Federal emergency management agency
Floodproofed residential basements: DNR rules not to exceed FEMA restrictions  -  Act 311
united states _ health and human services, department ofUnited States — Health and human services, Department of
AFDC and JOBS program federal waivers; benefit cap; self-sufficiency first and pay after performance  -  Act 12