AB150-SA116,40,18 18306. Page 1171, line 22: delete lines 22 to 25.
AB150-SA116,40,19 19307. Page 1174, line 11: delete lines 11 to 22.
AB150-SA116,40,20 20308. Page 1176, line 8: delete lines 8 to 12.
AB150-SA116,40,21 21309. Page 1181, line 15: delete lines 15 to 18.
AB150-SA116,40,22 22310. Page 1182, line 20: delete "2007" and substitute "2008".
AB150-SA116,40,23 23311. Page 1183, line 13: delete "January 1" and substitute "December 31".
1312. Page 1184, line 10: delete lines 10 to 21.
AB150-SA116,41,2 2313. Page 1185, line 5: delete lines 5 to 14.
AB150-SA116,41,4 3314. Page 1185, line 21: after "value", in both places, insert "and assessed
AB150-SA116,41,5 5315. Page 1185, line 23: after "value" insert "and the total assessed value".
AB150-SA116,41,6 6316. Page 1193, line 8: after "used for" insert "a purpose in addition to".
AB150-SA116,41,7 7317. Page 1193, line 11: delete that line and substitute:
AB150-SA116,41,10 8"(a) If the motor vehicle is assigned to and used by an employe of the dealer for
9whom the dealer is required to withhold amounts for federal income tax purposes,
10$96 per month for each motor vehicle registration plate held by the dealer,".
AB150-SA116,41,12 11318. Page 1193, line 13: before "to" insert ", rounded to the nearest whole
AB150-SA116,41,14 13319. Page 1193, line 17: delete "not also used by" and substitute "used by the
14dealer or any person other than".
AB150-SA116,41,15 15320. Page 1194, line 14: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,41,16 16" Section 3485b. 77.56 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,41,2317 77.56 (2) The loan by an automobile dealer of a motor vehicle to any school or
18school district for a driver training educational program conducted by the school or
19school district is exempt from the use tax. If the dealer makes any other use of the
20vehicle except retention, demonstration or display while holding it for sale in the
21regular course of business, the use is taxable to the dealer under s. 77.53 as of the
22time the property is first so used, and the sales price of the vehicle to the dealer is
23the measure of the tax.
1321. Page 1195, line 9: delete lines 9 to 17.
AB150-SA116,42,2 2322. Page 1196, line 16: before "retention" insert " a purpose in addition to".
AB150-SA116,42,4 3323. Page 1201, line 8: delete the material beginning with that line and
4ending with page 1203, line 14.
AB150-SA116,42,6 5324. Page 1204, line 7: delete the material beginning with that line and
6ending with page 1206, line 4.
AB150-SA116,42,8 7325. Page 1206, line 9: delete the material beginning with that line and
8ending with page 1207, line 3.
AB150-SA116,42,10 9326. Page 1207, line 8: delete the material beginning with that line and
10ending with page 1208, line 3.
AB150-SA116,42,12 11327. Page 1215, line 10: delete the material beginning with that line and
12ending with page 1216, line 10.
AB150-SA116,42,13 13328. Page 1219, line 7: delete lines 7 to 9.
AB150-SA116,42,14 14329. Page 1219, line 17: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,42,15 15" Section 3519jpg. 84.078 (1) (bc) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-SA116,42,1616 84.078 (1) (bc) "Operator" has the meaning given in s. 144.442 (9) (a) 1.
AB150-SA116, s. 3519jpm 17Section 3519jpm. 84.078 (1) (be) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-SA116,42,1818 84.078 (1) (be) "Owner" has the meaning given in s. 144.442 (9) (a) 2.
AB150-SA116, s. 3519jpr 19Section 3519jpr. 84.078 (1) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB150-SA116,42,2320 84.078 (1) (bg) "Person" means an individual, owner, operator, corporation,
21limited liability company, partnership, association, municipality, interstate agency,
22state agency or an officer or agent of a state agency, federal agency, department or
1330. Page 1221, line 12: delete that line and substitute:
AB150-SA116,43,3 2"(d) 1. Except as provided in subd. 3., no state agency may commence an action
3or proceeding under federal".
AB150-SA116,43,4 4331. Page 1221, line 13: delete "state".
AB150-SA116,43,6 5332. Page 1221, line 16: delete "No" and substitute "Except as provided in
6subd. 3., no".
AB150-SA116,43,7 7333. Page 1221, line 19: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,43,12 8"3. If the department of transportation is named as a defendant or a respondent
9in an action or proceeding under federal law to require remedial action, or to recover
10the costs of remedying environmental pollution, related to the use of high-volume
11industrial waste in a highway improvement that satisfies the requirements under
12par. (a), the department of transportation may do any of the following:
AB150-SA116,43,1513 a. Commence an action or proceeding under federal or state law to require
14remedial action, or to recover the costs of remedying environmental pollution,
15related to the use of high-volume industrial waste in that highway improvement.
AB150-SA116,43,1817 b. Commence an action or proceeding to enforce any stipulation, agreement or
18judgment resulting from an action or proceeding described in this subdivision.".
AB150-SA116,43,19 19334. Page 1222, line 1: delete lines 1 to 15.
AB150-SA116,43,21 20335. Page 1222, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
21ending with page 1224, line 25.
AB150-SA116,43,23 22336. Page 1225, line 7: delete the material beginning with that line and
23ending with page 1232, line 9, and substitute:
AB150-SA116,43,24 24" Section 3526m. 85.26 of the statutes is renumbered 106.26.".
1337. Page 1234, line 13: delete lines 13 to 18.
AB150-SA116,44,2 2338. Page 1248, line 16: before "costs" insert "reasonable and necessary".
AB150-SA116,44,3 3339. Page 1248, line 17: before "expenses" insert "reasonable and necessary".
AB150-SA116,44,4 4340. Page 1309, line 11: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,44,5 5" Section 3753m. 103.49 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,45,76 103.49 (2) Any contract hereafter made for the erection, construction,
7remodeling or repairing of any public building or for any other project of public
8works, except contracts for the construction or maintenance of public highways and
9bridges, to which the state, any department thereof or , any public building
10corporation or the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority is a party
11shall contain a stipulation that no laborer, workman or mechanic employed directly
12upon the site of the work by the contractor or by any subcontractor, agent or other
13person, doing or contracting to do all or a part of the work, shall be permitted to work
14a greater number of hours per day or per calendar week than the prevailing hours
15of labor determined pursuant to this section, except that any such laborer, workman
16or mechanic may be permitted or required to work more than such prevailing number
17of hours per day and per calendar week if he is paid for all hours in excess of the
18prevailing hours at a rate of at least 1-1/2 times his hourly basic rate of pay; nor shall
19he be paid less than the prevailing wage rate in the same or most similar trade or
20occupation in the area wherein such public building or project of public works is
21situated; nor shall this section apply to wage rates and hours of employment of
22laborers, workmen or mechanics engaged in the processing or manufacture of
23materials or products or to the delivery thereof by or for commercial establishments
24which have a fixed place of business from which they regularly supply such processed

1or manufactured materials or products; except that this section shall apply to
2laborers, workmen or mechanics who deliver mineral aggregate such as sand, gravel
3or stone which is incorporated into the work under the contract by depositing the
4material substantially in place, directly or through spreaders, from the transporting
5vehicle. The prevailing wage rates, prevailing hours of labor, and hourly basic rates
6of pay determined pursuant to this section shall be set forth specifically in the
AB150-SA116, s. 3753p 8Section 3753p. 103.49 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,45,229 103.49 (4) Any officer or employe of the state or of the University of Wisconsin
10Hospitals and Clinics Authority
who publishes any specifications or executes any
11contract for the erection, construction, remodeling or repairing of any public building
12or of any other project of public works as defined in sub. (2), to which the state, any
13department thereof or, any public building corporation or the University of
14Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
is a party without complying with this
15section and any contractor, subcontractor or agent thereof who, after executing a
16contract in compliance with this section, pays to any laborer, workman or mechanic
17employed directly upon the site of the work in his or their employ a lesser wage for
18work done under such contract than the prevailing wage rate as set forth in the
19contract shall be fined not more than $200, or imprisoned for not more than 6 months,
20or both. Such agent or subcontractor shall furnish to the contractor evidence of
21compliance with this section. Each day any violation of this subsection continues
22shall be deemed a separate offense.
AB150-SA116, s. 3753r 23Section 3753r. 103.49 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,46,1424 103.49 (7) (a) Except as provided under pars. (b) and (c), the department shall
25distribute to all state agencies, as defined in s. 20.001 (1), and to the University of

1Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
a list of persons whom the department
2has found to have failed to pay the prevailing wage rate determined under sub. (1)
3or to have paid less than 1.5 times the hourly basic rate of pay for hours worked on
4a project in excess of the prevailing hours determined under sub. (1) at any time in
5the preceding 3 years. The department shall include with any such name the address
6of such person and shall specify when and how such person has failed to pay the
7prevailing wage rate determined under this subsection and when and how such
8person has failed to pay less than 1.5 times the hourly basic rate of pay for hours
9worked on a project in excess of the prevailing hours of labor determined under this
10subsection. No state agency may A state agency or the University of Wisconsin
11Hospitals and Clinics Authority may not
award any contract to such person unless
12otherwise recommended by the department or unless 3 years have elapsed from the
13date the department issued its findings or date of final determination by a court of
14competent jurisdiction, whichever is later.".
AB150-SA116,46,16 15341. Page 1316, line 18: delete the material beginning with that line and
16ending with page 1317, line 2.
AB150-SA116,46,17 17342. Page 1318, line 16: delete lines 16 to 18.
AB150-SA116,46,18 18343. Page 1334, line 16: delete "and (n)".
AB150-SA116,46,20 19344. Page 1339, line 19: in lines 19 and 20, delete "municipal employes of a
20county or".
AB150-SA116,46,22 21345. Page 1339, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
22ending with page 1340, line 15.
AB150-SA116,46,24 23346. Page 1340, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and
24ending with page 1341, line 2.
1347. Page 1341, line 7: delete lines 7 to 11.
AB150-SA116,47,3 2348. Page 1341, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and
3ending with page 1343, line 19.
AB150-SA116,47,4 4349. Page 1345, line 7: delete "subd. 7" and substitute "subds. 7., 7g. and 7r".
AB150-SA116,47,8 5350. Page 1346, line 2: after the comma insert "the municipal employer may
6implement the qualified economic offer. On the 90th day prior to expiration of the
7period included within the qualified economic offer, if no agreement exists on that
AB150-SA116,47,9 9351. Page 1346, line 8: after the comma insert "on and after that 90th day,".
AB150-SA116,47,13 10352. Page 1346, line 8: in lines 8 and 9, delete "unilaterally implements the
11terms of a stipulation under this subdivision" and substitute: "refuses to bargain
12collectively with respect to the terms of that stipulation, applicable to the 90-day
13period prior to expiration of the period included within the qualified economic offer,".
AB150-SA116,47,15 14353. Page 1346, line 10: after the 2nd comma insert "during the 90-day
15period prior to expiration of the period included within a qualified economic offer,".
AB150-SA116,47,16 16354. Page 1350, line 22: delete lines 22 to 24 and substitute:
AB150-SA116,47,23 17"7. `Factor given greatest weight.' In making any decision under the arbitration
18procedures authorized by this paragraph, the arbitrator or arbitration panel shall
19consider and shall give the greatest weight to any state law or directive lawfully
20issued by a state legislative or administrative officer, body or agency which places
21limitations on expenditures that may be made or revenues that may be collected by
22a municipal employer. The arbitrator or arbitration panel shall give an accounting
23of the consideration of this factor in the arbitrator's or panel's decision.
17g. `Factor given greater weight.' In making any decision under the arbitration
2procedures authorized by this paragraph, the arbitrator or arbitration panel shall
3consider and shall give greater weight to economic conditions in the jurisdiction of
4the municipal employer than to any of the factors specified in subd. 7r.
AB150-SA116,48,75 7r. `Other factors considered.' In making any decision under the arbitration
6procedures authorized by this paragraph, the arbitrator or arbitration panel shall
7also give weight to the following factors:".
AB150-SA116,48,8 8355. Page 1351, line 21: delete lines 21 to 23.
AB150-SA116,48,10 9356. Page 1354, line 21: in lines 21 and 22, delete "municipal employes of any
10county or".
AB150-SA116,48,11 11357. Page 1357, line 13: delete lines 13 to 17.
AB150-SA116,48,12 12358. Page 1357, line 18: delete lines 18 to 22 and substitute:
AB150-SA116,48,14 13"6. Solicitation of sealed bids for the provision of group health care benefits for
14school district professional employes as provided in s. 120.12 (24).".
AB150-SA116,48,16 15359. Page 1360, line 9: in lines 9 and 10, delete "municipal employes of any
16county or".
AB150-SA116,48,17 17360. Page 1363, line 4: delete lines 4 to 17 and substitute:
AB150-SA116,48,19 18" Section 3803um. 111.71 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1993 Wisconsin Act
, is repealed.".
AB150-SA116,48,20 20361. Page 1364, line 14: delete ", (ce)".
AB150-SA116,48,22 21362. Page 1379, line 21: delete the material beginning with that line and
22ending with page 1384, line 14.
AB150-SA116,48,23 23363. Page 1389, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3.
1364. Page 1395, line 25: delete that line and substitute:
AB150-SA116,49,2 2" Section 3878m. 115.375 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,49,73 115.375 (2) (a) 2. "Public agency" means a county, city, village, town, public
4inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, or school district or cooperative
5educational service agency
or an agency of this state or of a county, city, village, town,
6public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, or school district or
7cooperative educational service agency
AB150-SA116, s. 3879 8Section 3879. 115.375 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,49,169 115.375 (2) (b) From the appropriations under s. 20.255 (1) (cp), (jr) and (r) (2)
10(ee) and (ra), the board shall award grants to corporations and public agencies for the
11development, dissemination and presentation of environmental education
12programs. Programs shall be funded on an 18-month basis. The board may not
13award a grant unless the grant recipient matches at least 25% of the amount of the
14grant. Private funds and in-kind contributions may be applied to meet the matching
15requirement. Grants under this paragraph may not be used to replace funding
16available from other sources.
AB150-SA116, s. 3880 17Section 3880. 115.375 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: