SB614-SSA1,37,223 196.49 (3) (b) 3. When placed in operation, add to the cost of service without
24proportionately increasing the value or available quantity of service unless the

1public utility or regulated district waives consideration by the commission, in the
2fixation of rates, of such consequent increase of cost of service.
SB614-SSA1, s. 111 3Section 111. 196.49 (3) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB614-SSA1,37,94 196.49 (3) (e) Before the first day of the 13th month beginning after the
5effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], this subsection does not
6apply to a project with a total cost that is not more than $1,000,000. Beginning on
7the first day of the 13th month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph
8.... [revisor inserts date], this subsection does not apply to any project of a regulated
9district that does not exceed a dollar amount established by the commission by rule.
SB614-SSA1, s. 112 10Section 112. 196.49 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,37,1911 196.49 (6) If the commission finds that any public utility or regulated district
12has taken or is about to take an action which violates or disregards a rule or special
13order under this section, the commission, in its own name either before or after
14investigation or public hearing and either before or after issuing any additional
15orders or directions it deems proper, may bring an action in the circuit court of Dane
16county to enjoin the action. If necessary to preserve the existing state of affairs, the
17court may issue a temporary injunction pending a hearing upon the merits. An
18appeal from an order or judgment of the circuit court may be taken to the court of
SB614-SSA1, s. 113 20Section 113. 196.525 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,38,421 196.525 (1) (intro.) Except under rules prescribed by the commission, a public
22utility or regulated district may not lend funds or credit to any of its officers or
23directors by any of the following and a regulated district or a public utility other than
24a telecommunications utility may not lend funds or credit to any corporation, except
25a public utility or regulated district subject to the regulatory powers of the

1commission, if the corporation holds, directly or indirectly through any chain of
2ownership, 5% or more of the voting stock of the public utility or renders any
3managerial, supervising, engineering, legal, accounting or financial service to the
4public utility or regulated district by any of the following:
SB614-SSA1, s. 114 5Section 114. 196.525 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,38,126 196.525 (2) Any contract made in violation of this section shall be void and
7subject to cancellation and recoupment by action at law. If a contract is made
8contrary to the provisions of this section, the commission, after notice and hearing,
9may order the public utility or regulated district to take steps within 30 days to
10recover the funds or assets thus illegally loaned or transferred by action at law or
11other proceedings which will effectively release the public utility or regulated district
12from the contract as surety, guarantor or endorser.
SB614-SSA1, s. 115 13Section 115. 196.525 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,38,1814 196.525 (3) Any director, treasurer or other officer or agent of a public utility
15who makes or votes to authorize a transaction in violation of this section may be fined
16not more than $10,000. Any commissioner, officer or agent of a regulated district who
17makes or votes to authorize a transaction in violation of this section may be fined not
18more than $10,000.
SB614-SSA1, s. 116 19Section 116. 196.58 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,39,220 196.58 (1) (a) Determine by contract, ordinance or resolution the quality and
21character of each kind of product or service to be furnished or rendered by any public
22utility or regulated district within the municipality and all other terms and
23conditions, consistent with this chapter and ch. 197, upon which the public utility or
24regulated district
may be permitted to occupy the streets, highways or other public

1places within the municipality. The contract, ordinance or resolution shall be in force
2and on its face reasonable.
SB614-SSA1, s. 117 3Section 117. 196.58 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,39,94 196.58 (1) (b) Require of any public utility or regulated district any addition
5or extension to its physical plant within the municipality as shall be reasonable and
6necessary in the interest of the public, and designate the location and nature of the
7addition or extension, the time within which it must be completed, and any condition
8under which it must be constructed, subject to review by the commission under sub.
SB614-SSA1, s. 118 10Section 118. 196.58 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,39,1411 196.58 (4) Upon complaint made by a public utility , a regulated district or by
12any qualified complainant under s. 196.26, the commission shall set a hearing and
13if it finds a contract, ordinance or resolution under sub. (1) to be unreasonable, the
14contract, ordinance or resolution shall be void.
SB614-SSA1, s. 119 15Section 119. 196.58 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,39,2016 196.58 (5) The commission shall have original and concurrent jurisdiction with
17municipalities to require extensions of service and to regulate service of public
18utilities and regulated districts. Nothing in this section shall limit the power of the
19commission to act on its own motion to require extensions of service and to regulate
20the service of public utilities and regulated districts.
SB614-SSA1, s. 120 21Section 120. 196.595 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,39,22 22196.595 (title) Utility advertising Advertising practices.
SB614-SSA1, s. 121 23Section 121. 196.595 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.595 (1) (a) 1. Printed and published material and descriptive literature of
2a public utility or a regulated district used in newspapers, magazines, radio and TV
3scripts, billboards and similar displays.
SB614-SSA1, s. 122 4Section 122. 196.595 (1) (a) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,40,95 196.595 (1) (a) 1m. Any material which provides information favorable to a
6public utility or a regulated district on any issue about which the utility or district
7is attempting to influence legislative or administrative action by direct oral or
8written communication with any elective state official, agency official or legislative
9employe if the practice is regulated under subch. III of ch. 13.
SB614-SSA1, s. 123 10Section 123. 196.595 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,40,1511 196.595 (1) (a) 2. Descriptive literature and sales aids of all kinds issued by a
12public utility or a regulated district for presentation to utility or district consumers
13and other members of the public, including but not limited to any material enclosed
14with or added to a utility billing statement, circulars, leaflets, booklets, depictions,
15illustrations and form letters.
SB614-SSA1, s. 124 16Section 124. 196.595 (1) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,40,1917 196.595 (1) (a) 4. Other materials and procedures enumerated by rule of the
18commission which promote or provide information to the public about a public utility
19or a regulated district.
SB614-SSA1, s. 125 20Section 125. 196.595 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,40,2321 196.595 (1) (b) "Expenditure" means any cost of advertising directly incurred
22by a public utility or a regulated district and any cost of advertising incurred by
23contribution to parent or affiliated companies or to trade associations.
SB614-SSA1, s. 126 24Section 126. 196.595 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.595 (2) (intro.) A public utility and a regulated district may not charge its
2ratepayers for any expenditure for advertising unless the advertising:
SB614-SSA1, s. 127 3Section 127. 196.60 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,41,134 196.60 (1) (a) Except as provided under sub. (2), no a public utility, and no
5regulated district, or an agent, as defined in s. 196.66 (3) (a), or officer of a public
6utility or regulated district, directly or indirectly, may not charge, demand, collect or
7receive from any person more or less compensation for any service rendered or to be
8rendered by it in or affecting or relating to the production, transmission, delivery or
9furnishing of heat, light, water, sewerage service, telecommunications service or
10power or for any service in connection therewith, than that prescribed in the
11published schedules or tariffs then in force, or established under this chapter, or than
12it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person for a like
13contemporaneous service.
SB614-SSA1,41,1714 (b) A public utility, regulated district or an agent that violates par. (a) shall be
15deemed guilty of unjust discrimination and shall forfeit not less than $100 nor more
16than $5,000 for each offense. An officer who violates par. (a) shall be fined not less
17than $50 nor more than $2,500 for each offense.
SB614-SSA1, s. 128 18Section 128. 196.60 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,41,2419 196.60 (3) If a public utility or regulated district gives an unreasonable
20preference or advantage to any person or subjects any person to any unreasonable
21prejudice or disadvantage, the public utility shall be deemed or regulated district is
22guilty of unjust discrimination. A public utility violating or a regulated district that
this subsection shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $5,000 for each
SB614-SSA1, s. 129 25Section 129. 196.604 of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.604 Rebates, concessions and discriminations unlawful. No person
2may knowingly solicit, accept or receive any rebate, concession or discrimination
3from a public utility or regulated district for any service in or affecting or relating to
4the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water, sewerage
or power or the conveying of telephone messages within this state or for any
6connected service whereby the service is rendered or is to be rendered free or at a rate
7less than the rate named in the schedules and tariffs in force, or whereby any other
8service or advantage is received. Any person violating this section shall be fined not
9less than $50 nor more than $5,000 for each offense.
SB614-SSA1, s. 130 10Section 130. 196.61 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,42,21 11196.61 Facilities in exchange for compensation prohibited. A public
12utility or regulated district may not demand, charge, collect or receive from any
13person less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by the public
14utility or regulated district in return for the furnishing by that person of any part of
15the facilities incident to the service. This section may not be construed to prohibit
16any public utility from renting any facility relating to the production, transmission,
17delivery or furnishing of heat, light, water, telecommunications service or power and
18from paying a reasonable rental for the facility. This section may not be construed
19to require any public utility or regulated district to furnish any part of any appliance
20which is at the premises of any consumer, except meters and appliances for
21measurements of any product or service, unless the commission orders otherwise.
SB614-SSA1, s. 131 22Section 131. 196.635 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,42,25 23196.635 Unbilled utility service. (intro.) All service supplied by a public
24utility or regulated district must be billed within 2 years of such service. No customer
25shall be liable for unbilled service 2 years after the date of the service unless:
SB614-SSA1, s. 132
1Section 132. 196.635 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,43,52 196.635 (1) The public utility or regulated district made a reasonable effort to
3measure the service, but the customer did not allow the public utility or regulated
access to any device, including but not limited to a meter, necessary to
5measure service.
SB614-SSA1, s. 133 6Section 133. 196.64 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,43,8 7196.64 (title) Public utilities and regulated districts, liability for treble
SB614-SSA1, s. 134 9Section 134. 196.64 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,43,1910 196.64 (1) If a director, officer, employe or agent of a public utility or a
11commissioner, officer, employe or agent of a regulated district
, in the course of the
12discharge of his or her duties, wilfully, wantonly or recklessly does, causes or permits
13to be done any matter, act or thing prohibited or declared to be unlawful under this
14chapter or ch. 197, or wilfully, wantonly or recklessly fails to do any act, matter or
15thing required to be done under this chapter, the public utility shall be or regulated
16district is
liable to the person injured thereby in treble the amount of damages
17sustained in consequence of the violation. No A recovery as in under this section
18provided shall does not affect a recovery by the state of the penalty prescribed for
19such violation.
SB614-SSA1, s. 135 20Section 135. 196.643 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,44,821 196.643 (1) Responsible party. When a customer terminates service to the
22customer's rental dwelling unit, a public utility or regulated district shall make
23reasonable attempt to identify the party responsible for service to the rental dwelling
24unit after the customer's termination. If a responsible party cannot be identified, the
25public utility or regulated district may give the owner written notice by regular or

1other mail of the public utility's intent to hold the owner responsible for service to the
2rental dwelling unit. The owner shall not be responsible for service if the public
3utility does not give the notice under this subsection or if, within 15 days after the
4date the notice is mailed, the owner notifies the public utility or regulated district
5of the name of the party responsible for service to the rental dwelling unit or notifies
6the public utility or regulated district that service to the rental dwelling unit should
7be terminated and affirms that service termination will not endanger human health
8or life or cause damage to property.
SB614-SSA1, s. 136 9Section 136. 196.65 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,44,1410 196.65 (1) (intro.) An officer of a public utility or of a regulated district shall
11be fined not less than $100 nor more than $2,500, or an agent, as defined in s. 196.66
12(3) (a), shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 or an employe of a
13public utility or of a regulated district shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than
14$1,000 for each offense if the officer, agent or employe does any of the following:
SB614-SSA1, s. 137 15Section 137. 196.65 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,44,1916 196.65 (1) (e) Upon proper demand, fails or refuses to exhibit to the commission
17or any commissioner or any person authorized to examine it any record of the public
18utility or regulated district which is in the possession or under the control of the
19officer, agent or employe.
SB614-SSA1, s. 138 20Section 138. 196.65 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,44,2521 196.65 (2) A penalty of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 shall be
22recovered from the public utility or regulated district for each offense under sub. (1)
23if the officer, agent or employe of the public utility or of the regulated district acted
24in obedience to the direction, instruction or request of the public utility, the regulated
or any general officer of the public utility or regulated district.
SB614-SSA1, s. 139
1Section 139. 196.66 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,45,82 196.66 (1) General forfeiture; failure to obey. If any public utility or
3regulated district
violates this chapter or ch. 197 or fails or refuses to perform any
4duty enjoined upon it for which a penalty has not been provided, or fails, neglects or
5refuses to obey any lawful requirement or order of the commission or the governing
6body of a municipality or a sanitary commission or any judgment or decree of any
7court upon its application, for every violation, failure or refusal the public utility or
8regulated district
shall forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $5,000.
SB614-SSA1, s. 140 9Section 140. 196.66 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,45,1510 196.66 (2) Each day separate offense. Every day during which any public
11utility, regulated district or any officer, agent, as defined in sub. (3) (a), or employe
12of a public utility or regulated district fails to comply with any order or direction of
13the commission or to perform any duty enjoined by this chapter or ch. 197 shall
14constitute a separate and distinct violation under sub. (1). If the order is suspended,
15stayed or enjoined, this penalty shall not accrue.
SB614-SSA1, s. 141 16Section 141. 196.66 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,45,1917 196.66 (3) (a) In this subsection, "agent" means an authorized person who acts
18on behalf of or at the direction of a public utility or a regulated district. "Agent" does
19not include a director, officer or employe of a public utility or a regulated district.
SB614-SSA1, s. 142 20Section 142. 196.66 (3) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,45,2421 196.66 (3) (b) (intro.) A court imposing a forfeiture on a public utility, regulated
or an agent, director, officer or employe of a public utility or an agent,
23commissioner, officer or employe of a regulated district
under this chapter shall
24consider all of the following in determining the amount of the forfeiture:
SB614-SSA1, s. 143 25Section 143. 196.66 (3) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.66 (3) (b) 1. The appropriateness of the forfeiture to the volume of business
2of the public utility or regulated district.
SB614-SSA1, s. 144 3Section 144. 196.66 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,46,64 196.66 (3) (b) 3. Any good faith attempt to achieve compliance after the public
5utility, regulated district, agent, director, commissioner, officer or employe receives
6notice of the violation.
SB614-SSA1, s. 145 7Section 145. 196.66 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,46,118 196.66 (4) (b) If a public utility or a regulated district fails to comply with any
9rule, order or direction of the commission after actual receipt by the public utility or
10regulated district
of written notice from the commission specifying the failure, the
11maximum forfeiture under sub. (1) shall be $15,000.
SB614-SSA1, s. 146 12Section 146. 196.68 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,46,21 13196.68 Municipal officers, malfeasance. If any officer of a regulated
14district or of
a municipality which owns or operates a public utility does, causes or
15permits to be done any matter, act or thing prohibited or declared to be unlawful
16under this chapter or ch. 197 or omits, fails, neglects or refuses to perform any duty
17which is enjoined upon him or her and which relates directly or indirectly to the
18enforcement of this chapter and ch. 197, or if the officer omits, fails, neglects or
19refuses to obey any lawful requirement or order of the commission or any judgment
20or decree of a court upon its application, for every such violation, failure or refusal
21the officer shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $2,500.
SB614-SSA1, s. 147 22Section 147. 196.69 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,47,6 23196.69 Interference with commission's equipment. (1) If any person
24destroys, injures or interferes with any apparatus or appliance owned, in the charge
25of or operated by the commission or its agent, the person shall be fined not more than

1$5,000 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both if the person is a public utility,
2regulated district
or an agent, as defined in s. 196.66 (3) (a), fined not more than
3$2,500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both if the person is a director or
4officer of a public utility or a commissioner or officer of a regulated district, or fined
5not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both if the person
6is an employe of a public utility or a regulated district.
SB614-SSA1,47,8 7(2) Any public utility or regulated district permitting a violation of this section
8shall forfeit not more than $5,000 for each offense.
SB614-SSA1, s. 148 9Section 148. 196.70 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,47,16 10196.70 Temporary alteration or suspension of rates. (1) The commission,
11when it deems necessary to prevent injury to the business or interests of the people
12or any public utility or regulated district in case of any emergency to be judged of by
13the commission, may by order temporarily alter, amend, or with the consent of the
14public utility or regulated district concerned, suspend any existing rates, schedules
15and order relating to or affecting any public utility, regulated district or part of any
16public utility or regulated district.
SB614-SSA1,47,19 17(2) The commission may direct an order under sub. (1) to part of a public utility
18or regulated district or to one or more public utilities or regulated districts and may
19prescribe when the order takes effect and for how long the order shall be in effect.
SB614-SSA1, s. 149 20Section 149. 196.72 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,47,21 21196.72 (title) Accidents; public utility report; investigation.
SB614-SSA1, s. 150 22Section 150. 196.72 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,48,223 196.72 (1) (a) The commission may issue orders or rules, after hearing,
24requiring public utilities and regulated districts to record or report accidents which
25occur upon the public utilities' premises of public utilities or regulated districts or

1which arise directly or indirectly from, or are connected with, the public utilities'
2maintenance or operation of the public utilities or regulated districts.
SB614-SSA1, s. 151 3Section 151. 196.72 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,48,94 196.72 (2) The commission shall investigate any accident under sub. (1) if the
5commission deems that the public interest requires it. The commission shall hold
6the investigation in the locality of the accident, unless it is more convenient to hold
7it at some other place. The commission may adjourn the investigation from place to
8place. The commission shall give the public utility or regulated district reasonable
9notice of the time and place of the investigation.
SB614-SSA1, s. 152 10Section 152. 196.78 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SSA1,48,18 11196.78 Voluntary dissolution. No corporation or limited liability company
12owning or operating a public utility may be dissolved unless the commission
13consents. A regulated district may not dissolve unless both the commission and the
14department of natural resources consent to its dissolution
. The commission may
15consent only after hearing. The commission shall give at least 30 days' notice to each
16municipality in which the public utility or regulated district is operated and an
17opportunity to be heard to each municipality and to the stockholders in the
18corporation or members of a limited liability company.
SB614-SSA1, s. 153 19Section 153. 196.79 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: