AB150-SA116,27,17 17218. Page 761, line 6: delete lines 6 to 16.
AB150-SA116,27,18 18219. Page 782, line 3: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,27,22 19"c. The department approves the provision of services in a community-based
20residential facility that is initially licensed after the effective date of this subd. 1. c.
21.... [revisor inserts date], that is licensed for 20 or fewer beds and that meets
22standards established under subd. 2.".
AB150-SA116,27,23 23220. Page 795, line 19: delete "$11,049,700" and substitute "$11,087,200".
1221. Page 795, line 20: delete "$11,247,700" and substitute "$11,285,200".
AB150-SA116,28,2 2222. Page 800, line 25: delete "(md)" and substitute "(mb)".
AB150-SA116,28,3 3223. Page 801, line 20: delete "(md)" and substitute "(mb)".
AB150-SA116,28,4 4224. Page 804, line 3: delete "to counties".
AB150-SA116,28,5 5225. Page 829, line 24: delete that line.
AB150-SA116,28,6 6226. Page 830, line 1: delete lines 1 to 11.
AB150-SA116,28,7 7227. Page 831, line 25: delete "partment" and substitute "partment".
AB150-SA116,28,9 8228. Page 842, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
9ending with page 844, line 2.
AB150-SA116,28,10 10229. Page 854, line 13: delete lines 13 to 24.
AB150-SA116,28,12 11230. Page 855, line 16: substitute "of health and social services" for "of
AB150-SA116,28,13 13231. Page 855, line 17: restore the stricken material; and delete "73.25".
AB150-SA116,28,15 14232. Page 855, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and
15ending with page 856, line 25.
AB150-SA116,28,16 16233. Page 950, line 11: on lines 11 and 20, substitute "(cb)" for "(c)".
AB150-SA116,28,18 17234. Page 950, line 16: substitute "20.435 (4) (3) (cb)" for "20.435 20.566 (4)
AB150-SA116,28,20 19235. Page 950, line 17: substitute "of health and social services" for "of
AB150-SA116,28,21 21236. Page 951, line 1: substitute "20.435 (4) (3) (cb)" for "20.435 20.566 (4) (c)".
1237. Page 951, line 2: substitute "of health and social services" for "of
AB150-SA116,29,3 3238. Page 956, line 8: substitute "(cb)" for "(c)".
AB150-SA116,29,5 4239. Page 956, line 12: on lines 12 and 13, substitute "20.435 (4) (3) (cb)" for
5"20.435 20.566 (4) (c)".
AB150-SA116,29,7 6240. Page 956, line 13: substitute "of health and social services" for "of
AB150-SA116,29,8 8241. Page 975, line 22: delete "$220" and substitute " $205".
AB150-SA116,29,9 9242. Page 976, line 2: delete "$214" and substitute " $199".
AB150-SA116,29,10 10243. Page 976, line 6: delete "$164" and substitute " $149".
AB150-SA116,29,14 11244. Page 988, line 17: delete lines 17 and 18 and substitute: "school to
12children who are eligible for medical assistance that are appropriate to a school
13setting, as provided in the amendment to the state medical assistance plan under
14par. (am).
AB150-SA116,30,215 (am) Plan amendment. No later than September 30, 1995, the department
16shall submit to the federal department of health and human services an amendment
17to the state medical assistance plan to permit the application of pars. (b) to (c). If the
18amendment to the state plan is approved, the department shall implement an
19administrative system to permit school districts and cooperative educational service
20agencies to claim reimbursement under pars. (b) to (c). If the amendment to the state
21plan is approved and in effect, the department shall implement an administrative
22system to permit reimbursement under pars. (b) to (c). Paragraphs (b) to (c) do not
23apply unless the amendment to the state plan is approved and in effect and the

1department determines that the an administrative system to permit reimbursement
2under pars. (b) to (c) has been implemented.".
AB150-SA116,30,4 3245. Page 988, line 19: after "school district" insert "or a cooperative
4educational services agency".
AB150-SA116,30,6 5246. Page 988, line 21: delete "for the" and substitute "or the cooperative
6educational services agency for 60% of the".
AB150-SA116,30,8 7247. Page 988, line 25: after "school district" insert "or the cooperative
8educational services agency".
AB150-SA116,30,10 9248. Page 989, line 1: after "school district" insert "or the cooperative
10educational services agency".
AB150-SA116,30,11 11249. Page 1003, line 3: before "costs" insert "reasonable and necessary".
AB150-SA116,30,12 12250. Page 1003, line 4: before "expenses" insert "reasonable and necessary".
AB150-SA116,30,13 13251. Page 1006, line 7: delete "with".
AB150-SA116,30,15 14252. Page 1006, line 8: delete lines 8 to 10 and substitute: "shall be consistent
15with the requirements specified in 42 CFR 431.151 (a) and (b).".
AB150-SA116,30,17 16253. Page 1031, line 16: delete the material beginning with that line and
17ending with page 1032, line 2.
AB150-SA116,30,19 18254. Page 1032, line 10: substitute "of health and social services" for "of
AB150-SA116,30,21 20255. Page 1041, line 16: after "facilities" insert ", other than at the Wisconsin
21Veterans Home at King,".
AB150-SA116,31,3 22256. Page 1041, line 25: after the period insert: "A nursing home, other than
23the nursing home operated at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King, that intends

1to convert a separate area of its total area to an assisted living facility shall also agree
2to reduce its licensed nursing home beds by the corresponding number of assisted
3living facility residential units proposed for the conversion.".
AB150-SA116,31,5 4257. Page 1042, line 12: after "facility" insert ", other than the nursing home
5operated at the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King,".
AB150-SA116,31,6 6258. Page 1049, line 17: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,31,7 7" Section 3244g. 50.14 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,31,228 50.14 (2) For the privilege of doing business in this state, there is imposed on
9all occupied, licensed beds of a facility, except occupied, licensed beds for which
10payment is made under 42 USC 1395 to 1395ccc, an assessment that shall be
11deposited in the general fund and that is $97 in fiscal year 1993-94 and $100 in fiscal
12year 1994-95
per calendar month per occupied, licensed bed of an intermediate care
13facility for the mentally retarded and is $32 per calendar month per occupied,
14licensed bed of a nursing home. The assessment shall be on the average number of
15occupied, licensed beds of a facility for the calendar month previous to the month of
16assessment, based on an average daily midnight census computed and reported by
17the facility and verified by the department. Charged bed-hold days for any resident
18of a facility shall be included as one full day in the average daily midnight census.
19In determining the number of occupied, licensed beds, if the amount of the beds is
20other than a whole number the fractional part of the amount shall be disregarded
21unless it equals 50% or more of a whole number, in which case the amount shall be
22increased to the next whole number.".
AB150-SA116,31,23 23259. Page 1057, line 8: delete that line.
AB150-SA116,31,24 24260. Page 1058, line 24: delete "(o)" and substitute " (mb)".
1261. Page 1060, line 5: delete lines 5 to 19.
AB150-SA116,32,2 2262. Page 1066, line 15: delete lines 15 to 20.
AB150-SA116,32,3 3263. Page 1067, line 5: delete lines 5 to 9.
AB150-SA116,32,5 4264. Page 1071, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and
5ending with page 1072, line 3.
AB150-SA116,32,6 6265. Page 1081, line 17: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,32,7 7" Section 3320p. 66.39 (7) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,32,168 66.39 (7) (m) The bonds, notes, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness
9executed by an authority shall not be a debt or charge against any county, state or
10other governmental authority, other than against said housing authority itself and
11its available property, income or other assets in accordance with the terms thereof
12and of this section, and no individual liability shall attach for any official act done
13by any member of such authority. No such authority shall have the power to levy any
14tax or assessment. Provided, however, that for income or franchise tax purposes such
15bonds, notes, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness shall be deemed
16obligations of a political subdivision of this state.
AB150-SA116,32,17 17266. Page 1082, line 2: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,32,18 18" Section 3321g. 66.40 (14) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,33,919 66.40 (14) (a) Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by its resolution and
20may be issued in one or more series and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such
21time or times, bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denomination or
22denominations, be in the form of coupon bonds or of bonds registered under s. 67.09,
23carry such conversion or registration privileges, have such rank or priority, be
24executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or

1places, and be subject to such terms of redemption, with or without premium, as such
2resolution, its trust indenture or mortgage may provide. Any bond reciting in
3substance that it has been issued by an authority to aid in financing a housing project
4to provide dwelling accommodations for persons of low income shall be conclusively
5deemed, in any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or enforceability of
6such bond or the security therefor, to have been issued for a housing project of such
7character. Bonds of an authority are declared to be issued for an essential public and
8governmental purpose and to be public instrumentalities and, together with interest
9thereon and income therefrom, shall be exempt from taxes.
AB150-SA116,33,10 10267. Page 1083, line 21: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,33,11 11" Section 3323p. 66.431 (5) (a) 4. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB150-SA116,35,712 66.431 (5) (a) 4. c. To issue bonds in its discretion to finance its activities under
13this section, including the payment of principal and interest upon any advances for
14surveys and plans, and may issue refunding bonds for the payment or retirement of
15such bonds previously issued by it. Such bonds shall be made payable, as to both
16principal and interest, solely from the income, proceeds, revenues, and funds of the
17authority derived from or held in connection with its undertaking and carrying out
18of projects or activities under this section; provided that payment of such bonds, both
19as to principal and interest, may be further secured by a pledge of any loan, grant
20or contribution from the federal government or other source, in aid of any projects
21or activities of the authority under this section, and by a mortgage of any such
22projects or activities, or any part thereof. Bonds issued under this section shall not
23constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory
24debt limitation or restriction of the state, city or of any public body other than the

1authority issuing the bonds, and shall not be subject to any other law or charter
2relating to the authorization, issuance or sale of bonds. Bonds issued under this
3section are declared to be issued for an essential public and governmental purpose
4and, together with interest thereon and income therefrom, shall be exempt from all
Bonds issued under this section shall be authorized by resolution of the
6authority and may be issued in one or more series and shall bear such date, be
7payable upon demand or mature at such time, bear interest at such rate, be in such
8denomination, be in such form either with or without coupon or registered, carry
9such conversion or registration privileges, have such rank or priority, be payable in
10such medium of payment, at such place, and be subject to such terms of redemption,
11with or without premium, be secured in such manner, and have such other
12characteristics, as is provided by the resolution, trust indenture or mortgage issued
13pursuant thereto. Bonds issued under this section shall be executed as provided in
14s. 67.08 (1) and may be registered under s. 67.09. The bonds may be sold or
15exchanged at public sale or by private negotiation with bond underwriters as the
16authority may provide. The bonds may be sold or exchanged at such price or prices
17as the authority shall determine. If sold or exchanged at public sale, the sale shall
18be held after a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, published prior to such sale in a
19newspaper having general circulation in the city and in such other medium of
20publication as the authority determines. Such bonds may be sold to the federal
21government at private sale, without publication of any notice, at not less than par,
22and, if less than all of the authorized principal amount of such bonds is sold to the
23federal government, the balance may be sold at private sale at not less than par at
24an interest cost to the authority of not to exceed the interest cost to the authority of
25the portion of the bonds sold to the federal government. Any provision of any law to

1the contrary notwithstanding, any bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be
2fully negotiable. In any suit, action or proceeding involving the validity or
3enforceability of any bond issued under this section or the security therefor, any such
4bond reciting in substance that it has been issued by the authority in connection with
5a project or activity under this section shall be conclusively deemed to have been
6issued for such purpose and such project or activity shall be conclusively deemed to
7have been planned, located and carried out in accordance with this section.".
AB150-SA116,35,8 8268. Page 1085, line 20: after that line insert:
AB150-SA116,35,9 9" Section 3330b. 66.4325 (5m) of the statutes is repealed.".
AB150-SA116,35,13 10269. Page 1088, line 14: delete "under par. (b)" and substitute: ", if sub. (4)
11(h) 2. applies to the amended project plan, by adding to the tax incremental base the
12value of the taxable property that is added to the existing district under sub. (4) (h)
132. or, if sub. (4) (h) 2. does not apply to the amended project plan,
under par. (b),".
AB150-SA116,35,16 14270. Page 1089, line 1: delete "under par. (b)" and substitute: ", by adding to
15the tax incremental base the value of the taxable property that is added to the
16existing district under sub. (4) (h) 2.,".
AB150-SA116,35,17 17271. Page 1094, line 5: on lines 5 and 9, delete "3%" and substitute "4%".
AB150-SA116,35,19 18272. Page 1094, line 6: delete lines 6 to 8 and substitute "whichever is
AB150-SA116,35,23 20273. Page 1099, line 3: delete "Before" and substitute "Notwithstanding ss.
2127.065 (5) (a), 30.32, 38.18, 43.17 (9) (a), 59.07 (134), 59.08 (1), 60.47 (2) to (4), 60.77
22(6) (a), 61.55, 61.56, 61.57, 62.15 (1), 62.155, 66.24 (5) (d), 66.299 (2), 66.431 (5) (a)
232., 66.47 (11), 66.505 (10), 66.508 (10) and 66.904 (2), before".
1274. Page 1099, line 4: delete "publish a class 1 notice of its intent" and
2substitute "solicit bids or competitive sealed proposals from qualified providers. A
3local governmental unit may only enter into a performance contract if the contract
4is awarded by the governing body of the local governmental unit. The governing body
5shall give at least 10 days' notice of the meeting at which the body intends to award
6a performance contract. The notice shall include a statement of the intent of the
7governing body".
AB150-SA116,36,8 8275. Page 1099, line 5: delete the 2nd "the" and substitute "all potential".
AB150-SA116,36,13 9276. Page 1099, line 7: after the period insert: "At the meeting, the governing
10body shall review and evaluate the bids or proposals submitted by all qualified
11providers and may thereafter award the performance contract to the qualified
12provider that best meets the needs of the local governmental unit, which need not
13be the lowest cost provider.".
AB150-SA116,36,14 14277. Page 1102, line 5: delete lines 5 to 22.
AB150-SA116,36,16 15278. Page 1112, line 19: delete "assessment" and substitute "assessments";
16and after the 2nd comma insert "and January 1, 1997,".
AB150-SA116,36,17 17279. Page 1112, line 21: delete "2008" and substitute "2009".
AB150-SA116,36,18 18280. Page 1112, line 23: delete "1997" and substitute "1998".
AB150-SA116,36,19 19281. Page 1112, line 25: delete "2007" and substitute "2008".
AB150-SA116,36,20 20282. Page 1113, line 3: delete "1995" and substitute "1996".
AB150-SA116,36,21 21283. Page 1113, line 5: before the period insert ", including the current year".
AB150-SA116,36,22 22284. Page 1113, line 8: delete "1995" and substitute "1996".
AB150-SA116,36,23 23285. Page 1113, line 13: delete lines 13 to 19.
1286. Page 1115, line 8: delete "$475,000" and substitute "50% of the amount
2calculated under par. (a)".
AB150-SA116,37,3 3287. Page 1119, line 16: on lines 16 and 17, delete the underscored material.
AB150-SA116,37,4 4288. Page 1121, line 8: delete lines 8 to 20.
AB150-SA116,37,5 5289. Page 1129, line 7: delete lines 7 and 8.
AB150-SA116,37,6 6290. Page 1130, line 1: delete the quotation mark.
AB150-SA116,37,7 7291. Page 1130, line 1: delete lines 1 to 9.
AB150-SA116,37,9 8292. Page 1130, line 10: delete the material beginning with that line and
9ending with page 1132, line 11.
AB150-SA116,37,10 10293. Page 1134, line 4: after "services" insert ", the state treasurer".
AB150-SA116,37,12 11294. Page 1134, line 5: delete the material beginning with the first comma
12and ending with "treasurer" on line 6.