AB935-ASA1,23,108 3. The employe has his or her compensation established in a collective
9bargaining agreement under subch. I of ch. 111 and the employe is employed by the
10University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
AB935-ASA1,23,1311 (b) The health insurance premium credits shall be based on the employe's years
12of continuous service, accumulated unused sick leave and any other factor specified
13as part of the employe's compensation.
AB935-ASA1,23,18 14(2) The department is not required to administer any program that provides
15health insurance premium credits for the purchase of health insurance for a retired
16employe, or the retired employe's surviving insured dependents, if the department
17determines that the program does not conform to the program approved by the joint
18committee on employment relations under s. 230.12 (9).
AB935-ASA1, s. 40 19Section 40. 41.41 (1) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
20is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,23,2221 41.41 (1) (a) "Board" means the Kickapoo valley governing reserve
AB935-ASA1, s. 40g 23Section 40g. 44.25 (5g) and (5r) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin
24Act 27
, are renumbered 14.26 (5g) and (5r).
AB935-ASA1, s. 41
1Section 41. 46.043 of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
AB935-ASA1, s. 42 3Section 42 . 46.043 of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 77, is
AB935-ASA1, s. 43 5Section 43. 46.057 of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,24,21 646.057 Mendota juvenile treatment center. (1) The department shall
7establish, maintain and operate the Mendota juvenile treatment center on the
8grounds of the Mendota Mental Health Institute. The department may designate
9staff at the Mendota Mental Health Institute as responsible for administering, and
10providing services at, the center. The department shall operate the Mendota juvenile
11treatment center as a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 48.02 (15m). The
12center shall not be considered a hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2), an inpatient
13facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (10), a state treatment facility, as defined in s. 51.01
14(15), or a treatment facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (19). The center shall provide
15psychological and psychiatric evaluations and treatment for children whose
16behavior presents a serious problem to themselves or others in other secured
17correctional facilities and whose mental health needs can be met at the center. The
18department may transfer to the center any child who has been placed in a secured
19correctional facility under the supervision of the department under s. 48.34 (4m) or
2048.357 (4) or (5) (e) in the same manner that the department transfers children
21between other secured correctional facilities.
AB935-ASA1,24,24 22(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (3) (hm), the department may
23expend not more than $2,864,200 in fiscal year 1995-96 for services for children
24placed at the Mendota juvenile treatment center.
AB935-ASA1, s. 44
1Section 44. 46.057 (1) and (2) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
2.... (this act), are amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,25,213 46.057 (1) The department shall establish, maintain and operate the Mendota
4juvenile treatment center on the grounds of the Mendota Mental Health Institute.
5The department may designate staff at the Mendota Mental Health Institute as
6responsible for administering, and providing services at, the center. The
7Notwithstanding ss. 301.02, 301.03 and 301.36 (1), the department shall operate the
8Mendota juvenile treatment center as a secured correctional facility, as defined in s.
948.02 938.02 (15m). The center shall not be considered a hospital, as defined in s.
1050.33 (2), an inpatient facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (10), a state treatment facility,
11as defined in s. 51.01 (15), or a treatment facility, as defined in s. 51.01 (19). The
12center shall provide psychological and psychiatric evaluations and treatment for
13children juveniles whose behavior presents a serious problem to themselves or
14others in other secured correctional facilities and whose mental health needs can be
15met at the center. The With the approval of the department of health and family
16services, the
department of corrections may transfer to the center any child juvenile
17who has been placed in a secured correctional facility under the supervision of the
18department of corrections under s. 48.34 (4m) or 48.357 (4) or (5) (e) 938.183 (2),
19938.34 (4h) or (4m) or 938.357 (4) or (5) (e)
in the same manner that the department
20of corrections transfers children juveniles between other secured correctional
AB935-ASA1,26,3 22(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 20.410 (3) (hm), the department of
may expend not more than $2,864,200 $2,500,000 in fiscal year 1995-96
241996-97 for services for children juveniles placed at the Mendota juvenile treatment
25center. The department of health and family services may charge the department

1of corrections not more than the actual cost of providing services for juveniles under
2the supervision of the department of corrections who are provided services at the
AB935-ASA1, s. 44L 4Section 44L. 46.52 of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
5amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,26,18 646.52 (title) Integrated community services Systems change grants.
7From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (md), the department shall distribute
8$350,000 in each fiscal year to counties to assist in relocating individuals with
9mental illness from institutional or residential care to less restrictive and more
10cost-effective community settings and services. The department shall distribute
11funds to each recipient under this section so as to permit initial phasing in of
12community services for individuals with mental illness who are relocated or diverted
13from institutional or residential care and shall eliminate the funding at the end of
14a period of not more than 5 years in order to provide funding to another county. The
15department shall require that the community services that are developed under this
16section are continued, following termination of a county's funding under this section,
17by use of funding made available to the county from reduced institutional and
18residential care utilization.
AB935-ASA1, s. 44n 19Section 44n. 46.54 of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
20amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,27,2 2146.54 Consumer and family self-help and peer-support programs.
22From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (md), the department shall distribute
23$180,000 in each fiscal year to counties to increase support for mental health family
24support projects, employment projects operated by consumers of mental health

1services, mental health crisis intervention and drop-in projects and public mental
2health information activities.
AB935-ASA1, s. 45 3Section 45. 46.979 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
4is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,27,75 46.979 (2) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7) (o), as allocated in s.
646.40 (2m) (c) (4m), distribute $9,998,500 in fiscal year 1995-96 and $10,099,200 in
7fiscal year 1996-97 for child day care services under s. 46.98 (2m) and (3).
AB935-ASA1, s. 46 8Section 46. 46.98 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
9is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,27,1610 46.98 (2) (a) The department shall distribute the funds allocated under s. 46.40
11(1) and (2m) (c) (4m) for at-risk, low-income and respite child care services under
12subs. (2m) and (4g) to county departments under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23. In
13addition, the department shall distribute the funds allocated under s. 46.40 (1), (2m)
and (4m) for low-income and respite child care services under sub. (3) to private
15nonprofit child care providers who provide child care for the children of migrant
AB935-ASA1, s. 46b 17Section 46b. 49.029 (3) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
18is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,27,2219 49.029 (3) Use of relief block grant funds. A tribal governing body may use
20moneys received as a relief block grant only for the purpose of providing health care
21services to dependent persons. Notwithstanding s. 49.01 (2g), health care services
22may include treatment services for alcohol and other drug abuse.
AB935-ASA1, s. 46d 23Section 46d. 49.143 (1) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
24.... (Assembly Bill 591), is amended to read:
149.143 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (am) pars. (am) and (av), the
2department may award a contract, on the basis of a competitive process approved by
3the secretary of administration, to any person to administer Wisconsin works in a
4geographical area determined by the department under sub. (6). The department
5shall award contracts under this paragraph at least 6 months before the date that
6is specified in s. 49.141 (2) (d).
AB935-ASA1, s. 46h 7Section 46h. 49.143 (1) (av) of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,28,208 49.143 (1) (av) 1. In a county having a population of 500,000 or more the
9department shall, prior to awarding a contract to administer Wisconsin works in that
10county, work with the county for a period not to exceed 6 months to establish a plan
11for the first 2 years of administration of Wisconsin works in that county. The plan
12shall establish the methodology for conducting a competitive bidding process to
13award a contract to administer Wisconsin works in that county. The plan shall
14identify an administrator to oversee the administrative structure of Wisconsin works
15in that county and to oversee the Wisconsin works agencies in that county. In
16establishing a selection process for Wisconsin works agencies in the county, if the
17county has met the aid to families with dependent children caseload performance
18standards established by the department under par. (am), the plan shall, to the
19extent practicable, give preference to agencies that administer the job opportunities
20and basic skills program under s. 49.193 in that county.
AB935-ASA1,28,2321 2. a. If a plan is approved by the department and the county, the department
22shall award a contract to administer Wisconsin works in that county in accordance
23with the plan. The plan shall remain in effect for 2 years.
1b. If a plan is not approved by the department or the county, the department
2shall award a contract to administer Wisconsin works in accordance with par. (a) or
3(am), whichever is applicable.
AB935-ASA1, s. 46k 4Section 46k. 49.45 (6t) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin
5Act 27
, is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,29,166 49.45 (6t) (title) County department and local health department operating
7deficit reduction
. (intro.) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (o), for
8reduction of operating deficits, as defined under criteria developed by the
9department, incurred by a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23 or 51.42
10or by a local health department, as defined in s. 250.01 (4), for services provided
11under s. 49.46 (2) (a) 4. d. and (b) 6. f., j., k. and L., 9. and 15., for case management
12services under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 12. and for mental health day treatment services for
13minors provided under the authorization under 42 USC 1396d (r) (5),
the department
14shall allocate up to $4,500,000 in each fiscal year to these county departments, or
15local health departments
as determined by the department, and shall perform all of
16the following:
AB935-ASA1, s. 46L 17Section 46L. 49.45 (6t) (a) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,29,2519 49.45 (6t) (a) For the reduction of operating deficits incurred by the county
20departments or local health departments, estimate the availability of federal
21medicaid funds that may be matched to county, city, town or village funds that are
22expended for costs in excess of reimbursement for services provided under s. 49.46
23(2) (a) 4. d. and (b) 6. f., j., k. and L., 9. and 15., for case management services under
24s. 49.46 (2) (b) 12. and for mental health day treatment services for minors provided
25under the authorization under 42 USC 1396d (r) (5).
AB935-ASA1, s. 46m
1Section 46m. 49.45 (6t) (b) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 1995
2Wisconsin Act 27
, is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,30,73 49.45 (6t) (b) (intro.) Based on the amount estimated to be available under par.
4(a), develop a method, which need not be promulgated as rules under ch. 227, to
5distribute this allocation to the individual county departments under s. 46.215,
646.22, 46.23 or 51.42 or to local health departments that have incurred operating
7deficits that shall include all of the following
AB935-ASA1, s. 46n 8Section 46n. 49.45 (6t) (b) 2. of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,30,1310 49.45 (6t) (b) (2) Agreement, by the county in which is located a county
11department that has an operating deficit, or by the county, city, town or village that
12has established a local health department that has an operating deficit,
to provide
13funds to match federal medicaid funds.
AB935-ASA1, s. 46p 14Section 46p. 49.45 (6t) (b) 3. of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,30,1716 49.45 (6t) (b) 3. Consideration of the size of a county department's or local
17health department's
operating deficit.
AB935-ASA1, s. 47 18Section 47. 51.05 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,31,219 51.05 (3m) Notwithstanding s. 20.903 (1), the department shall implement a
20plan that is approved by the department of administration to assure that, before July
211, 1997 1999, there are sufficient revenues, as projected by the department of health
22and social services, to cover anticipated expenditures by that date under the
23appropriation under s. 20.435 (2) (gk) for the purpose of reimbursing the provision
24of care to patients of the Mendota mental health institute or the Winnebago mental
25health institute. The department of health and social services shall make reports to

1the department of administration every 3 months, beginning on October 1, 1993, and
2ending on July 1, 1997 1999, concerning the implementation of this plan.
AB935-ASA1, s. 47m 3Section 47m. 66.019 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,31,114 66.019 (5) Taxes levied before incorporation; how collected and divided.
5Whenever a village or city is incorporated from territory within any town or towns,
6after the assessment of taxes in any year and before the collection of such taxes, the
7tax so assessed shall be collected by the town treasurer of the town or the town
8treasurers of the different towns of which such village or city formerly constituted
9a part, and all moneys collected from the tax levied for town purposes shall be divided
10between the village or city and the town or the towns, as provided by s. 66.03 (13) (a)
, for the division of property owned jointly by towns and villages.
AB935-ASA1, s. 48 12Section 48. 66.023 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,31,1413 66.023 (1) (a) "Department" means the department of administration
AB935-ASA1, s. 48g 15Section 48g. 66.03 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
16is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,32,2017 66.03 (5) Apportionment board. The boards or councils of the municipalities,
18or committees, thereof selected for that purpose, acting together, shall constitute an
19apportionment board. When any municipality is dissolved by reason of all of its
20territory being so transferred the board or council thereof existing at the time of such
21dissolution shall, for the purpose of this section, continue to exist as the governing
22body of such municipality until there has been an apportionment of assets by
23agreement of the interested municipalities or by an order of the circuit court. After
24an agreement for apportionment of assets has been entered into between the
25interested municipalities, or an order of the circuit court becomes final, a copy of such

1apportionment agreement, or of such order, certified to by the clerks of the interested
2municipalities, shall be filed with the department of revenue, the department of
3natural resources, the department of transportation, the department of education,
4the department of administration, and with any other department or agency of the
5state from which the town may be entitled by law to receive funds or certifications
6or orders relating to the distribution or disbursement of funds, with the county
7treasurer, with the treasurer of any municipality, or with any other entity from which
8payment would have become due if such dissolved municipality from which such
9territory was transferred had continued in existence. Thereafter Subject to ss.
1079.006 and 86.303 (4), thereafter
payments from the shared revenue account made
11pursuant to ch. 79, payments of forest crop taxes under s. 77.05, of transportation
12aids under s. 20.395, of state aids for school purposes under ch. 121, payments for
13managed forest land under subch. VI of ch. 77 and all payments due from a
14department or agency of the state, from a county, from a municipality, or from any
15other entity from which payments would have become due if such dissolved
16municipality from which such territory was transferred had continued in existence,
17shall be paid to the interested municipality as provided by such agreement for
18apportionment of assets or by any order of apportionment by the circuit court and
19such payments shall have the same force and effect as if made to the dissolved
20municipality from which such territory was transferred.
AB935-ASA1, s. 48m 21Section 48m. 66.03 (13) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.03 (13) (a) 1. and
22amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,33,423 66.03 (13) (a) 1. Whenever Subject to subd. 2., if any territory is annexed,
24detached or incorporated in any year, general property taxes levied against the
25territory shall be collected by the treasurer of the municipality in which the territory

1was located on January 1 of such year, and all moneys collected from the tax levied
2for local municipal purposes shall be allocated to each of the municipalities on the
3basis of the portion of the calendar year the territory was located in each of the
4municipalities, and paid accordingly.
AB935-ASA1, s. 48r 5Section 48r. 66.03 (13) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,33,106 66.03 (13) (a) 2. If a city or village is incorporated after January 1 and before
7April 1, the procedures described in subd. 1 shall be applied as if the city or village
8was incorporated on January 1 of the year in which it was incorporated and the
9territory shall be treated for purposes of ch. 70 as if the incorporation had occurred
10on January 1.
AB935-ASA1, s. 49 11Section 49. 66.066 (2) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,34,1712 66.066 (2) (b) (intro.) All moneys received from any bonds issued under this
13section shall be applied solely for purchasing, acquiring, leasing, constructing,
14extending, adding to, improving, conducting, controlling, operating or managing a
15public utility, and in the payment of the cost of any subsequent necessary additions,
16improvements and extensions. Bonds issued under this section shall be secured by
17a pledge of the revenues of the public utility to the holders of the bonds and to the
18holders of any coupons of the bonds and may be additionally secured by a mortgage
19lien upon the public utility to the holders of the bonds and to the holders of any
20coupons of the bonds. If a mortgage lien is created by ordinance or resolution, the
21lien shall be perfected by publication of the ordinance or resolution or by recording
22of the ordinance or resolution in the records of the municipality. In addition, the
23municipality may record the lien by notifying the register of deeds of the county in
24which the public utility is located concerning its issuance of bonds. If the register of
25deeds receives notice from the municipality, the register of deeds shall record any

1mortgage lien created. The public utility shall remain subject to the pledge and, if
2created, the mortgage lien until the payment in full of the principal and interest of
3the bonds. Upon repayment of bonds for which a mortgage lien has been created, the
4register of deeds shall, upon notice from the municipality, record a satisfaction of the
5mortgage lien. Any holder of a bond or of any coupons attached to a bond may either
6at law or in equity protect and enforce this pledge and, if created, the mortgage lien
7and compel performance of all duties required of the municipality by this section.
8Any municipality may provide for additions, extensions and improvements to a
9public utility that it owns by additional issues of bonds under this section. Such
10additional issues of bonds shall be subordinate to all prior issues of bonds under this
11section, but a municipality may in the ordinance or resolution authorizing bonds
12permit the issue of additional bonds on a parity therewith. Any municipality may
13issue new bonds under this section to provide funds for refunding any outstanding
14bonds, bond anticipation notes or promissory notes municipal obligations, including
issued under this section or under ch. 67 for any of the purposes stated in
16sub. (1m). Refunding bonds issued under this section are subject to the following
AB935-ASA1, s. 50 18Section 50. 66.066 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,35,219 66.066 (2) (b) 1. Refunding bonds may be issued to refinance more than one
20issue of outstanding bonds or promissory notes municipal obligations
21notwithstanding that such outstanding bonds or promissory notes municipal
may have been issued at different times and may be secured by the
23revenues of more than one public utility. Any such public utilities may be operated
24as a single public utility, subject however to contract rights vested in holders of bonds

1or promissory notes being refinanced. A determination by the governing body that
2any refinancing is advantageous or necessary to the municipality shall be conclusive.
AB935-ASA1, s. 51 3Section 51. 66.066 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,35,104 66.066 (2) (b) 5. The governing body may, in addition to other powers conferred
5by this section, include a provision in any ordinance or resolution authorizing the
6issuance of refunding bonds pledging all or any part of the revenues of any public
7utility or utilities or combination thereof originally financed or extended or improved
8from the proceeds of any of the bonds, bond anticipation notes or promissory notes
9municipal obligations being refunded, and pledging all or any part of the surplus
10income derived from the investment of any trust created in relation to the refunding.
AB935-ASA1, s. 51d 11Section 51d. 79.006 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,35,21 1279.006 New incorporations. In the case of municipalities formed after 1976,
The information needed for the determinations under this chapter shall be
14calculated as follows: for those years for which the necessary data does not exist, the
15data for the new municipality and the municipality from which it was formed shall
16be combined and the sum shall be apportioned to each municipality in proportion to
17its respective full value in the first year of assessment of the new municipality; if the
18municipality is formed before April 1, the department of administration shall certify
19the population of the newly created municipality, and the corrected population of the
20municipality from which it was formed, and those figures shall be used for
21distributions under this chapter in the year after the incorporation
AB935-ASA1, s. 51g 22Section 51g. 86.302 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 86.302 (1m) (a).
AB935-ASA1, s. 51m 23Section 51m. 86.302 (1m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,36,524 86.302 (1m) (b) Upon incorporation of a village or city, the board of the village
25and the governing body of the city shall file with the department and with the county

1clerk a certified plat of the village or city showing the roads and streets under its
2jurisdiction and the mileage thereof to be open and used for travel as of the date of
3incorporation, which may be used by the department in making computations of
4transportation aids. One-half of the mileage of roads or streets on boundary lines
5shall be considered as lying in the village or city.
AB935-ASA1, s. 51p 6Section 51p. 86.303 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 86.303 (4) (a) and
7amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,36,148 86.303 (4) (a) The multiyear average costs used to determine the share of cost
9aids amount for local units of government shall be based on the 6 most recent years
10for which actual costs are available. Multiyear average costs for a newly
11incorporated municipality shall be based on the number of years for which cost data
12is available until average cost data is based on 6 years of actual costs. If no cost data
13is available for a newly incorporated municipality, the department may allocate costs
14for the municipality until actual cost data is available.
AB935-ASA1, s. 51t 15Section 51t. 86.303 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,36,2316 86.303 (4) (b) In the case of municipalities formed within the previous 6 years,
17the information needed for the determinations under this section shall be calculated
18as follows: for those years for which the necessary data does not exist, the data for
19the new municipality and the municipality from which it was formed shall be
20combined and the sum shall be apportioned to each municipality in proportion to the
21total mileage of roads and streets under their respective jurisdictions. In making
22these calculations, the department shall use the certified plats filed under s. 86.302
AB935-ASA1, s. 52 24Section 52. 93.20 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
193.20 (1) Definition. In this section, "action" means an action that is
2commenced in court by, or on behalf of, the department of agriculture, trade and
3consumer protection to enforce chs. 88, 91 to 100 or 127.
AB935-ASA1, s. 53 4Section 53. 111.71 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
5section 3803t, is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,38,136 111.71 (2) The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a
7complaint alleging that a prohibited practice has been committed under s. 111.70 (3).
8The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the
9commission act as an arbitrator to resolve a dispute involving the interpretation or
10application of a collective bargaining agreement under s. 111.70 (4) (c) 2. or (cm) 4.
11The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the
12commission initiate fact-finding under s. 111.70 (4) (c) 3. The commission shall
13assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the commission act as a
14mediator under s. 111.70 (4) (c) 1. or (cm) 3. The commission shall assess and collect
15a filing fee for filing a request that the commission initiate compulsory, final and
16binding arbitration under s. 111.70 (4) (cm) 6. or (jm) or 111.77 (3). For the
17performance of commission actions under ss. 111.70 (4) (c) 1., 2. and 3., (cm) 3., 4. and
186. and
(jm) and 111.77 (3), the commission shall require that the parties to the dispute
19equally share in the payment of the fee and, for the performance of commission
20actions involving a complaint alleging that a prohibited practice has been committed
21under s. 111.70 (3), the commission shall require that the party filing the complaint
22pay the entire fee. If any party has paid a filing fee requesting the commission to act
23as a mediator for a labor dispute and the parties do not enter into a voluntary
24settlement of the dispute, the commission may not subsequently assess or collect a
25filing fee to initiate fact-finding or arbitration to resolve the same labor dispute. If

1any request for the performance of commission actions concerns issues arising as a
2result of more than one unrelated event or occurrence, each such separate event or
3occurrence shall be treated as a separate request. The commission shall promulgate
4rules establishing a schedule of filing fees to be paid under this subsection. Fees
5required to be paid under this subsection shall be paid at the time of filing the
6complaint or the request for fact-finding, mediation or arbitration. A complaint or
7request for fact-finding, mediation or arbitration is not filed until the date such fee
8or fees are paid, except that the failure of the respondent party to pay the filing fee
9for having the commission initiate compulsory, final and binding arbitration under
10s. 111.70 (4) (cm) 6. or (jm) or 111.77 (3) shall not prohibit the commission from
11initiating such arbitration. The commission may initiate collection proceedings
12against the respondent party for the payment of the filing fee. Fees collected under
13this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.425 (1) (i).
AB935-ASA1, s. 54 14Section 54. 119.23 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
15is amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,38,2216 119.23 (2) (b) In the 1995-96 school year, no more than 7% of the school
17district's membership may attend private schools under this section. Beginning in
18the 1996-97 school year, no more than 15% of the school district's membership may
19attend private schools under this section. If in any school year there are more spaces
20available in the participating private schools than the maximum number of pupils
21allowed to participate, the department shall prorate the number of spaces available
22at each participating private school.
AB935-ASA1, s. 55 23Section 55. 146.59 of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
24renumbered 146.59 (2) (a) and amended to read:
1146.59 (2) (a) Subject to 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9159 (2) (k), the
2University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics board shall negotiate and enter into
3a contractual services agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
4Clinics Authority
authority that meets the requirements under s. 233.04 (4) and
5shall comply with s. 233.04 (4m) (a).
AB935-ASA1, s. 56 6Section 56. 146.59 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,39,77 146.59 (1) In this section:
AB935-ASA1,39,98 (a) "Authority" means the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
AB935-ASA1,39,1010 (b) "Board" means the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.
AB935-ASA1, s. 56m 11Section 56m. 146.59 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,39,1612 146.59 (2) (b) If a contractual services agreement is terminated under s. 233.04
13(4m) (b), the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board may negotiate and
14enter into a contractual services agreement with the University of Wisconsin
15Hospitals and Clinics Authority or the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
16System under s. 233.04 (4m) (b).
AB935-ASA1, s. 57 17Section 57. 146.59 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB935-ASA1,39,2318 146.59 (3) (a) Any contractual services agreement under sub. (2) may include
19a provision that authorizes the authority to perform specified duties for the board
20with respect to employes of the board. This authorization may include duties related
21to supervising employes, taking disciplinary action or recommending new hires or
22layoffs, or with respect to collective bargaining, claims, complaints, or benefits and
23records administration.
AB935-ASA1,40,224 (b) Any authorization under par. (a) shall comply with all applicable provisions
25of subch. V of ch. 111 and ch. 230, any delegation of authority by the department of

1employment relations to the board, and any collective bargaining agreement with
2respect to employes of the board.
AB935-ASA1, s. 58 3Section 58. 190.13 of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, is
4amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,40,14 5190.13 Report to stockholders. Every railroad corporation shall make an
6annual report to its stockholders of its operations for the preceding calendar year, or
7for its fiscal year, as the case may be, which report shall contain a balance sheet
8showing its assets and liabilities, its capital stock, and funded debt, and an income
9account showing its operating revenues, operating expenses, gross and net income,
10as the result of its traffic or business operations, and such other information in
11respect of its affairs as the board of directors shall deem advisable. A copy of each
12such report shall be kept on file in its principal office in this state, shall be mailed
13to each stockholder whose post-office address is known and shall be filed with the
14department of financial institutions office of the commissioner of railroads.
AB935-ASA1, s. 59 15Section 59. 220.02 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
16is renumbered 409.411 (2) and amended to read:
AB935-ASA1,40,2117 409.411 (2) The division department shall establish and maintain, in
18consultation with the uniform commercial code statewide lien system council,
19computer and any other services necessary to support the uniform commercial code
20statewide lien system under s. 409.410 but may not maintain a central filing system,
21as defined in 7 USC 1631 (c) (2), for farm products, as defined in 7 USC 1631 (c) (5).
AB935-ASA1, s. 60g 22Section 60g. 230.08 (2) (e) 4m. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
23Act 27
, is amended to read: