AB150-ASA, s. 3248m 23Section 3248m. 50.98 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1049,524 50.98 (5) All forfeitures shall be paid to the department within 10 days after
25receipt of notice of assessment or, if the forfeiture is contested under sub. (4), within

110 days after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of administrative review,
2unless the final decision is appealed and the order is stayed by court order under the
3same terms and conditions as found in s. 50.03 (11). The department shall remit all
4forfeitures paid to the state treasurer secretary of administration for deposit in the
5school fund.
AB150-ASA, s. 3249 6Section 3249. 51.01 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1049,87 51.01 (14) "Residence", "legal residency" or "county of residence" has the
8meaning given under s. 49.01 (8g) 49.001 (6).
AB150-ASA, s. 3250 9Section 3250. 51.02 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1049,1310 51.02 (1) (b) Provide recommendations to the department on the expenditure
11of federal funds received under the community mental health block grant under 42
12USC 300x
to 300x-9 and participate in the development of and monitor and evaluate
13the implementation of, the community mental health block grant plan.
AB150-ASA, s. 3251 14Section 3251. 51.04 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1049,23 1551.04 (title) Outpatient treatment Treatment facility determination
16certification. Any treatment facility may apply to the department for
17determination of whether such facility is an outpatient treatment facility
18established and maintained according to rules promulgated by the department
19under s. 51.42 (7) (b)
certification of the facility for the receipt of funds for services
20provided as a benefit to a medical assistance recipient under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 6. f. or
21to a community aids funding recipient under s. 51.423 (2) or provided as mandated
22coverage under s. 632.89
. The department shall annually charge a fee for each such
AB150-ASA, s. 3258m 24Section 3258m. 51.35 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
151.35 (3) (a) A licensed psychologist of a juvenile correctional facility under s.
248.52 48.557 or a licensed physician of the department of corrections, who has reason
3to believe that any individual confined in the facility is, in his or her opinion, in need
4of services for developmental disability, alcoholism or drug dependency or in need of
5psychiatric services, and who has obtained voluntary consent to make a transfer for
6treatment, shall make a report, in writing, to the superintendent of the facility,
7stating the nature and basis of the belief and verifying the consent. In the case of
8a minor age 14 and over, the minor and the minor's parent or guardian shall consent
9unless the minor is admitted under s. 51.13 (1) (c); and in the case of a minor under
10the age of 14, only the minor's parent or guardian need consent. The superintendent
11shall inform, orally and in writing, the minor and the minor's parent or guardian,
12that transfer is being considered and shall inform them of the basis for the request
13and their rights as provided in s. 51.13 (3). If the department of corrections, upon
14review of a request for transfer, determines that transfer is appropriate, the that
15department shall immediately notify the department of health and social services
16and, if the department of health and social services consents, the department of
may immediately transfer the individual. The department of corrections
18shall file a petition under s. 51.13 (4) (a) in the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction
19under ch. 48 of the county where the treatment facility is located.
AB150-ASA, s. 3259m 20Section 3259m. 51.35 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1051,1221 51.35 (3) (e) The department of corrections may authorize emergency transfer
22of an individual from a juvenile correctional facility to a state treatment facility if
23there is cause to believe that the individual is mentally ill, drug dependent or
24developmentally disabled and exhibits conduct which constitutes a danger as
25defined in s. 51.20 (1) (a) 2. to the individual or to others, or is an alcoholic and is

1dangerous as provided in s. 51.45 (13) (a) 1. and 2. The correctional custodian of the
2sending institution shall execute a statement of emergency detention or petition for
3emergency commitment for the individual and deliver it to the receiving state
4treatment facility. The department of health and social services shall file the
5statement or petition with the court within 24 hours after the subject individual is
6received for detention or commitment. The statement or petition shall conform to s.
751.15 (4) or (5) or 51.45 (12) (b). After an emergency transfer is made, the director
8of the receiving facility may file a petition for continued commitment under s. 51.20
9(1) or 51.45 (13) or may return the individual to the institution from which the
10transfer was made. As an alternative to this procedure, the procedure provided in
11s. 51.15 or 51.45 (12) may be used, except that no prisoner may be released without
12the approval of the court which directed confinement in the correctional facility.
AB150-ASA, s. 3260 13Section 3260. 51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1051,1914 51.42 (3) (aw) 1. d. Provide treatment and services that are specified in a
15conditional release plan approved by a court for a person who is a county resident and
16is conditionally released under s. 971.17 (3) or (4). If the county department provides
17treatment and services under this subdivision, the department of health and social
18services shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (2) (bj), pay the county
19department for the costs of the treatment and services.
AB150-ASA, s. 3262 20Section 3262. 51.42 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1052,521 51.42 (3) (e) Exchange of information. Notwithstanding ss. 49.45 (4), 49.53
49.83, 51.30, 51.45 (14) (a), 55.06 (17) (c), 146.82 and 252.11 (7), any subunit of
23a county department of community programs acting under this section may
24exchange confidential information about a client, without the informed consent of
25the client, with any other subunit of the same county department of community

1programs or with any person providing services to the client under a purchase of
2services contract with the county department of community programs, if necessary
3to enable an employe or service provider to perform his or her duties, or to enable the
4county department of community programs to coordinate the delivery of services to
5the client.
AB150-ASA, s. 3263 6Section 3263. 51.421 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1052,157 51.421 (1) Purpose. In order to provide the least restrictive and most
8appropriate care and treatment for persons with chronic mental illness, community
9support programs should be available in all parts of the state. In order to integrate
10community support programs with other long-term care programs, community
11support programs shall be coordinated, to the greatest extent possible, with the
12community options program under s. 46.27, with the protective services system in
13a county, with the medical assistance program under ss. 49.43 to 49.47 subch. IV of
14ch. 49
and with other care and treatment programs for persons with chronic mental
AB150-ASA, s. 3264m 16Section 3264m. 51.423 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1053,617 51.423 (2) From the appropriations under s. 20.435 (7) (b) and (o), the
18department shall distribute the funding for services provided or purchased by county
19departments under s. 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 to such county departments as provided
20under s. 46.40. County matching funds are required for the distributions under s.
2146.40 (2), (3), (5), (9) and (12). Each county's required match for a year equals 9.89%
22of the total of the county's distributions for that year for which matching funds are
23required plus the amount the county was required by s. 46.26 (2) (c), 1985 stats., to
24spend for juvenile delinquency-related services from its distribution for 1987.
25Matching funds may be from county tax levies, federal and state revenue sharing

1funds or private donations to the counties that meet the requirements specified in
2sub. (5). Private donations may not exceed 25% of the total county match. If the
3county match is less than the amount required to generate the full amount of state
4and federal funds distributed for this period, the decrease in the amount of state and
5federal funds equals the difference between the required and the actual amount of
6county matching funds.
AB150-ASA, s. 3265 7Section 3265. 51.423 (5) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1053,108 51.423 (5) (a) (intro.) A private donation to a county may be used to match the
9state grant-in-aid under s. 49.52 (1) (d) 46.495 (1) (d) or under sub. (2) only if the
10donation is both of the following:
AB150-ASA, s. 3266m 11Section 3266m. 51.437 (4rm) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1054,1312 51.437 (4rm) (a) A county department of developmental disabilities services
13shall authorize all care of any patient in a state, local or private facility under a
14contractual agreement between the county department of developmental disabilities
15services and the facility, unless the county department of developmental disabilities
16services governs the facility. The need for inpatient care shall be determined by the
17program director or designee in consultation with and upon the recommendation of
18a licensed physician trained in psychiatry and employed by the county department
19of developmental disabilities services or its contract agency prior to the admission
20of a patient to the facility except in the case of emergency services. In cases of
21emergency, a facility under contract with any county department of developmental
22disabilities services shall charge the county department of developmental
23disabilities services having jurisdiction in the county where the individual receiving
24care is found. The county department of developmental disabilities services shall
25reimburse the facility for the actual cost of all authorized care and services less

1applicable collections under s. 46.036, unless the department of health and social
2services determines that a charge is administratively infeasible, or unless the
3department of health and social services, after individual review, determines that
4the charge is not attributable to the cost of basic care and services. The exclusionary
5provisions of s. 46.03 (18) do not apply to direct and indirect costs which are
6attributable to care and treatment of the client. County departments of
7developmental disabilities services may not reimburse any state institution or
8receive credit for collections for care received therein by nonresidents of this state,
9interstate compact clients, transfers under s. 51.35 (3) (a), commitments under s.
10975.01, 1977 stats., or s. 975.02, 1977 stats. or s. 971.14, 971.17 or 975.06, admissions
11under s. 975.17, 1977 stats., or children placed in the guardianship or legal custody
12of the department of health and social services under s. 48.355, 48.427 or 48.43 or
13under the supervision of the department of corrections under s. 48.355
AB150-ASA, s. 3267 14Section 3267. 51.44 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1054,1815 51.44 (3) (a) From the appropriations under s. 20.435 (7) (3) (bt) and (nL) the
16department shall allocate and distribute funds to counties to provide or contract for
17the provision of early intervention services to individuals eligible to receive the early
18intervention services.
AB150-ASA, s. 3268 19Section 3268. 51.45 (5) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1054,2120 51.45 (5) (title) Community alcohol and other drug abuse prevention pilot
AB150-ASA, s. 3269 22Section 3269. 51.45 (5) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1055,723 51.45 (5) (b) (intro.) The department shall select, upon application by counties,
24county departments under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 in up to 8 counties
25representing various geographical regions and populations and shall, from the

1appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (f), award a total of not more than $500,000
2$250,000 in grants in each fiscal year to the selected county departments to
3participate in a pilot program to implement and coordinate alcohol and other drug
4abuse programs and services relating to primary prevention. The county
5department in each county receiving funding under this paragraph shall appoint or
6contract with an alcohol and other drug abuse prevention specialist whose duties
7shall include all of the following:
AB150-ASA, s. 3270m 8Section 3270m. 51.62 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,1055,129 51.62 (3m) Funding. From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (md), the
10department shall distribute $75,000 in each fiscal year to the protection and
11advocacy agency for performance of community mental health protection and
12advocacy services.
AB150-ASA, s. 3271 13Section 3271. 55.06 (8) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1056,614 55.06 (8) (intro.)  Before ordering the protective placement of any individual,
15the court shall direct a comprehensive evaluation of the person in need of placement,
16if such an evaluation has not already been made. The court may utilize available
17multidisciplinary resources in the community in determining the need for
18placement. The board designated under s. 55.02 or an agency designated by it shall
19cooperate with the court in securing available resources. Where applicable by reason
20of the particular disability, the appropriate board designated under s. 55.02 or an
21agency designated by it having responsibility for the place of legal residence of the
22individual as provided in s. 49.01 (8g) 49.001 (6) shall make a recommendation for
23placement. If the court is considering placement of the individual in a center for the
24developmentally disabled, the court shall request a statement from the department
25regarding whether the placement is appropriate for the person's needs and whether

1it is consistent with the purpose of the center under s. 51.06 (1) unless testimony was
2provided by the department under sub. (5). A copy of the comprehensive evaluation
3shall be provided to the guardian, the guardian ad litem, and to the individual or
4attorney at least 96 hours in advance of the hearing to determine placement. The
5court or the cooperating agency obtaining the evaluation shall request appropriate
6information which shall include at least the following:
AB150-ASA, s. 3274s 7Section 3274s. 59.07 (97) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1056,238 59.07 (97) Child and spousal support; paternity program; medical support
9liability program.
The county board shall contract with the department of health
10and social services
industry, labor and human relations to implement and administer
11the child and spousal support and establishment of paternity and the medical
12support liability programs provided for by Title IV of the federal social security act.
13The board may designate by board resolution any office, officer, board, department
14or agency as the county designee. The board or its designee shall implement and
15administer the programs in accordance with the contract with the state department
16of health and social services industry, labor and human relations. The attorneys
17responsible for support enforcement under s. 59.458 (1), family court commissioner,
18clerk of court and all other county officials shall cooperate with the county and the
19department of industry, labor and human relations as necessary to provide the
20services required under the programs. The county shall charge the fee established
21by the department of industry, labor and human relations under s. 46.25 49.143 for
22services provided under this subsection to persons not receiving assistance under s.
2349.19 or 49.47.
AB150-ASA, s. 3275 24Section 3275. 59.07 (98) of the statutes is amended to read:
159.07 (98) Emergency energy relief. Regardless of the type of general relief
2system used within
whether a county operates a relief program under sub. (154),
3appropriate money for making payments to individuals or providing grants to
4community action agencies, cities, villages and towns to assist persons and families
5in the purchase of emergency energy supplies.
AB150-ASA, s. 3276 6Section 3276. 59.07 (109) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1057,107 59.07 (109) Public assistance; false representation. Enact and enforce an
8ordinance to prohibit conduct that is the same as or similar to conduct that is
9prohibited by s. 49.12 49.95 (1) and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the
AB150-ASA, s. 3277 11Section 3277. 59.07 (153) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1057,2112 59.07 (153) (a) In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, determine
13policy for the operation, maintenance and improvement of the county hospital under
14s. 49.16 (2) 49.71 (2) and, notwithstanding the powers and duties specified under s.
1546.21 (2) (k), (3r) and (6) with respect to the county hospital and the administrator
16and specified under s. 46.21 (2) (b), (L), (m), (n), (nm), (o), (p) and (q) and (3g), provide
17for the management of the county hospital as the board considers appropriate, except
18that the employe positions at the hospital will be county employe positions. If the
19board acts under this subsection, the board may not discontinue operation,
20maintenance and improvement of the county hospital under s. 49.16 49.71 (2) and
21shall exercise the duties under s. 46.21 (4m).
AB150-ASA, s. 3278 22Section 3278. 59.07 (153) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1057,2423 59.07 (153) (b) This subsection does not apply if the board acts under s. 46.21
24with respect to the county hospital under s. 49.16 (2) 49.71 (2).
AB150-ASA, s. 3279 25Section 3279. 59.07 (154) of the statutes is created to read:
159.07 (154) Operation of relief programs. Operate a program of relief to
2dependent persons residing in a county. The program may provide dependent
3persons with such services, commodities or money as the county determines to be
4reasonable and necessary under the circumstances. The program may include work
5components. The county may enact any ordinances necessary or useful to the
6operation of a relief program under this subsection. Counties may use vehicle
7registration information from the department of transportation in determining
8eligibility for relief programs under this subsection.
AB150-ASA, s. 3279g 9Section 3279g. 59.07 (155) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-ASA,1058,1210 59.07 (155) Collection of court imposed penalties. Adopt a resolution
11authorizing the clerk of circuit court, under s. 59.396, to contract with a collection
12agency for the collection of unpaid fines and forfeitures.
AB150-ASA, s. 3280 13Section 3280. 59.145 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1058,14 1459.145 (title) Optical disk and electronic storage.
AB150-ASA, s. 3281 15Section 3281. 59.145 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1058,2216 59.145 (1) Upon request of any office, department, commission, board or agency
17of the county, the board may authorize any county record that is in the custody of the
18office, department, commission, board or agency to be transferred to, or maintained
optical disk or electronic storage in accordance with rules of the department of
20administration under s. 16.612. The board may thereafter authorize destruction of
21the original record, if appropriate, in accordance with ss. 16.61 (3) (e), 19.21 (5) and
2259.715 to 59.717 unless preservation is required by law.
AB150-ASA, s. 3282 23Section 3282. 59.145 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
159.145 (2) (intro.)  Any copy of a county record generated from optical imaging
2or electronic formatting of an original record is deemed an original record if all of the
3following conditions are met:
AB150-ASA, s. 3283 4Section 3283. 59.145 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1059,75 59.145 (2) (a) The devices used to transform the record to optical disk or
format and to generate a copy of the record from optical disk or electronic
7format are ones which accurately reproduce the content of the original.
AB150-ASA, s. 3284 8Section 3284. 59.145 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1059,129 59.145 (2) (b) The optical disk or electronic copy and the copy generated from
10optical disk or electronic format comply with the minimum standards of quality for
11such copies, as established by the rule of the department of administration under s.
AB150-ASA, s. 3285 13Section 3285. 59.145 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1059,1914 59.145 (2) (d) The legal custodian of the record executes a statement of intent
15and purpose describing the record to be transferred to optical disk or electronic
16format and the disposition of the original record, and executes a certificate verifying
17that the record was received or created and transferred to optical disk or electronic
18format in the normal course of business and that the statement of intent and purpose
19is properly recorded in his or her office.
AB150-ASA, s. 3286 20Section 3286. 59.145 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1060,621 59.145 (4) A copy of a record generated from an original record stored on an
22optical disk or in electronic format which conforms with the standards prescribed
23under sub. (2) shall be taken as and stand in lieu of and have all of the effect of the
24original record and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and all other
25tribunals or agencies, administrative or otherwise, in all cases where the original

1document is admissible. A transcript, exemplification or certified copy of such a
2record so generated, for the purposes specified in this subsection, is deemed to be a
3transcript, exemplification or certified copy of the original. An enlarged copy of any
4record so generated, made in accordance with the standards prescribed under sub.
5(2) and certified by the custodian as provided in s. 889.18 (2), has the same effect as
6an actual-size copy.
AB150-ASA, s. 3287 7Section 3287. 59.15 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1060,178 59.15 (2) (c) The board may provide, fix or change the salary or compensation
9of any such office, board, commission, committee, position, employe or deputies to
10elective officers without regard to the tenure of the incumbent (except as provided
11in par. (d)) and also establish the number of employes in any department or office
12including deputies to elective officers, and may establish regulations of employment
13for any person paid from the county treasury, but no action of the board shall be
14contrary to or in derogation of the rules and regulations of the department of health
15and social services pursuant to s. 49.50 (2) to (5) 49.33 (4) to (7) relating to employes
16administering old-age assistance, aid to dependent children, aid to the blind and aid
17to totally and permanently disabled persons or ss. 63.01 to 63.17.
AB150-ASA, s. 3287b 18Section 3287b. 59.175 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1061,7 1959.175 Clerks of counties containing state institutions to make claims
20in certain cases.
The county clerk of any county which is entitled to reimbursement
21under s. 16.51 (7) shall make a certified claim against the state, without direction
22from the county board, in all cases where the reimbursement is directed in that
23subsection, upon forms prescribed by the department of administration. The forms
24shall contain information required by the clerk and shall be filed annually with the
25department of corrections
on or before June 1. If the claim is for reimbursement of

1expenses involving a prisoner in a state prison, as defined in s. 302.01, the form shall
2be filed with the department of corrections. If the claim is for reimbursement of
3expenses involving a child in a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 48.02
4(15m), the form shall be filed with the department of health and social services.
5the claims are approved by the department of corrections or the department of health
6and social services
, they shall be certified to the department of administration and
7paid from the appropriation made by under s. 20.410 (1) (c) or 20.435 (3) (c).
AB150-ASA, s. 3287bm 8Section 3287bm. 59.175 of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
9(this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB150-ASA,1061,22 1059.175 Clerks of counties containing state institutions to make claims
11in certain cases.
The county clerk of any county which is entitled to reimbursement
12under s. 16.51 (7) shall make a certified claim against the state, without direction
13from the county board, in all cases where the reimbursement is directed in that
14subsection, upon forms prescribed by the department of administration. The forms
15shall contain information required by the clerk and shall be filed annually with the
16department of corrections on or before June 1. If the claims are approved by the
17department of corrections, they shall be certified to the department of
18administration and paid from the appropriation made by s. 20.410 (1) (c), if the claim
19is for reimbursement of expenses involving a prisoner in a state prison named in s.
20302.01, or from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (c), if the claim is for
21reimbursement of expenses involving a child in a secured correctional facility, as
22defined in s. 48.02 (15m).
AB150-ASA, s. 3287c 23Section 3287c. 59.20 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1062,624 59.20 (5) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), transmit to the state treasurer
25secretary of administration at the time required by law to pay the state taxes a

1particular statement, certified by the treasurer's personal signature affixed or
2attached thereto, of all moneys received by him or her during the preceding year and
3which are payable to the state treasurer secretary of administration for licenses,
4fines, penalties, or on any other account, and at the same time pay to the state
secretary of administration the amount thereof after deducting the legal
AB150-ASA, s. 3287g 7Section 3287g. 59.20 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1063,38 59.20 (5) (b) For all court imposed fines and forfeitures required by law to be
9deposited in the state treasury, the amounts required by s. 165.87 for the penalty
10assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s. 167.31 (5) for the weapons
11assessment, the amounts required by s. 973.045 for the crime victim and witness
12assistance surcharge, the amounts required by s. 973.046 for the deoxyribonucleic
13acid analysis surcharge, the amounts required by s. 161.41 (5) for the drug abuse
14program improvement surcharge, the amounts authorized by s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or
15required by s. 973.055 (1) for the domestic abuse assessment, the amounts required
16by s. 346.655 (2) (a) and (b) for the driver improvement surcharge, the amounts
17required by s. 102.85 (4) for the uninsured employer assessment, the amounts
18required by s. 144.992 for the environmental assessment, the amounts required by
19s. 29.9965 for the wild animal protection assessment, the amounts required by s.
2029.997 for the natural resources assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s.
2129.9967 for the fishing shelter removal assessment, the amounts required by s.
22350.115 for the snowmobile registration restitution payment and the amounts
23required by s. 29.998 for natural resources restitution payments, transmit to the
24state treasurer secretary of administration a statement of all moneys required by law
25to be paid on the actions so entered during the preceding month on or before the first

1day of the next succeeding month, certified by the treasurer's personal signature
2affixed or attached thereto, and at the same time pay to the state treasurer secretary
3of administration
the amount thereof.
AB150-ASA, s. 3287L 4Section 3287L. 59.20 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1063,75 59.20 (8m) Forward 40% of the state forfeitures, fines and penalties under ch.
6348 to the state treasurer secretary of administration for deposit in the
7transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (ig).
AB150-ASA, s. 3287p 8Section 3287p. 59.20 (8n) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1063,119 59.20 (8n) Forward all moneys received under s. 66.12 (3) (c) to the state
secretary of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under
11s. 25.40 (1) (ig).
AB150-ASA, s. 3287t 12Section 3287t. 59.20 (8r) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1063,1513 59.20 (8r) Forward 50% of the fees received under s. 343.10 (6) to the state
secretary of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under
15s. 25.40 (1) (im).
AB150-ASA, s. 3287x 16Section 3287x. 59.20 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1063,2117 59.20 (11) Pay to the state treasurer secretary of administration on his or her
18order the state percentage of fees received from the clerk of the circuit court under
19s. 59.395 (5) and if any such moneys remain in his or her hands when he or she is
20required to pay the state percentage of fees, pay such moneys therewith to the state
secretary of administration.
AB150-ASA, s. 3288 22Section 3288. 59.23 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1064,223 59.23 (8) The sheriff is authorized to destroy all sheriff's dockets, daily jail
24records and cash books dated prior to 1901. It shall be the duty of the sheriff to
25hereafter retain and safely keep all such records for a period of 8 years, or a shorter

1period authorized by the public records and forms board under s. 16.61 (3) (b), after
2which the records may be destroyed.
AB150-ASA, s. 3289 3Section 3289. 59.23 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1064,64 59.23 (10) To enforce in the county all general orders of the department of
5industry, labor and human relations development relating to the sale, transportation
6and storage of explosives.
AB150-ASA, s. 3290 7Section 3290. 59.39 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1064,128 59.39 (1) File and keep all papers properly deposited with him or her in every
9action or proceeding unless required to transmit such papers. Such papers may be
10microfilmed or microphotographed, or transferred to optical disks or electronic
if authorized under s. 59.145, and the originals may thereafter be destroyed
12upon compliance with SCR chapter 72.
AB150-ASA, s. 3291 13Section 3291. 59.39 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-ASA,1064,2314 59.39 (2) Keep a court record and write therein names of parties in every civil
15action or proceeding in the court, the names of attorneys representing the parties,
16a brief statement of the nature of the action or proceeding, the date of filing every
17paper therein and of each proceeding taken, the file wherein the papers can be found,
18the time when put on the calendar for trial, and when and how disposed of; the
19location where minutes in every case can be found and the place in the judgment
20record or microfilm or optical disk or electronic file where any judgment, order or
21report has been recorded, so as to make the court record a history in brief of each
22action or proceeding from beginning to final disposition; and a complete index of all
23proceedings therein.