Butane and butane lighters: sale to persons under age 18 prohibited -  SB312
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  AB936
Campaign finance law revisions re contribution limitations, conduits, public grants to candidates and designation on income tax form -  SB380
Child safety restraint system use violations: forfeiture modified  - AB802
Child safety seats in taxicabs: requirements created -  SB79
Childbirth: insurance coverage of hospital or home care required; duration specified -  SB463
Children riding within truck cargo areas: use of safety belts or child safety restraint systems required  - AB252
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to minors: penalties revised - AB125
Cigarette vending machines: public access restricted for persons under age 18 -  AB359
Claims against governmental bodies and their officers, employes or agents: applicability of notice of claims statute - SB42
Clean energy rebate program created in DOA -  SB453
Collect telephone calls under certain conditions prohibited -  SB328
Commercial fishing catch quota: DNR to establish formula; fishing boards to make recommendations  - SB457
Condemnation proceedings: award of litigation expenses modified -  SB310
Consumer transactions in which customer owes debt to any person: state law to cover -  SB115
Corporate income and franchise tax rates and capital gains revised; corporate minimum tax created  - AB990
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemption re certain trout streams eliminated - AB1062
Cranberry cultivation dams, ditches and drains: exemption re certain trout streams eliminated - SB664
Credit life insurance: age restrictions revised -  AB84
Crimes against children under age 13: maximum period of imprisonment raised re exposing genitals or pubic area  - SB669
Criminal discovery laws revised - AB721
Domestic and child abuse victims: certain insurance practices prohibited -  AB292
Domestic and child abuse victims: certain insurance practices prohibited -  SB138
Educational support personnel in WRS: annuity calculation revised -  AB420
Employe meal and rest periods: requirements revised and expanded -  AB524
EMS: additional traffic violation surcharge imposed; distribution of funds required -  AB348
Energy efficiency loans: DOA may award to local units of government -  SB455
Environmental audits: privilege created for voluntary compliance; forfeiture immunity for disclosure of certain violations of environmental laws -  SB185
Environmental law revisions re industrial facility concentration and permits, laws enforcement, hazards mitigation, impact statements and patient health care records; Environmental justice board created in DOJ; DHSS study of health problems related to pollution -  SB434
Environmental remediation: income and franchise tax credits extended -  SB611
Family involvement in education projects: State superintendent to award grants -  AB171
Fingerprint report of certain Milwaukee police identification unit at preliminary examination: procedures revised  - SB665
Fingerprints and other information from persons: revision re misdemeanors, controlled substance or public assistance crimes -  AB112
Firearm restrictions expanded re safety devices and gunshot wound reporting requirements; civil and criminal liability exemption provided -  AB504
Full-time court commissioner in county with population of 500,000: powers expanded re misdemeanor cases  - SB438
Graffiti: crime created re marking of property without owner's consent -  AB10
Green headlamps and tail lamps on motorcycles permitted -  AB1014
Groundwater standards for mining activities and mining waste facilities: exemption and separate provision eliminated  - SB308
Handgun sales waiting period increased; felony charge extention eliminated -  SB476
Health care providers with financial interest in health care entity: patient referral prohibitions expanded; exceptions provided; Cost containment commission duties set  - SB640
Hearing examiner substitution in WC cases permitted -  AB938
HIRSP premium rate: OCI authority to set revised -  AB1066
Historic buildings: unauthorized demolition prohibited -  SB145
Homestead credit: household income deduction for claimant's spouse provided -  AB191
Hours that children may work revised -  AB333
I 43 in Milwaukee county: portion repaved -  SB136
Immunizations for children: health insurance policy coverage required -  AB615
Insurance agent required to disclose identifying information from national or statewide data base  - AB649
Interstate marketing of state-inspected meat: Congress urged to allow (memorial to Congress) -  SJR25
Investment board administrative expenses and investment performance: annual report required - SB394
Investment board membership revised -  SB377
Investments by local governmental units of funds not immediately needed revised -  AB349
Labor disputes: eligibility of certain employes for UC benefits  - SB444
Looking into a building for sexual purposes: new crime created  - SB670
Lottery retailers council created -  SB126
MA benefits recovery from estates: provisions re 1993 WisAct 437 revised -  SB140
MA discrimination in nursing homes prohibited; admission procedures established; private cause of action created  - AB890
Malt liquor: sale of container holding more than a quart prohibited -  AB460
Mass transit expenses: income tax exemption created for certain employer-paid fringe benefits -  SB303
Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact revised - SB332
Milwaukee lake schooner project proclaimed an official sesquicentennial project -  SJR20
Milwaukee sesquicentennial commended -  SJR49
Mining on lands owned by or under the jurisdiction of DNR prohibited; liability for damages provided; NRB sale of land restricted -  SB307
Mining permit: information requirements and conditions for denial revised -  SB304
Minority health board established; grants program created; report required -  SB233
MMSD boundary revised; city, village or town may discontinue services; arrearages payment provision  - SB630
Motor vehicle inspectors classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  SB27
Motor vehicle insurance policy rate setting within certain federal metropolitan statistical area -  AB137
Motor vehicle insurance policy rate setting within certain federal metropolitan statistical area -  SB106
Motor vehicle leases: disclosure requirements created -  AB870
Motor vehicle theft prevention program, board and fund created; hotline established -  SB116
Motor vehicle transfer of ownership procedure revised re co-owner signature -  AB523
National girls and women in sports day proclaimed -  SJR4
Navigable stream, flowage or river bed: DNR report required re affect of legislation on -  SB666
Northern Ireland: requirements for Investment board created -  SB407
Pabst Theater declared an official state historic theater - SJR43
Passenger rail projects commission created; DOT to establish and maintain state passenger rail plan  - SB487
Pediatric health care: insurance coverage of preventive services required -  AB456
Personnel record: employe inspection with translator assistance permitted -  AB1081
Pesticide regulation and rules approval re groundwater contamination; atrazine use prohibited; ATCP board membership revised -  SB305
Pole vault landing pads: standard for public schools -  AB65
Police vehicle traffic speed monitoring devices or video equipment exempt from restrictions re obstruction of operator's view - AB956
Political contributions by certain committees during certain periods prohibited -  AB3
Political party affiliation or support: use of state funds to question individuals prohibited -  AB577
Prescription drug label: expiration date required -  SB36
Psychiatrists employed by or under contract to a county: state agent status created; liability insurance provision  - SB661
Public employe disclosure of certain information: court may grant treble damages for retaliatory action by employer  - AB963
Public records: civil penalties created for unauthorized destruction, concealment, removal or damage  - SB452
Radar detector and detection jamming device: sale and use for motor vehicles prohibited -  AB700